

  Business Correspondence is communication or exchange of information in a written form for the purpose of business activities. What Business Communication Means: Business Communication includes any kind of communication that occurs within the business context. Business communication includes customer relations, marketing, branding, advertising, etc, All managerial or administrative activities involve business communication be it planning, organizing, recruiting or decision - making. Effective business communication serves as a yardstick to measure the success or growth of an organisation. Business communication can be both oral and written. Oral forms of Business Communication are: seminars, interviews, group discussions, etc. Written forms of Business Communication are: Memos, Reports, Research papers, Proposals, Circulars, etc. The Main Features of Effective Business Etiquette: The word 'etiquette' refers to the norms and standards of behaviour that govern socially accepted


NOTE MAKING Note Making leads to a higher order of thinking. You analyse, interpret, personalize and enhance comprehension when you make notes. Benefits of Note making: 1. To remember important information. 2. To clarify learning material. 3. To have material for discussion. 4. To gather material for assignments. 5. To prepare for examinations and other tests. Methods to make and organise notes: Summaries, tables, mind maps, concept maps, time lines, cause and effect diagrams. Note Making in visual Form: 1. Concentrate on the gist of the subject, forget the trimmings. 2. Write short sentences using own words but keep to the meaning. 3. Condense material to grasp quickly. 4. Rework notes to make it clear. 5. Review notes periodically to achieve lasting memory. Note making - summarizing Summarizing is condensing source material into just a few lines using own words. Steps to follow when summarizing 1. Before writing the summary, read, mark and annotate the original. 2. Support the topic


  Reading is a basic life skill. The ability to read well ensures personal fulfilment.  The Importance of Reading: Reading is an important Receptive Skill. It helps to acquire knowledge of the world and that of a language. Reading is an opening to a wide variety of linguistic forms, new grammar and vocabulary. Reading develops imagination, entertains and plays a key role in socialization. Developing Reading Readiness: Pre- reading skills: 1. Learning the sounds of language. 2. Understanding the alphabetic principle - how letters represent sounds. 3. Listening to Oral language and Vocabulary. 4. Listening to others read. Note: The right exposure, practice in the use of words and language , adequate cognitive (understanding) development, will help to acquire reading. Methods of Learning Reading: The Phonic Method stresses on letter- sound correspondence. This helps beginners understand how letters are linked to sounds (phonemes). Patterns of letter- sounds correspond to spelling. This kn

2. Listening Skills

 Good communication requires good listening skills. Good listening leads to easy communication.  Define the process of listening. The process of listening involves: hearing decoding comprehending retaining  responding Stages of Listening  Stage 1 : Start with a message Stage 2 : Transmitter encodes the message Stage 3 : Basic Communication process, Encoded message is transmitted Stage 4 : Encoded message is received Stage 5 : Receiver decodes the message Hearing is a physical act. Words sent out by the speaker are received. They are then further processed by the listener. Decoding involves sensing and filtering of the verbal messages that are heard. Decoding is a conscious act. Comprehending is understanding the meaning of the filtered message. This act is known as absorption or assimilation. The message at this stage has been heard, sensed, filtered and interpreted. This act of interpreting, requires listener's own knowledge, experience, perception and cognitive ( understanding) p

1.2. Interviews

 An Interview is generally a two party conversation in which one or both parties have a specific purpose. Definition: An Interview is a dialogue between the interviewer ( the one who asks questions ) and the interviewee (the one who responds to them). It is usually a face to face conversation for the specific purpose of evaluating intelligence, training, progress or aptitude of a prospective employee or student.    Important factors for Success in an Interview: Being well- read with an adequate knowledge of the Subject and also Current Affairs. Having effective Communication Skills. Making a good First- Impression. Displaying a Positive Body Language. Adopting Active Listening Skills. Showing Honesty and Integrity. Exhibiting Leadership Skills. Major Skills and qualities expected of a candidate: Positive attitude towards work. Proficiency in the field of study. Oral and written communication skills. Interpersonal skills. Critical thinking and problem- solving skills. Self- motivation a

1.1 Formal and Informal Conversation- Conversation in the Workplace

 A conversation is a free-flowing interactive communication between two or more people. General Features of a Conversation: * A conversation usually takes place in an informal setting. * The language used is informal. * There is no well defined speaker or listener, as a conversation involves an ongoing interaction. * Though thoughts, ideas and information are exchanged, they are often loosely organized, sometimes with no clear purpose. * Generally conversations are just a series of fragments that may or may not fit into a whole. Example of an everyday conversation: A: How is your day going? B: Quite busy. I'm preparing for my presentation tomorrow C: What's the topic? B: Marketing Techniques C: How's your neighbour Satish? A: He's fine. He's getting ready for his Semester Exams. B: I must be going. I've got lots to do.  B: See you C: Good Luck with your presentation. B: Thanks. General topics of Conversation: Friends, College, Duties, Weather, Interests, Sports,

1.3. Public Speaking

  PUBLIC SPEAKING * Public Speaking is the process of speaking to a group of people in a structured, deliberate manner. * Public Speaking is intended to inform, influence or entertain listeners. * Public Speaking is one skill that no successful person can afford to be without. The Importance of Public Speaking: * Public Speaking is a productive skill. * Speaking in front of peers gives practise in the social use of language. Difference between Conversation and Public Speaking:  Public Speaking                                Conversation 1. Formal Language                        1. Informal Language 2. Formal Environment                   2. Informal Environment 3. Large Group                                3. Small Group 4. Clear purpose                              4. Often No Clear Purpose 5. Organized and Planned                5. Loosely Organized 6. More Audience Centered            6. Audience Centered Features of Public Presentation: * Public Speaking defines the role of the