1.1 Formal and Informal Conversation- Conversation in the Workplace

 A conversation is a free-flowing interactive communication between two or more people.

General Features of a Conversation:

* A conversation usually takes place in an informal setting.

* The language used is informal.

* There is no well defined speaker or listener, as a conversation involves an ongoing interaction.

* Though thoughts, ideas and information are exchanged, they are often loosely organized, sometimes with no clear purpose.

* Generally conversations are just a series of fragments that may or may not fit into a whole.

Example of an everyday conversation:

A: How is your day going?

B: Quite busy. I'm preparing for my presentation tomorrow

C: What's the topic?

B: Marketing Techniques

C: How's your neighbour Satish?

A: He's fine. He's getting ready for his Semester Exams.

B: I must be going. I've got lots to do. 

B: See you

C: Good Luck with your presentation.

B: Thanks.

General topics of Conversation: Friends, College, Duties, Weather, Interests, Sports, etc.

How to start a Conversation?

Examples of some Conversation Starters:

1. How are you?

2. Wonderful weather today!

3. Isn't this a beautiful place?

4. I've never heard this music before.

5. How's college?

6. How's your work?

7. That's a lovely watch you're wearing!

How to end a Conversation Smoothly:


1. It was great seeing you again.

2. That was fun.

3. Well! I just wanted to check everything was okay.

4. I won't delay you.

5. It was great talking to you.

6. I really enjoyed talking to you.

7. Have a great day!

Note: Before bidding farewell, make eye contact, shake hands. These gestures reinforce connections and leave both parties feeling good.

Difference between Formal and Informal Conversation:

Formal conversation:

* Formal conversation is used in a more professional setting.

* Sentences are longer and more complex.

* No contracted forms are used.

* Structures are usually in the passive form.

* Formal conversations require official recognition, hence it is usually inflexible by nature.

* Careful attention is given to encoding.

* Due to the correctness of language structure, distortions or misrepresentations are rare.

* A formal conversation gives no scope for emotion, it is in fact more authoritarian.

Example of a Formal Conversation:

Getting an Appointment for an Interview over the Phone:

Interviewer: Good Morning! My name is Rajan. This call is with reference to your advertisement in today's paper for a walk-in interview for the post of Marketing Executive.

Receptionist: Good Morning, Mr. Rajan. You're most welcome to attend the interview. It is going on right now.

Interviewer: Is it alright if I am there by 3 p.m.?

Receptionist: That is not a problem. Interviews will go on till 6 p.m.

Interviewer: Thank You, ma'am. You have been very kind.

Receptionist: You are most welcome. Good Luck!

Informal conversation:

* Informal conversations are more flexible and spontaneous.

* Timing, participants or agenda are not scheduled in advance 

* Informal conversations are interactive by nature.

* The content of the conversation is rich and varied.

* The language is informal.

* Informal conversation support social functions of a group and are casual and relaxed.

Example of an Informal Conversation:

Kiran: Hi Sharath! What a pleasant surprise! Where have you been?

Sharath: Hi Kiran! I was out of town. I just got back. 

Kiran: How about going out for coffee?

Sharath: That would be great! Wait a moment! I'm supposed to meet Manish today.

Kiran: Ask him to come along too. 

Sharath: Ok! That settles it.

Workplace Conversations:

Informal Workplace Conversations:

The Need:

Today more time at the workplace is spent in some type of conversation. These conversations may be face to face, one on one, in teams, over the phone, via emails or even text. Effective workplace conversations provide the key to achieving a balance between workforce and people support. Workplace conversations can help to set expectations, maintaining relationships, motivate employees and achieve desired business results.

Though informal by nature, workplace conversations tend to remain on a professional level. Conversations that outlive their usefulness can get in the way of work done. Exchanges are short yet friendly. Effective workplace conversations are constructive and steer clear of any form of negativity.

Formal Workplace Conversations:

* Formal Communication in the workplace requires thought and planning.

* Reports and data are organized according to a set schedule.

* Formal workplace conversations are goal oriented.

Tips to be a Good Conversationalist:

1. Be a good listener. Maintain eye- contact with the speaker. Pay attention to non-verbal signals. Use body language to signal your interest and attention to the speaker.

2. Ask questions to verify understanding. Use open-end questions to elicit more information. Use close-end questions (Yes/No) for quick clarification.

3. Communicate respectfully. Listen with an open mind. Do not interrupt the speaker.

4. When you speak make sure you are clear and purposeful.

5. Make your actions match your words. Be consistent with verbal and non-verbal communication. 

6. Being an effective workplace conversationalist ensures your success in your workplace.


1. Complete this Informal Conversation between two friends discussing their holiday plans.

Indira: I'm so excited the exams are over. Let's go somewhere for the vacation and celebrate.

Chandra: Yes. I'd love that. Where shall we go?

Indira: I'd like to go to Shillong.

Chandra: Why?








2. Complete this Formal Conversation between a Professor and a Student regarding Project work.

Professor: So, Harish! How's the project coming up?

Student: I'm doing my best to complete it sir.








Post your responses in the comment box.


  1. Princy Venishya.R

    Indira: Because my grandfather's native house was there in shillong.
    Chandra: What's special is there in your grandpa's house?
    Indira: During in night, grandpa was telling bed time stories to me.
    Chandra: Can I join in your vacation trip?
    Indira: Why not, you also be free now, okay you will also come with me.
    Chandra: Thank you Indira.
    Indira: your be welcomed Chandra.

  2. Sankari . C
    II BA English
    Shop keeper: Good morning sir
    Customer: Good morning sir I have to buy the table
    Shop keeper: yes come in sir look at the furniture shop it is new furniture in that shop
    Customer:ok I will go look around (after looking around ) how are all these made what are the materials used
    Shop keeper: this furniture or made using wood and plastic etc
    Customer:ok I would like some plastic furniture I will take this set of table
    Shop keeper : ok I will pack them
    Customer : can you make sure it arrives by next week her is my address
    Shop keeper:ok sir it will arrives next week.thank you for bying
    Customer : Thank you sir

  3. Sri: Hello harini, our holiday is going to begin
    Harini: yeah Sri, have you make any plan to do during the holidays
    Sri : Not yet ya, what about you? Have you planned any more?
    Harini: yes, I have decided to make a trip to banglore
    Sri: Oh that's a good plan.
    Harini: My father's native was Banglore,So we decided as a small picnic
    Sri : What's famous in that place?
    Harini: In banglore we can visit many tourist places, temples and all. The nearby Mysore had a famous palace too.
    Sri: yeah I also heard about the palace. And I am going to discuss about our holiday plan to my father yaa
    Harini okayy have a nice trip to you Tata.
    Sri : let's see you soon harini

  4. V.Jeyaabinaya

    Abi:Hie shree! How did you write your exam
    Shree:I did well.what about you?
    Abi:yes,I did well
    Shree:okk!Then what about our summer vacation?
    Abi:From my side we can go to Kodaikanal
    Shree:yeah! That's great.we can go together and make a trip happy
    Abi: Exactly!And we have to book a room in Kodaikanal for staying purpose.
    Shree:Okay abi! how many we have to stay in Kodaikanal
    Abi:three days.you can book a room for three days
    Shree:sure abi!I will book let you know..see you in a trip

  5. M.C Janani
    II BA English
    Janani: Hi Maha, How are you ?
    Maha: I am fine. What about you ?
    Janani: I am good. How was going your holidays? Our summer holidays were started. ''
    Maha: yaa, Its boring girl. We can plan any outside trip in this holidays. Lets tell where we go?
    Janani: Yahh! thats an good idea. We can go any mall and we can watch new movies ok.
    Maha: Ok we can go . Which mall we can go? and which movie we can go ? Is any new movie released ?
    Janani: We shall go vijaya nexus mall or phenix mall. Yes new movies end all released.
    Maha: Ohh okiee. Then we ca go phenix mall. What movie?
    Janani: Mamannan. All of them saying that this movie is good. So let we can go to this movie tommorrow.
    Maha: Ahh sure. We can go tommorow it self.

  6. Jale Nemeshika.s
    II B.A English

    Meera: Hello evana; How are u been doing

    Evana: yeah I am doing great meera what about you

    Meera: I am fine evana then what about our holiday plans

    Evana: great question meera actually I planned to visit goa in next week

    Meera: well evana what about the hotel that we are going to stay

    Evana: I planned and booked one of the luxurious hotel which have all the facilities in the hotel

    Meera :That's good to hear How many days we are going to stay there

    Evana:For one week meera we can stay there and visit all the famous churches, beaches and shopping malls

    Meera: Nice evana,then when we are going to return

    Evana: After one week we can return on sunday night meera

    Meera: okay evana did you packed ur clothes and accessories

    Evana: not yet meera can you help to pack my clothes by today

    Meera: sure evana..

    Evana : okay meera thanks in advance..

  7. B.Sindhuja
    2nd BCA

    Student A: Hey hi what's your plan for the semester Holidays.
    Student B: I planned to go yercard and beach.
    Student A: Wow! That's sounds great.
    Student B: yeah! Then what's your plan.
    Student A : I don't have any plans.
    Student B: Then what are you going to do in holidays.
    Student A: Simply eat, sleep,work that's it.
    Student B: haha that's what always you do.
    Student A: That's right okay see you after the holidays.
    Student B: Okay bye ! see you soon.

  8. Damini.M.K
    II BCA Shift-2
    Luna: Hey! What are you planning to do this vacation?
    Hazel: Hello! I haven't planned much. What about you?
    Luna: Oh! Can we both plan to go somewhere then?
    Hazel: I'm down! Tell me what's on your mind.
    Luna: Our final exams just ended. I want to go somewhere nice. Somewhere we can enjoy with nature.
    Hazel: I agree! We do need some relaxation.
    Luna: Do you have any ideas?
    Hazel: How about a hill station? It'll be so great and relaxing!
    Luna: Sure! What about Kodaikanal? It's not too far and so it won't cost much!
    Hazel: Sounds great! I've always wanted to visit Kodaikanal.
    Luna: Yeah, me too! We'll discuss about other things once the trip is confirmed.
    Hazel: Alright then! I'm super excited already!
    Luna: Me too!

  9. Ranjani R
    II BCA Shift-2
    Rhea: Hello Shella! How are you doing?
    Shella: I'm good. How about you?
    Rhea: I'm good as well. Thank you. Have you considered how you'll spend your time off vacation?
    Shella: Uhh I've decided to devote my time to my friends. You should also come with me. We will go on a trip to Iceland.
    Rhea: Yeah, sure. I'm overwhelmed to come with you, Shella.
    Shella: Before that, we will purchase some new dresses and things on this Sunday.
    Rhea: Sure, Shella. Where will we go for shopping? And what time will we go?
    Shella: We'll go to our favorite spot in T-Nagar at 10:00 AM.
    Rhea: Okay, Shella! We'll meet on Sunday.
    Shella: Bye bye, Rhea. Take care.
    Rhea: Bye, Shella. See you.

  10. Keerthana.V
    Ramya: Hello! Maya, How are you? And what about your holiday plans after the semester examination?
    Maya: Hey! Ramya, I'm good thanks for asking. I have some plans for upcoming holidays
    Ramya: What are the plans do you have?
    Maya: My family members are planning to go some temples like tirupathi, meenakshi amman temple at madurai. Me and my friends are planned to go trips like hill stations.
    Ramya: wow! Your plans arre good and what are the plans for other days?
    Maya: I want to improve my type writing skill so I want to go class for that and chilling at home, small shoppings. What about your plans Ramya for this holidays?
    Ramya: I planned to go water parks like MGM, VGP and aquarium park with my family ,small trips with my cousin's and movie with friends.
    Maya: Nice! Ramya your holiday plans are too good, we are definitely going to enjoy our holidays.
    Ramya: Yes! Maya, I'm so excited for this holidays. Now come maya let we start study for the exams.
    Maya: I'm also excited and eagerly waiting for our holidays. Okay! Maya we will start studying.

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  12. Sujitha.S
    II Bcom general B
    Indira: I'm so excited the exams are over. Let's go somewhere for the vacation and celebrate.

    Chandra: Yes. I'd love that. Where shall we go?

    Indira: I'd like to go to Shillong.

    Chandra: Why?

    Indira: because it's beautiful place i would like to see

    Chandra: okay but shall we also consider other places

    Indira: okay . So what are all the places we can go

    Chandra: ladakh

    Indira: why?

    Chandra: because the climate is so awesome and we can take a road trip it will be more fun

    Indira: great! it sounds more fun

  13. Jaanu: Hey Abisha How are you?

    Abisha: Hi Jaanu Im doing well and you?

    Jaanu: I'm good too. What about the holiday plans?

    Abisha: I have no plans at all.What were you thinking?

    Jaanu: How about a road trip? We can explore different cities and towns nearby.

    Abisha: That's amazing! I've always wanted to go on a road trip. Where should we start?

    Jaanu: Let's start by driving to the vellore golden temple. We shall spend two days there.

    Abisha: That's so nice to visit a temple in the begining of our journey.Then what next?

    Jaanu: After the temple we will go to ooty hill stations That will be a superb place to enjoy with nature.

    Abisha: I love nature ! It will be nice to be surrounded by nature and enjoy the fresh air.

    Jaanu: Exactly! We will set up a bonfire and have a cookout while sharing stories.

    Abisha: This is going to be a perfect adventurous day. What about the remaining days?

    Jaanu: I was thinking we can visit an amusement park nearby. We can enjoy rides like Roller coasters, giant wheel,water slides, games and lots of fun.

    Abisha: I love amusement parks. It will bring out the kid in me.

    Jaanu: That's the spirit! And for the last few days what shall we do. Do you have any other interesting activities?

    Abisha: Shopping is my favorite activity! In the last few days we just relax and go for shopping in the city.I can't wait to check out all the trendy stores.

    Jaanu: That's a great idea and also need to buy ooty chocolates, fruits,snacks and gifts for my family.

    Abisha: yeah my mom asking for an original kerala saree from so many days. I will buy it and gift for her she will be very happy.

    Jaanu: These up coming 10 days will be an unforgettable and also memorable days in our life abisha.we must capture every moment of it.

    Abisha: ofcourse jaanu. Im very excited to enjoy the holidays with you. I can't wait to start our journey.

    Jaanu: im very grateful to have such a good, funny and adventurous friend like you. Let's execute our plan by tomorrow morning.

    Abisha: yeah ok. See you tomorrow jaanu.

    II BCA Shift 2
    Tara: Hey! Sara, How are you?
    Finally we finished our semester exam and gonna get into our holidays.
    Sara: Yah! Tara, I'm fine What about you? Yasss! I'm very excited to enjoy the beautiful days.
    Tara: So, then come on,
    Let us discuss our plans together to how to spend those 10 days.
    Sara: Yah I have an idea,
    Recently I heard about an offer on MGM tickets it's on sale for Rs500 now but the actual price was Rs700 then So, I thought to go to that, shall we go together?
    Tara: Oh! really? Yes I'll definitely come with you it's a nice offer.
    Sara: Ok then I'll book the tickets in online for us.
    Tara: Ok Sara, And after that there is a famous shop called Havmor which is located on the backside of my house it's renovated now and they introduced some new and variety of flavors on their dishes and it's reopening on 14/7/23(friday) So we'll go to eat there.
    Sara: Ok sure we'll go, And I want to ask you one more thing.
    I'm going to my grandma's house on Sunday will you join with me, I'll promise you we'll definitely get a superb lunch over there, because she cook such good and healthy food and the tasty is delicious.
    Tara: Ok I'll ask my mom and confirm about this to you.
    Sara: Ok sure Tara, I'm so excited that we are going to enjoy our holidays together.
    Tara: Yah! Me too Sara.
    Sara: Ok bye will meet you soon.
    Tara:Yeah sure.

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  16. This comment has been removed by the author.

  17. Name: Maitri Sheth
    Dept: II BCA - Shift II
    Reg. No. : 212205184

    Avi: Hey Chavi, how have you been?
    Chavi: Hi Avi. I've been great, what about you?
    Avi: I'm doing fine, thanks. What are you up to these days?
    Chavi: Not much, I'm creating some resin art and regaining my touch with art in general. Apart from that, I don't have much to do. So, I feel bored most of the time. What have you been doing?
    Avi: It's nice to see the artist back to their art, haha. And it's the same with me, I've been reading a couple of books on storywriting and learning about different directorial camera angles. I, too, feel bored apart from this.
    Chavi: Oh well, do you wanna go for a short trip?
    Avi: A trip, eh? Sounds fun, but where can we possibly go?
    Chavi: We can discuss and finalize upon that. Let's meet tomorrow morning, and bring some ideas along. I'll think of something as well.
    Avi: Done, we'll meet at our spot at around 10 in the morning. I'm getting excited for this now!
    Chavi: Yeah, me too! Okay then, see you tomorrow. Bye!
    Avi: See you, bye!

  18. Name: pooja m
    Dept: 2 bca shift 2
    Rejester no: 212205165
    Friend 1: hey buddy long time no see
    Friend 2: yea mate
    Friend 1:how was your holidays
    Friend 2: chill bro. It was super fun
    Friend 1: oh nice bro
    Friend 2: what about you
    Friend 1:sup, i went on a trip
    Friend 2:oh nice which place
    Friend 1:it's a dam good place kodugu malai
    Friend 2:i wish next time.i can visit there
    Friend 1:yup I too suggest you to go there and chill

  19. Name:P. Sharmila
    Dept:2 bca shift 2
    Register no:212205173
    Nikitha :Hi dear, what's your plan in semester holiday were we are going
    Sharmila :Hi buddy, i have planned to go theme park.
    Nikitha :ohh okk why you planned to that place
    Sharmila: yeahh its to hot that's why i planned to theme park.
    Nikitha :yeahh of course its to hot your right.
    Sharmila :ok buddy is this ok for you dear can we go there itself.
    Nikitha: yeah sure dear we can go there itself its fine also.
    Sharmila :ok dear when we are going and decided the time. And tell me.
    Nikitha ok sure i will tell you wr can enjoy there.
    Sharmila :sure dear meet you there take care.

  20. Sarah Fathima A
    Alana: Hi Sarah! My family and I have planned our vacation to The Wild Planet in Nilgiris.
    Sarah: Hi! sounds like a fun plan. I will let you know by tonight because i would have to have a word with my parents if they would like to join us.
    Alana: Yes you can convince your parents to come along as its just not my family we have 6 other family friends joining us.it will be an amazing experience with so many people around.
    Sarah: WOW! Thats great , it will be super fun with every body around . I am already excited ,looking forward for it.
    Alana: I have shared the PDF of the location, you get to see the ambience and the rates of the properties.
    Sarah: Oh nice, i will check it out and also show my parents.... The place looks so peaceful and beautiful . I love such places where nature is surrounded by, this is a perfect place for summer vacation and the place i enjoy visiting . We could do campfire , barbeque and play games under the woods .
    Alana: OH then you should join us for sure you will love each and everything .
    Sarah: I cant wait! Have you decided on the dates ? and also are we doing a road trip ? i love road trips .
    Alana: We planned on going by train and coming back by plane ,the initial plan was to go by road but we have a plan B . Have not confirmed on the dates yet ,but will let you know soon . It would mostly by the 1st week of next month.
    Sarah: Train journey with so many people together will be super entertaining and fun time along on the journey . We can play together in the whole journey , eat and have fun together . I will get back to you with what my parents decided . See you in a while .

      Tanisha: Hi Maria! How are you?
      Maria: I am fine. How about you?
      Tansiha: I am fine too. Thank you. Aren't you excited about vacations?
      Maria: I am so excited about it, because last year, i could not make plans due to the corona-virus. But this year I have planned a lot of things.
      Tanisha: yes, you are right. Corona-virus has greatly planning to do?
      Maria: I am thinking of journey a painting class and also working in a Nga for the poor.
      Tanisha: That is such a great way to spend the summer.
      Maria: Yes truly, what is your plan?
      Tanisha: I want to develop my english skills during this time.
      Maria: I Highly appreciate your plan. English is an international language in the world , we have no option but to learn it.
      Tanisha: Resides, you know I am weak in my academic english, I want to remove this weakness.
      Maria: I think your plan is very good. You have got a good opportunity to develop your english skills.
      Tanisha: You also have got a good chance to learn painting and also working for poor in
      Maria: Thank you very much.
      Tanisha: You're welcome.

  21. V.Pooja Rakshana
    II BCA shift 2
    Jeya:Hi Viji ! How are you?
    Viji:Hi Jeya! , I’m fine, thank you and how are you?
    Jeya:I’m good too.
    Viji:what about you? Any special plans for the holidays?
    Jeya:oh yes! My parents and I are planning to visit my grandma in my native place so that we could spend some good time with her
    Viji:wow! where is your native place?
    Jeya:My native place is Kerala.
    Viji:Are you also going to visit some of the famous places around there like the palakkad, Kozhikode? I heard kerala has many wonderful places . In fact, it’s very beautiful.
    Jeya:Yes viji, I will say that you should once plan to visit there. I’m sure you will love it.
    Viji:yes I would love to visit there at least once. In fact we all friends can plan a vacation there together.
    Jeya:sure a trip with friends, sounds good.
    Viji:ok jeya, so see you once you’re back, we will plan for another trip with our friends.
    Jeya:take care,bye!

  22. N. Devadharshini
    II BCA Shift 2
    Deva:hey! How are you?
    Dhara:yeah! Iam good. Whatsup?

    Deva:do you have any plans for sem holidays?
    Dhara:No, I don't have any plans .

    Deva:I have plans can we go to the tripe for holidays?
    Dhara:ok! Iam ready for that trip where we can go now?

    Deva:tell me the good place for the trip?
    Dhara:we can go for hill stations, that is a very good place to enjoy it.

    Deva :ok iam ready with this plan we can go and enjoy it!
    Dhara:ok we can do this.

  23. Akshaya. N
    2 bcom ca

    Indira: I'm so excited the exams are over. Let's go somewhere for the vacation and celebrate.

    Chandra: Yes. I'd love that. Where shall we go?

    Indira: I'd like to go to Shillong.

    Chandra: Why?

    Indira: it is because I wanted to go there since 2018

    Chandra:ohh okay then let's go there , but what do we do there ?

    Indira: we can go sightseeing, hiking , paragliding and also trekking

    Chandra: wowww , are these things available there ???

    Indira:yeppp , we have to split the works though.

    Chandra: I'll book the tickets and you can handle the places to visit

    Indira: okay , I'm up for it .

  24. Vasundhara S
    ll B.com General
    Me:Hey, What's your plan for the vacation?
    Deepa: I have planned to go to Kodaikanal.What about you?
    Me:Well I taught of going to Badhri.
    Deepa :Bhadri, but why ?
    Me: Well it's a greate place and a cold place for Summer,also we have lot of mountain and glaciers
    Deepa: Sounds greate.
    How about we will go together?
    Me:Sure will go.

  25. S.Aswini
    Aswini:Hi!Swetha how are you
    Swetha:I am fine.you
    Aswini:fine.what is the plan in semester holiday.
    Swetha:My plan in holiday is going to my village and i see my grandparents.
    Swetha:What about you aswini.
    Aswini:my plan is going to family trip at Kerala for three days.
    Swetha:oh.very nice.what places to see in Kerala you plan.
    Aswini: kochi,waterfalls,hills and booting to see in Kerala.
    Swetha:oh.you can see temple in Kerala is very beautiful.
    Aswini:oh.sure,I can see.OK bye.see you later.
    Swetha:ok.enjoy your holiday.bye.see you.

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  28. Swetha: Hello achu! How are you?

    Achu: I am fine. What's up to you?

    Swetha: I am also fine by the grace of Almighty. What are you thinking now?

    Achu: I am recollecting the incident about how I enjoyed the summer vacation.

    Swetha: Would you please describe it?

    Achu: Yes, why not? I went to my village home at Mymensingh. My heart leapt with joy when I met some known faces waiting for me.

    Swetha: Were they very happy to find you among them?

    Achu: Certainly! They were very happy to find me among them. They welcomed me heartily. I was also pleased with their rustic simplicity.

    Swetha: What did you do there?

    Achu: During my long stay there, I did a lot of things which gave me much pleasure and joy. The most interesting thing is that the village was free from urban noise.

    Swetha: Didn't you go to the river?

    Achu: Certainly! One day my cousin along with his friends set a programme of boat riding in the river of Brahamaputra. We enjoyed the boat riding greatly.

    Swetha: I see you enjoyed much. Did you make friendship with them?

    Achu: Yes. I made friendship with some of my cousin’s friends. I visited their homes off and on and enjoyed their hospitality.

    Swetha: Oh, what a splendid summer vacation it was! Had I been with you!

    Achu: I also visited a village fair in the neighbouring village. That was a very crowded but enjoyable fair too. It would really be nice if you were with me.

    Swetha: Really I feel thrill. Thanks for your nice description.
    Achu: Most welcome to you.

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  31. Maala : Hyy buddy ! How are you?

    Oviya: I am fine maala , and what about you?

    Maala : After a long time we are speaking together.

    Oviya :yes,I am very happy to
    call you.

    Maala: Hey, I had some parcels for you.
    Are you at home?

    Oviya: Yes, I'm at home.

    Maala: Okay, I'll send you the parcels then.

    Oviya: I'll receive your parcels.

    Maala: Are you ready to receive the parcels?

    Oviya: Yes, I'm ready to receive the

    Maala: I'll send you 10 parcels
    in one shipment.

    Oviya: Can you send 5 parcels though?

    Maala: Sure. I'll send you 5 parcels.

    Oviya : thank you so much maala.I am excited to see the parcel

  32. Divyashree.S
    II B.COM [GENERAL] - "B"


    1. Complete this Informal Conversation between two friends discussing their holiday plans.

    Indira: I'm so excited the exams are over. Let's go somewhere for the vacation and celebrate.

    Chandra: Yes. I'd love that. Where shall we go?

    Indira: I'd like to go to Shillong.

    Chandra: Why?

    Indira: Because it's a beautiful place to visit. We can see various museums, waterfalls and gardens.

    Chandra: That's a great idea but, don't you think the climate will be chilly and freezing during this time of the year?

    Indira: Yes you're right. I totally forgot about it. Do you have any plans for places to visit in these holidays?

    Chandra: What do you reckon about we going to Goa? I mean we can enjoy the beaches, forts, the market place and there is so much more.

    Indira: Absolutely! How come I forgot about this amazing destination? Even I wanted to visit Goa.

    Chandra: Then Goa it is. Let's start packing our luggages. We will definitely enjoy these holidays. There is no doubt about it.

    Indira: That's True. Goa here we come to explore!

    2. Complete this Formal Conversation between a Professor and a Student regarding Project work.

    Professor: So, Harish! How's the project coming up?

    Student: I'm doing my best to complete it sir.

    Professor: I see that you are putting a lot of efforts into this project but, ensure that you complete it before the deadline.

    Student: Yes Sir. Sir, can't the deadline be extended because I think the time period is short for the big project.

    Professor: No Harish. The deadline can't be extended. We want to see what you all can do for this project in a limited time frame.

    Student: Ok Sir. Sir, can you see this project done so far and say if any changes are needed in it?

    Professor: Yes, let me have a look at your project. I suggest you to explain the concepts elaborately and give real-life examples wherever it is possible.

    Student: Sure Sir. I will do that.

    Professor: Ok Harish, All the Best with your project!

    Student: Thank you Sir.

  33. G.Gayathri
    2nd BCA shift 2
    Gayathri:Hi aswini how are you?
    Aswini:I am fine
    Gayathri:how is going your semester holiday
    Aswini:yeah gayu it's good
    Gayathri:what is the plan in semester holiday
    Aswini:my friends planning from Goa trip
    Gayathri:oh aswini is nice place to see
    Aswini:what is your plan ?
    Gayathri:I go to my native place Selam
    Aswini:nice place gayathri what place to see in Selam ?
    Gayathri:yercaud,kiliyur water falls,yercaud rose garden to see in Selam
    Aswini:yercaud is nice place to
    Gayathri:yes aswini ok byee
    Awsini:ok byee enjoy your holiday

  34. This comment has been removed by the author.


    II B.Com Computer Application
    Shift 2

    Indira: Last week I saw one post in the social media it filled with hills and different kinds of flowers that make my vision wondering and I also decided to go for that place
    Chandra: Oh really! That's nicee can you share that post with me.
    Indira: Sure , I will send you within an hour
    Chandra: Okay, I also talk with my father and covey you what his wish .
    Indira: Yeah okay , Chandra convey me within a week so that I can plan our trip with an idea.
    Chandra: okay dear, I will ping you and bye see you soon.
    Indira : Tata!!

    2. Professor: Have your group cooperating with you?
    Student : yes,sir without their support I am just a part they making the project more productive
    Professor: Great!
    Student: Thank you sir.
    Professor: I am sure that your team present well and I also support you what ever you need.
    Student: Sure sir we will give our best and Thank you for your kind.

  36. Niranjana M
    II B.Com CA


    Friend1:The sun's bright smile and the ambience in this place is so nice and this coffee with savories adds on more freshness to me.

    Friend2:Yes you are right! I think this is the perfect time to plan for our holiday, what do you say?

    Friend1:Absolutely! Go on do you have places in your mind?

    Friend2: Yes I made a homework regarding this yesterday.

    Friend1:Amazing! come on drop your ideas then.

    Friend2: Within India I thought of Ladakh,Ranikhet,Kumarakom,Jaipur,Surat and goa and outside India I thought of bali,paris,veitnam,norway and Rome.

    Friend1:The picks are too good!

    Friend2: Do you have anything in your mind?

    Friend1: Yes! I thought of planning within India as last year only we went to Bangkok. So if you are fine can we plan within India this time?

    Friend2: Yes you are right! I will go with you. So tell me your expectations like how you want to spend this year's holiday?

    Friend1: I want to embrace the nature this time like I want to experience the green forest and the rhythm of waters from the rivers.

    Friend2: There is one stop destination to all your expectations and that too in our south India Itself.


    Friend2: Kerala! We have Munnar,kochi,thekkady,thiruvanandhapuram and many more amazing places over there.

    Friend1: Yes, you are right! so then lets book our tickets now itself!!

    Friend2: Sure!! By the way, how long our trip will be.

    Friend1: We can plan for 20 days, so that it will be sufficient to cover all the places.

    Friend2: okay then, I will Book accordingly.
    Friend2:Booking done! Lets pack our bags then.

    Friend1:Okay! I hope this holiday will be a memorable one for us.


  37. Aanandavarshini R B
    II Bcom CA shift 2
    Aniee: Hlo Joe...!! How have you been!!??
    Joe: I'm doing good what about you?
    Anie: yeah I'm good! By the way for our summer vacation have you thought about how to spend the holidays!?
    Joe: I have decided to visit my grandparents house which is far away from here!!
    Anie:Oh! That's cool.
    Joe: I'm excited to visit my grandparents and to see the beautiful place.
    Anie: Okayy!!Happy to hear that.. Guess where I'm going.!
    Joe: I have no idea Anie u tell me!!?
    Anie: I'm going to visit my cousins house and spend time with them.
    Joe: That's cool Aniee!

  38. Asmitha Harini. S
    II BcomCA Shift - 2
    The conversation between two friends discussing their holiday plans
    Asmitha:Hi Swathi! How are you?
    Swathi : Hi Asmitha, I’m fine, thank you and how are you?
    what a pleasant surprise to see you here!
    Asmitha : I’m good too, just here to buy a new PlayStation so that I could spend my time in the holidays chilling at home with my PlayStation.
    Swathi : Oh that’s nice.
    Asmitha : what about you? Any special plans for the holidays?
    Swathi : oh yes! My parents and I are planning to visit my grandma in Dubai so that we could spend some quality time with her.
    Asmitha : wow! That seems fun. Are you also going to visit some of the famous places around there like the Burj khalifa? I heard Dubai has many wonderful places which are worth visiting. In fact, it’s very beautiful.
    Swathi: Yes Asmitha it’s a magnificent place and I will say that you should once plan to visit there. I’m sure you will love it.
    Asmitha : yes I would love to visit there at least once. In fact we all friends can plan a vacation there together.
    Swathi: sure a trip with friends, sounds good.
    Well, Asmitha, I think that I should take leave as I’m still left with
    some shopping and packing. You know I’m always the late one.
    Asmitha : ok swathi, so see you once you’re back, we will plan something and do keep sharing pictures of Dubai.

  39. Nivedha shyla .A
    II Bcom CA - Shift -2
    Nivedha : Heloo Naziya ; how are you
    Naziya : Hii Nivedha ; im good , how about you?
    Nivedha : Im Great ; what are the plans for our summer holidays ?
    Naziya : Im going to visit Munnar with my family.
    Nivedha : That sounds great !!! enjoy
    Naziya: thanks ! What is your plans for our holiday
    Nivedha : Im going to my native place Delhi to see my grand parents .
    Naziya: Woww do share your pics with me .
    Nivedha : Sure !! i will share you ; bye see you later; Happy journey
    Naziya : Thank you ! byee Happy journey !!

  40. M.Abinaya
    2nd Bcom CA
    Rita: Hi Renu, How are you?
    Renu: Hiii Rita, I'm great how are you?
    Rita: Yeah I'm good!
    Renu: Finally our exams are over and it's holiday time!! I can't wait to enjoy it. By the way what are your plans for the holiday?
    Rita: Me and my parents we have decided to go to Switzerland to my aunt's house and I'm so excited to send time with my cousins
    Renu: Oh That's so cool!
    Rita: what are your plans Renu?
    Renu: I'm going to our family's lake house which is in the UK
    Rita : Oh That's great.
    Renu: we're going to have so much fun
    Rita: Yes! Anyways see you after the holidays Renu. Have a great one
    Renu: Sure Rita! You too
    Renu: bye

  41. T. Antony Myrnaah
    2nd Bcom CA
    Dharshana : Hey Aishu, now that we have a few days off this weekend and on Monday, why don’t we plan a short trip?
    Aishu : Yeah I was thinking about the same. We both need time to relax too. I am a bit too tired from working constantly. I need a break!
    Dharshana : Yeah me too. This is why I am asking to go on a short trip together. What do you say?
    Aishu : Yeah. Let’s plan!
    Dharshana : I already have a place in mind.
    Aishu : And what is that?
    Dharshana : Let’s go to Queens land! You even have a car and we can go by car and enjoy!
    Aishu : Okay madam! Wherever you want to go!
    Dharshana : Just imagine! We will be in your car and just excited so much to visit that place
    Aishu : Okay now I am excited to go!
    Dharshana : I'm also
    Aishu : hahaha…What about hotel booking?
    Dharshana : Let me check. You check too!
    Aishu: Okay I’ll check it out too!
    Dharshana : Hey I found a hotel that’s fitting in our budget and they have some games! It will be fun!
    Aishu : Amazing! Book it!
    Dharshana : Done! I am so excited!
    Aishu : Me too. Now, don’t you want to pack your bags for the trip?
    Dharshana: Yes yes I want to pack. Are you not going to pack?
    Aishu: I will be packing my things.
    Dharshana: Then let's enjoy this weekend!!

  42. K.Bhuvaneshwari
    2 nd BCA shift 2
    Sai: Hi priya,how are you?
    Priya: I am fine.what about you?
    Sai: I am fine.our exam gets over.Have you thought about how to spend the holidays?
    Priya: Oh yes! My parents are planning to visit my grandparents so that we could spend some quality time with them.
    Sai: wow! That seems good.Are you also going to visit some of the famous places near by your grandparents house.
    Priya: Yes Sai.Near my grandparents house there is a famous temple we are going to visit that temple.I will say that you should once plan to visit there.Im sure you love it.
    Sai: Yes I would Love to visit there atleast once.In fact we all friends can plan a vacation there together.
    Priya: Sure a trip with friends, sounds good.
    Sai: ok priya,so see you once you are back we will plan something and do keep sharing picture of the temple.
    Priya: Sure Sai.bye .take care.

  43. V. Aarthi
    Bcom(CA) shift 2
    Nisha: Good morning Naila, how are you?
    Naila: Good morning, I am fine. What about you?

    Nisha: I am fine too. So how was your holiday?
    Naila: It was amazing. Thanks for asking. How was your holiday?

    Nisha: That was great too. So what did you do on this holiday?
    Naila: I went to visit my grandparents in my village and I have spent an entire week there.

    Nisha: Oh, was the fun?
    Naila: Yes, It was a lot of fun. I have lots of cousins in the village and I really love to meet them. I went there for almost a year. Everyone came to meet with me and my family. This is a very good feeling.

    Nisha: Waooo, this is so cool. So how your villages look alike?
    Naila: It’s a small but very beautiful village near a river and on the other side there are big hills.

    Nisha: It seems so beautiful. What have you done there?
    Naila: I visited the river, the hill with my cousins. We went on a journey by boat and enjoyed ourselves a lot. My entire family came together for a picnic in the jungle. Overall that was so much fun.

    Nisha: I am feeling so much excited hearing all these from you. I wish to visit a beautiful village like this.
    VNaila: You are invited to my village with me on my next trip.

    Nisha: Thank you so much Naila. Okay talks to you later, take care.
    Naila: Ok, bye.

  44. Harinii S
    Bcom Gen B shift 2
    Era: Hi! How are you doing Isha?
    Isha: I am good. What about you?
    Era: Hve done eatting. Just gonna take a nap.
    Isha: What are you planning for this holidays?
    Era: Holidays.... I am planing to go for an art exibition. You?
    Isha: Wow! Well I am just trying to join any coures or go for an internship.
    Era: Weren't yiu plannig to go for competitive exams?
    Isha: Yeah but I've changed my mind.
    Era : Oh! ok get going. Bye, will talk later.
    Isha: OK! bye

  45. Sowmmiya Vimalraj
    II B.COM (CA) II

    Anu: Hey, long time no see! How's it going?

    Suresh: I know, it's been ages! I'm good, thanks. We should catch up soon.

    Anu: Absolutely! How about we plan a meetup this weekend?

    Suresh: Sounds great! Any ideas on where we should go?

    Anu: How about that new coffee shop downtown? I heard it's really cozy.

    Suresh: Sure, that works for me. What day and time are you thinking?

    Anu: Saturday afternoon, around 2 PM. Does that work for you?

    Suresh: Perfect! I'll see you there. Looking forward to it!

  46. Ryle:Hai dude
    Atlas:hey Hai
    Ryle:it's been a long we see each other right
    Atlas:yes and what job you are doing
    Ryle:I just post my random thoughts especially pickup lines
    Atlas:what...? You write pickup lines
    Ryle:yes I write I created many
    Atlas:is it can you tell me one...
    Rylw:well let me tell you it's my personal fav here it is"i think I have amneshia coz whenever isee you I forget to blink"
    Atlas :what bro you created a nice pick-up line
    Ryle:not only pickup lines but also some motivational quotes
    Atlas:is it ..?
    Ryle so can you follow my insta page for more
    Atlas: sure why not but can you tell the insta page name
    Ryle:it's kiru__thoughts__
    Atlas:but why it's kiru thoughts
    Ryle:it's my fav person name that's why okay dude catch you later bye......
    Atlas:sure dude bye

  47. 2 BCom CA Shift-2
    V.YuvaShree 312216413
    Anjali – Hi, Raj. How was your weekend?

    Raj – Hey, Anjali. My weekend was great. I watched a great movie.

    Anjali – Oh really? What was the name of the movie you watched?

    Raj – I watched Avengers Endgame. It is the last movie of the Avengers.

    Anjali – Oh, I have watched Avengers Endgame too. I loved the movie.

    Raj – Really? Who is your favourite Avenger?

    Anjali – I can’t name one! Iron Man, Thor, Captain America, Captain Marvel, Scarlet Witch and Black Widow, to name a few.

    Raj – Wow, you have some of the strongest Avengers there! I have the same choice except that I loved Spider Man too.

    Anjali – My sister took me to see the movie as soon as it was released. Both me and my sister have been great fans of Avengers since childhood.

    Raj – Oh wow! I am myself a big fan of Avengers and have watched all the movies. I too wanted to go to the theatre and watch the movie, but I was out of station for a family function.

    Anjali – Oh I see. The movie stood up to all the expectations that the audience had after watching the trailer. In fact, I would say the movie surpassed expectations.

    Raj – Very true. There was no better way to finish the Avengers, I believe. The movie just took me through a rollercoaster of emotions.

    Anjali – True! Just when I was feeling happy that the Avengers got rid of Thanos for good, the next moment I was bawling my eyes out seeing Iron Man had sacrificed himself to save the world and everyone else.

    Raj – We can’t ever see Black Widow, Iron Man and Captain America ever in any Marvel movies.

    Anjali – Yes, very sad. Anyway it was nice talking to you. See you tomorrow in school. Bye.

    Raj – Same here. Bye.

  48. 2 Bcom CA 312216392
    Professor: So, rithi How's the project coming up?

    Student: I'm doing my best to complete it sir.

    Professor: oh really I am waiting to see it.

    Student: I will do my best in the project sir.

    Professor: great!

    Student: thank you sir.

  49. 2 BCom CA Shift -2
    R.N.Monisha 312216382
    Kevin: I am amazing.

    Jade: Great, take the seat, this seat is empty.

    Kevin: Long time, no see?

    Jade: Yeah, been busy with college. What about you?

    Kevin: Same! I have been busy with college too! What are you doing now?

    Jade: I just finished my graduation. What are you doing?

    Kevin: I am doing Homeopathy at a nearby college.

    Jade: That’s nice! How come you are on this train today?

    Kevin: My college is here so I travel every day by this train. How come you are here today?

    Jade: We had our convocation today, so everyone had to come and collect their degree!

    Kevin: Oh congratulations!

    Jade: Thank you. I have been traveling by this train throughout my graduation years and it is one of the best trains.

    Kevin: Yeah I know, it is always empty and we always get a seat for ourselves!

    Jade: This is the exact reason why I used to board this train all the time.

    Kevin: After being tired for the whole day, it is a relief to board an empty train!

    Jade: I know that feeling! Hey, what about your Homeopathy? When is your course coming to an end?

    Kevin: Oh it is going to take another year. I also have to intern compulsorily and only then I and other students will get a degree!

    Jade: One more year to go!

    Kevin: Yeah, I hope it goes well!

    Jade: Don’t worry! It will go well.

    Kevin: I think the train has reached! It was good meeting you after a long time!

    Jade: Yeah, it was nice to see you too. Anyway, we will meet soon. Till then, all the best and take care! Bye.

    Jade: Yeah, I’ll see you soon! You take care too! Bye.

  50. Jezeela banu.M
    2nd Bcom(CA)shift 2
    Nathan: Hey, Alicia?

    Alicia: Oh hey, I didn’t see you there. Did you already get a table?

    Nathan: Yeah, right over here.

    Alicia: I’m glad we had time to meet up.

    Nathan: Me too. So, what’s going on?

    Alicia: Oh, not much. You?

    Nathan: Not much. Hey, how did your interview go? Wasn’t that today?

    Alicia: Oh, yeah. I think it went well. I don’t know if I got the job yet, but they said they would call in a few days.

    Nathan: Well, I’m sure you did great. Good luck.

    Alicia: Thanks. I’m just happy that it’s over. I was really nervous about it.

    Nathan: I can understand that. I get nervous before interviews, too.

    Alicia: Well, thanks for being supportive. I appreciate it.

    Nathan: Sure, no problem.

  51. Preethi.D
    Rohit: Hey, what’s up?

    Mahesh: Everything is going smooth. What about you?

    Rohit: Same here. What’s your plan for this weekend?

    Mahesh: Nothing much. Do you have something in mind?

    Rohit: I’ve been thinking about going out on a picnic since the last weekend. What do you say?

    Mahesh: Not a bad idea. I’m up for it. Even I’ve been tired of loitering around malls and movie theaters on the weekends. Outdoors would be great. Do you’ve a location in mind?

    Rohit: How about Tava? It’s relatively remote and just three-hour drive. We can in fact stay a night there in the government guest house maintained by the forest department.

    Mahesh: Can you tell more about the place? What activities we can take to there?

    Rohit: The guest house is located on a small hillock overlooking the backwaters of a dam. It’s picturesque. We can make the guest house our base and undertake different activities in the surrounding area.

    Mahesh: The location sounds exciting.

    Rohit: We can hike down from the guest house to the backwater in an hour or so, spend some time there, then walk on a different trail, and then finally walk back up to the guest house in the evening. We can also take boat ride on the backwater, but for that we’ll have to walk 2-3 kilometers, which isn’t a big deal. There is forest all around that area, and on the next day we can loiter around. You’ll get perfect solitude in the area.

    Mahesh: Can we cook own food? Because that’s a key ingredient of any picnic.

    Rohit: I’m not sure about it. We can carry the raw material, but we can get confirmation only when we reach there.

    Mahesh: OK.

    Rohit: I forgot to mention that we can even play volleyball or cricket close to the bank of the backwater, which has a sandy beach.

    Mahesh: Sandy beach, wow!

    Rohit: It’s not like what you’ll get on a coastline, but it’s awesome considering the fact that it’s so close to us. OK, so what’s the plan?

    Mahesh: I’m definitely in. Let’s ask few more friends. We should aim for 5-6.

    Rohit: Agree. Once we’ve people in, we can pool in different resources – food, vehicle, and other items.

    Mahesh: Let’s speak to others today and get the final consent by tomorrow.

    Rohit: Sounds good.

  52. V.swetha
    B.com CA shift 2
    Yuvi :Hie Aishu! How did you write your exam
    Aishu :I did well.what about you?
    Yuvi : yes,I did well
    Aishu : okk!Then what about our summer vacation?
    Yuvi : From my side we can go to Kodaikanal
    Aishu : yeah! That's great.we can go together and make a trip happy
    Yuvi : Exactly!And we have to book a room in Kodaikanal for staying purpose.
    Aishu : Okay yuvi! how many we have to stay in Kodaikanal
    Yuvi : three days.you can book a room for three days
    Aishu : sure yuvi! will book let you know..see you in a trip

  53. Yuvashree. S
    B.Com General Shift II
    Indira: I'm so excited the exams are over. Let's go somewhere for the vacation and celebrate.

    Chandra: Yes. I'd love that. Where shall we go?

    Indira: I'd like to go to Shillong.

    Chandra: Why?
    Indira: Shillong is a beautiful and a serene place! It'd be great to celebrate the holidays there.
    Chandra: What is so special about Shillong.
    Indira: As I said people usually visit Shillong to enjoy the beauty of the nature and to experience the great climate.
    Chandra: I too personally feel that Shillong is a great option for vacation.
    Indira: If we finalize this place then we will have to book for the flight tickets and plan for accommodation.
    Chandra: Yeah, planning priorly will help us in reducing the cost of tickets.
    Indira: We will talk with others regarding this and will finalize things shortly.

    Complete this Formal Conversation between a Professor and a Student regarding Project work.

    Professor: So, Harish! How's the project coming up?

    Student: I'm doing my best to complete it sir.

    Professor: That's good to hear, Harish. Can you give me a brief update on your progress? Have you encountered any challenges or obstacles?

    Student: Well, I've made some significant progress with the research and data collection. I've also started outlining the project report. However, I've run into a few issues with the data analysis part that I'm trying to resolve.

    Professor: I see. What specific challenges are you facing with the data analysis, and have you tried any potential solutions yet?

    Student: The dataset I'm working with has missing values and some inconsistencies. I've been trying to clean the data, but it's a bit time-consuming. I've also been exploring different statistical techniques to analyze the data effectively. So, I'm still in the process of refining my approach.

    Professor: It's great that you're addressing these issues. Data cleaning can indeed be time-consuming but is crucial for accurate analysis. Have you considered seeking any assistance or using any specialized tools for data cleaning?

    Student: I've looked into some data cleaning tools, and I've been discussing my approach with some classmates who have experience in this area. They've been providing some valuable insights, and I'm making progress. I'm also considering consulting you for some guidance once I've explored more options.

    Professor: That sounds like a reasonable plan. Feel free to reach out to me if you need guidance or have specific questions. It's good to see you actively seeking solutions. Keep up the good work, Harish, and make sure to maintain a structured timeline for your project to ensure its timely completion.

    Student: Thank you, sir. I appreciate your support and will certainly keep you updated on my progress.

    Professor: You're welcome, Harish. Best of luck with the project, and I'm looking forward to your updates. If you have any major breakthroughs or need further assistance, don't hesitate to contact me.

  55. Vaishnavi J
    II BCA Shift-2
    Priya: Hey Tanya. How are you doing?
    Tanya: I'm doing great how about you.
    Priya: I'm fine. The vacation has started so what's your plan.
    Tanya: Actually I don't have anything really planned. Just chilling at home is my plane.
    Priya: Oh is that so, then why don't we plan something together for the vacation because even I don't have anything planned.
    Tanya: Yeah sure what shall we do this vacation then?
    Priya: Let's go out on a trip.
    Tanya: Wow that sounds like a great plan. Where shall we go?
    Priya: Why don't we go to Kodaikanal?
    Tanya: Yeah!! That's a good place to visit but I have been there so many times. So why don't we go somewhere else maybe.
    Priya: What about Kerala?
    Tanya: Great idea. That's the best place to visit at this season. Let's go to Kerala.
    Priya: Let's start this weekend and come back in a week.
    Tanya: Cool. It sounds like a fun trip.
    Priya: Yeah!!!! Let's meet this weekend. Pack up all the essential.

  56. This comment has been removed by the author.

  57. Prasanna Kumari R
    2 Bcom CA

    Suja : Hurrah! ten days to the holidays.

    Ruba : I know. I have been counting the days. I am just
    Excited .

    Suja : So am I. What are you going to do with your these holidays?

    Ruba : I should like to go for long place for a change . Going to native place for holidays are boring . Just want to explore many things .

    Suja : Oh, I shall go to Kerala . It's the place of nature I am damn sure to explore many things there

    Ruba: well I'm planning to visit hill station with my
    parents .

    Suja : Make sure to enjoy the holidays

    Ruba: yep sure ! You too bye

    Suja : bye!

  58. Indira:I so excited to go after exam for the vacation
    Chandra:yaa lets make fun
    Indira: pack all the dress and important items to travel
    Chandra : I already packed
    Indira:ok its go

  59. This comment has been removed by the author.

  60. Sudharsini B P 2ndbcom Gen

    1. Indira: I'm so excited the exams are over. Let's go somewhere for the vacation and celebrate.

    Chandra: Yes. I'd love that. Where shall we go?

    Indira: I'd like to go to Shillong.

    Chandra: Why?

    Indira: it's such a beautiful place to send a peaceful vacation and mesmerizing combination of waterfalls and forest

    Chandra:  Interesting... what is the cost for per person ?

    Indira:  it might cost around 25000 per person for 4days and 3 nights excluding traveling charges

    Chandra:  okaayy for me

    Indira: cool!! Let's go to Shillong

    2.Professor: So, Harish! How's the project coming up?

    Student: I'm doing my best to complete it sir.

    Professor: You can always come to me if you need any guidance

    Student: I appreciate you support.  I'll make sure to reach out if I have any questions

    Professor: sounds good. Make sure to double check everthing before submitting .

    Student:  Definitely Professor.

  61. This comment has been removed by the author.

  62. Name : Srinithi S R
    Reg No : 312216308
    Class : II B.Com ( General )

    Tia : Hey Ria, how are you ?
    Ria : Hiii, I am good. How are you ?
    Tia : I am good. Do you have any plans on going out on these summer holidays ?
    Ria : Yeahh, of course I am planning to go on a trip to an hill station this time.
    Tia : Wow !!! That's amazing. You really have great ideas to spend these summer vacations.
    Ria : Well I do love to travel to new places and explore it. So do you have any plans to spend these summer vacation?
    Tia : Yeah, I am planning to spend these vacations in my hometown as I didn't visit there for some months.
    Ria : Ohh !! That's good. It was really good talking to you after so long.
    Tia : Yeah . Ok then see you around.
    Ria : Okay. Byee.

  63. Jene angel.P
    II B.com CA

    Priya: How are you Ramya?

    Ramya: I am fine, Priya. What about you?

    Priya: Fine too.

    Ramya: So College has begun again, and how was your vacation?

    Priya: We went to Rajasthan. We spent 3 days there in a resort. We spent a night camping near a Desert.

    Ramya: You have done so much adventure. How was your visit?

    Priya: That was such fun. I have lots more cousins there. I love visiting them. My grandmother is an interesting person. She tells many stories. Every night we listen to many stories from her. That was a great experience for me.

  64. Jayashree.S
    2nd BCA Shift 2
    Nethra: Hello dia; How are u been doing

    Nethra: yeah I am doing great dia what about you

    Nethra: I am fine dia then what about our holiday plans

    Dia: great question nethra actually I planned to visit goa in next week

    Nethra: well what about the hotel that we are going to stay

    Dia: I planned and booked one of the luxurious hotel which have all the facilities in the hotel

    Nethra :That's good to hear How many days we are going to stay there

    Dia:For one week meera we can stay there and visit all the famous churches, beaches and shopping malls

    Nethra: Nice ,then when we are going to return

    Dia: After one week we can return on sunday night

    Dia: okay nethra did you packed ur clothes and accessories

    Dia: not yet nethra can you help to pack my clothes by today

    Nethra: sure..

    Dia: okay Nethra thanks in advance..

  65. Ranjitha.P
    2 nd BCA Shift-2

    Indira: I'm so excited the exams are over. Let's go somewhere for the vacation and celebrate.

    Chandra: Yes. I'd love that. Where shall we go?

    Indira: I'd like to go to Shillong.

    Chandra: Why?

    Indira: because it's beautiful place i would like to see

    Chandra: okay but shall we also consider other places

    Indira: okay . So what are all the places we can go

    Chandra: ladakh

    Indira: why?

    Chandra: because the climate is so awesome and we can take a road trip it will be more fun

    Indira: great! it sounds more fun

  66. Sahana
    B.com gen
    Indira: I'm so excited the exams are over. Let's go somewhere for the vacation and celebrate.

    Chandra: Yes. I'd love that. Where shall we go?

    Indira: I'd like to go to Shillong.

    Chandra: Why?

    Indira: because i dreamt to go to shillong just to see elephant falls.

    Chandra: elephant falls that's actually great!

    Indira:yeah!! We can travel by plane it may took 15 to 16 hours.

    Chandra: that's a long travel.

    Indira:yeah but we can have lot of fun in there and theme park is also near there.

    Chandra: that's sounds pretty good.

    Indira:okay lets go and have fun...

    II B.COM(CA)
    Manju: Hey Raj, how are you ?
    Raj: Hiii, I am good. How are you ?
    Manju : I am good. Do you have any plans on going out on these summer holidays ?
    Raj: Yeahh, of course I am planning to go on a trip to an hill station this time.
    Manju : Wow !!! That's amazing. You really have great ideas to spend these summer vacations.
    Raj: Well I do love to travel to new places and explore it. So do you have any plans to spend these summer vacation?
    Manju : Yeah, I am planning to spend these vacations in my hometown as I didn't visit there for some months.
    Raj: Ohh !! That's good. It was really good talking to you after so long.
    Manju: Yeah . Ok then see you around.
    Raj : Okay. Byee.

  68. Sandhiya.C
    II Bcom General
    Me:Hey, What's your plan for the vacation?
    Divya: I have planned to go to Ooty.What about you?
    Me: Well I taught of going to kodaikanal.
    Divya: Kodaikanal, but why?
    Me : Well it's a great place and a cold place for summer.
    Divya: ok ,we will go together?
    Me: sure will go

  69. D.Abirami
    2 B.com.ca
    Sri: Hi, how are you?
    Abi: I am fine, what about you?
    Sri: I am fine, how was the holiday?
    Abi: I am going to trip with my family.
    Sri: ohh super, which place to go for trip.
    Abi: I am going to ooty.
    Sri: ohh, nice place.
    Abi: What about you Sri?
    Sri: I am going to my village.
    Abi: Nice,
    Sri: Ok, enjoy your trip.
    Abi: See you soon.

  70. R.Shrinithi
    2nd BCA shift 2
    Shri—Well, Abdul Latif, only three weeks more to the Matriculation examination!
    Ezzy—Yes, it is coming very near now. | wish it were all over.
    Shri—So do I! And then, no more school.
    Ezzy—Hurrah! What are you going to do when you leave school, shri?
    Shri - my parents are taking me to goa for holidays
    Ezzy– maybe after practice, we can go and eat something?
    Shri– yes! I would love that.
    Ezzy– I also have coupons for the sports museum wanna go with me?
    Shri– you know me so well.

  71. Tejus.M
    II B.com CA

    Indira: I'm so excited the exams are over. Let's go somewhere for the vacation and celebrate.
    Chandra: Yes. I'd love that. Where shall we go?
    Indira: I'd like to go to Shillong.
    Chandra: Why?
    Indira:I like nature place It was a such a beautiful place.
    Chandra: but we can choose another place
    Indira:okay,which place we can go.
    Indira:we go to Shimla
    Chandra: okay we will go

  72. Akshaya V
    B.com CA
    Indira: I'M so excited the exams are over. Let's go somewhere for the vacation and celebrate.
    Chandra: yes I'd love that. Where shall we go?
    Indira: I'd like to go shillong.
    Chandra: why?
    Indira: shillong is a beautiful hill station, that offers mesmerising views of mountains, lakes and waterfall.
    Chandra: interesting I love to go hillstation.
    Indira: you know one thing there was an festival called cherry blossom which was happening next week. I am so excited to see the festival.
    Chandra: what cherry blossom festival what will they do.?
    Indira: The cherry blossom festival is organised to celebrate the mass flow of the local cherry plants on the hill is shillong and around ir. Shillong is a hill station and tourist attraction due to its cool climate and scenic beauty. Cherry blossom festival is another tourist attraction.
    And the festival doesn't stop at music! It has a wide range of activities to cater to all interests. From complaining competitions that celebrate the sprite of fantasy and imagination to the miss and mrs. Cherry blossom pageant where the essence of beauty and grace will be recognised.
    Chandra: Wow!! It's really interesting. I wish I will be there too.
    Indira: Chandra would you like to join with us.
    Chandra: no Indira you just enjoy, have a time with your family.
    Indira: it will be super fun, because me and cousins will be there. If you join us. Its will be super fun, like girls vacation.
    Chandra: okay, Indira I am coming , let's have fun.

  73. Vijayalakshmi.R
    2nd BCA shift II
    Sri: Hello harini, our holiday is going to begin
    Harini: yeah Sri, have you make any plan to do during the holidays
    Sri : Not yet ya, what about you? Have you planned any more?
    Harini: yes, I have decided to make a trip to banglore
    Sri: Oh that's a good plan.
    Harini: My father's native was Banglore,So we decided as a small picnic
    Sri : What's famous in that place?
    Harini: In banglore we can visit many tourist places, temples and all. The nearby Mysore had a famous palace too.
    Sri: yeah I also heard about the palace. And I am going to discuss about our holiday plan to my father yaa
    Harini okayy have a nice trip to you Tata.
    Sri : let's see you soon harini

  74. Janani.R
    B.com.ca shift 2
    Jana: hii janani how are you
    Pan: fine,what about you
    Jan: fine. What's the plan for this holiday.
    Pan: I am going to my native place what about you?
    Jan: Chennai is my native place I can't able to go anywhere.
    Pan: it's okay come with us.
    Jan: thank you for inviting me

  75. Abinaya G
    II-B.A English

    Indira: I'm so excited the exams are over. Let's go somewhere for the vacation and celebrate.

    Chandra: Yes. I'd love that. Where shall we go?

    Indira: I'd like to go to Shillong.

    Chandra: Why?

    Indira: Well, I've heard it's incredibly scenic with lush hills, waterfalls, and the perfect weather. Plus, I've always wanted to explore the Northeast.

    Chandra: That sounds amazing! What's there to do in Shillong?

    Indira: There are beautiful trekking trails, the famous living root bridges, and some great local food to try. It seems like a perfect place to unwind.

    Chandra: You've got me sold! Let's plan our trip to Shillong and make this vacation unforgettable.

    Indira: Absolutely! I can't wait to experience the beauty of Shillong with you, Chandra.

  76. S.P. Shalini Shri
    II- B.com.CA- shift-2
    Pavithra: Hi how are you
    Harini: I am fine
    Pavithra: how did your exams
    Harini: I did well exam and super
    Pavithra: Exams all over
    Harini: yes over
    Pavithra: what is your holidays plan
    Harini: my sister marriage is there I am going to Vellore
    Pavithra: enjoy
    Harini: ok
    Pavithra: After your sister marriage we will go one trip
    Harini: ok what trip
    Pavithra: trip to Bangalore
    Harini: We will go joily
    Pavithra: I miss you take care we meet you soon
    Harini: ok bye take care of your health too ...

  77. G.deepika
    2BCA shift 2
    Friend 1 – (Door bell rings) Hi!! How are you?

    Friend 2 – What a great surprise. Please come in.

    Friend 1 – Than you. It’s such a hot day.
    Friend 2 – Yaah! Just sit for sometime. I will bring something cold to drink.

    Friend 1 – Ok. Come, I have something important to discuss.
    Friend 2 – (After coming with 2 glasses of cold drinks) Yaah tell me know, what you wanted to say.

    Friend 1 – Our exams are over & now its our vacation. Do you have any places on how to spend your vacations?

    Friend 2 – Yaah! I was thinking about that. I think I will spend my vacation watching T.V & sleeping.

    Friend 1 – Oh ho!! What do say? I agree its our vacation. But we should even try to make it productive.

    Friend 2: Sounds interesting. But to make it productive we have to work hard & vacations are for fun.
    Friend 1: Yaah! There are many activities we can do which can be educative as well s fun for us.

    Friend 2: Is it? Tell me something in details.

    Friend 1: Yes, sure. There are many summer camps organised for children which provide fun as well lots of learning opportunities. We can even join to some classes for extra co-curricular activities.

    Friend 2: Oh! I am glad I came to know about so many options. I am ready to join them. You place find a suitable option for both of us.

    Friend 1: Yaah sure. I have contacted 2 of the summer camps. They will inform us shortly.

    Friend 2: I am really exited.
    Same here. Ok its getting late. I will leave now. Mummy must be waiting.

    Friend 2: Inform me about the camp. Bye!!

  78. A.Abinaya
    II b.com CA
    Maya: Heyy Sam , how are you??
    Sam: Hii Maya I'm fine how are you?
    Maya: I'm good. Do you have any plan for this summer vacation.
    Sam: Yeahh I am planning a trip for hill station.
    Maya: That's amazing Sam.
    Sam: Is hill station is okay for you Maya.
    Maya: Okay Sam.
    Sam: That's good then we will catch up there.
    Maya: Okay Sam.
    Sam: Okay byee Maya.

  79. S.divya lakshmi
    Bcom .ca shift 2
    Shopkeeper:Good morning sir
    Customer:Good morning sir i will buy the laptop.
    Shopkeeper: yes sir .look at the laptop and its new features and advanced model.
    Customer: okay.whats the price of the laptop?and offer its going right?
    Shopkeeper:yeah! Offer is going now .
    Customer:what are the colours are avaliable?
    Shopkeeper: only 3 colours ara avalaible sir (black,white,gray)
    Customer : ohh!i want white colour laptop.
    Shopkeeper:ok sir! Once I will check and pack it sir.
    Customer :thanking you for the good product and quality sir.
    Shopkeeper: welcome !

  80. S.varshini
    2nd b.com CA
    Gophica:Hi how are u varshini
    Varshini : fine , what about you
    Gophica : fine.what's about plan for holiday .
    Varshini : I am going to my native place I can't able to go anywhere
    Gophica: it's okay come with me
    Varshini: Thank you for inviting me

  81. B.sujitha
    || BCA shift 2
    Nisha: Good morning Naila, how are you?
    Naila: Good morning, I am fine. What about you?

    Nisha: I am fine too. So how was your holiday?
    Naila: It was amazing. Thanks for asking. How was your holiday?

    Nisha: That was great too. So what did you do on this holiday?
    Naila: I went to visit my grandparents in my village and I have spent an entire week there.Nisha: Oh, was the fun?
    Naila: Yes, It was a lot of fun. I have lots of cousins in the village and I really love to meet them. I went there for almost a year. Everyone came to meet with me and my family. This is a very good feeling.

    Nisha: Waooo, this is so cool. So how your villages look alike?
    Naila: It’s a small but very beautiful village near a river and on the other side there are big hills.

    Nisha: It seems so beautiful. What have you done there?Naila: I visited the river, the hill with my cousins. We went on a journey by boat and enjoyed ourselves a lot. My entire family came together for a picnic in the jungle. Overall that was so much fun.

    Nisha: I am feeling so much excited hearing all these from you. I wish to visit a beautiful village like this.
    Naila: You are invited to my village with me on my next trip.

    Nisha: Thank you so much Naila. Okay talks to you later, take care.
    Naila: Ok, bye.

  82. Vinodhini D
    B. Com(ca) 2nd year
    Patient :hello doctor.
    Doctor :hello,how can I help you?
    Patient :actually doctor, since morning I am having severe stomach pain.
    Doctor :tell me where exactly the pain is?
    Patient :it is somsomewhat near the lower abdomen.
    Doctor :do you have any other symptoms ?
    Patient :no doctor.
    Doctor :what did you eat last night?
    Patient : I had a dinner party with friends in a restaurant.
    Doctor :that's the reason. Don't worry I am prescribing you some medicines, take them regularly and avoid eating outside food.
    Patient :thank you so much doctor.
    Doctor :take care .

  83. Tejaswini k
    B. Com general
    Shift 2

    Teju:: Hello harini, our holiday is going to begin
    Harini: yeah Sri, have you make any plan to do during the holidays
    Teju : Not yet ya, what about you? Have you planned any more?
    Harini: yes, I have decided to make a trip to banglore
    Teju: Oh that's a good plan.
    Harini: My father's native was Banglore,So we decided as a small picnic
    Teju: What's famous in that place?
    Harini: In banglore we can visit many tourist places, temples and all. The nearby Mysore had a famous palace too.
    Teju: yeah I also heard about the palace. And I am going to discuss about our holiday plan to my father yaa
    Harini okayy have a nice trip to you Tata.
    Teju: let's see you soon harini

  84. K. Rajkumari
    2nd B.com(Gen) B section
    Friend A: I am so excited and happy. My summer vacation started today. I am looking forward to many interesting and thrilling events. What about you?
    Friend B : I am in a similar state of mind. Mine are starting from tomorrow onward. I also have many great plans. By the way are you visiting any place in the holidays?
    Friend A : Of course! Rather I am visiting many places. First of all I am going to visit my grandparents’ place in Himachal Pradesh. I will spend a week there. After that father is taking the family to Singapore. For these reasons I am so excited!
    Friend B : That’s great! You are going to have some great fun! I am also going to visit my aunt in Gujarat. From there we are going to Mauritius for a week. The best part is we will be going by ship. It is my first ever sea voyage!
    Friend A : You are also going to have a great fun. Are you carrying books for study?
    Friend B : No, not at all! Vacation is for refreshing; study I will continue after returning from Mauritius.
    Friend A : I will do the same!

  85. Sharmila. G
    2 b. Com general shift 2
    Indira: I'm so excited the exams are over. Let's go somewhere for the vacation and celebrate.

    Chandra: Yes. I'd love that. Where shall we go?

    Indira: I'd like to go to Shillong.

    Chandra: Why?

    Indira: it is because I wanted to go there since 2018

    Chandra:ohh okay then let's go there , but what do we do there ?

    Indira: we can go sightseeing, hiking , paragliding and also trekking

    Chandra: wowww , are these things available there ???

    Indira:yeppp , we have to split the works though.

    Chandra: I'll book the tickets and you can handle the places to visit

    Indira: okay , I'm up for it .dira: I'm so excited the exams are over. Let's go somewhere for the vacation and celebrate.

    Chandra: Yes. I'd love that. Where shall we go?

    Indira: I'd like to go to Shillong.

    Chandra: Why?

    Indira: it is because I wanted to go there since 2018

    Chandra:ohh okay then let's go there , but what do we do there ?

    Indira: we can go sightseeing, hiking , paragliding and also trekking

    Chandra: wowww , are these things available there ???

    Indira:yeppp , we have to split the works though.

    Chandra: I'll book the tickets and you can handle the places to visit

    Indira: okay , I'm up for it .

  86. Swathi S
    II Bcom general B
    Indira: I'm so excited the exams are over. Let's go somewhere for the vacation and celebrate.

    Chandra: Yes. I'd love that. Where shall we go?

    Indira: I'd like to go to Shillong.

    Chandra: Why?

    Indira: because it's beautiful place i would like to see

    Chandra: okay but shall we also consider other places

    Indira: okay . So what are all the places we can go

    Chandra: ladakh

    Indira: why?

    Chandra: because the climate is so awesome and we can take a road trip it will be more fun

    Indira: great! it sounds more fun

  87. R Samyuktha
    Teacher : Good morning my dear students.

    Students : Good Morning Ma'am!
    Teacher : Aayush have you completed your project. Bring it here I want to see your project.

    Student (Aayush) : Sorry ma'am! I have forgot to bring the project.
    Teacher : How can you be so careless? I think you haven't complete your project and it's just an excuse.

    Student (Aayush) : No ma'am! I have really completed it. But since I was in a hurry, I left it at home unknowingly.
    Teacher : Why were you in a hurry? You should learn to manage your time.

    Student (Aayush) : Sorry Ma'am ! In fact, I woke up late today.
    Teacher : Keep in mind that discipline and punctuality is very important in student's life.

    Student (Aayush) : Okay Ma'am I shall be careful next time.
    Teacher : You must show me your project by tomorrow.

    Student (Aayush) : Okay Ma'am!

  88. K Sapnaa Jain
    b.com general b section 2nd year
    Shop keeper: Good morning sir
    Customer: Good morning sir I have to buy the table
    Shop keeper: yes come in sir look at the furniture shop it is new furniture in that shop
    Customer:ok I will go look around (after looking around ) how are all these made what are the materials used
    Shop keeper: this furniture or made using wood and plastic etc
    Customer:ok I would like some plastic furniture I will take this set of table
    Shop keeper : ok I will pack them
    Customer : can you make sure it arrives by next week her is my address
    Shop keeper:ok sir it will arrives next week.thank you for bying
    Customer : Thank you sir

  89. S Aishwarya
    II Bcom general B

    Anu: Hey, long time no see! How's it going?

    Suman: I know, it's been ages! I'm good, thanks. We should catch up soon.

    Anu: Absolutely! How about we plan a meetup this weekend?

    Suman: Sounds great! Any ideas on where we should go?

    Anu: How about that new coffee shop downtown? I heard it's really cozy.

    Suman: Sure, that works for me. What day and time are you thinking?

    Anu: Saturday afternoon, around 2 PM. Does that work for you?

    Suman: Perfect! I'll see you there. Looking forward to it!

  90. Indira: I'm so excited the exams are over. Let's go somewhere for the vacation and celebrate.
    Chandra: Yes. I'd love that. Where shall we go?
    Indira: I'd like to go to Shillong.
    Chandra: Why?
    Indira:It's beautiful place and I always wanted to see.
    Chandra: I hope you already planned for sightseeing?
    Indira: yes.
    Chandra:for how many day we are going to stay there?
    Indira:4days and 5 nights.
    Chandra:Superb.you book for the tickets and book rooms for staying.
    Indira:Yes. I will book soon..I am so excited.
    ( informal conversation)

  91. Janaranjani.P
    Bcom General shift 2
    Malathi: Hello sakhshi How are u been doing
    Sakhshi: yeah I am doing great malathi what about you
    Malathi: I am fine evana then what about our holiday plans
    Sakhshi: great question malathi actually I planned to visit goa in next week
    Malathi: well sakshi what about the hotel that we are going to stay
    Sakshi: I planned and booked one of the luxurious hotel which have all the facilities in the hotel
    Malathi :That's good to hear How many days we are going to stay there
    Sakshi:For one week meera we can stay there and visit all the famous churches, beaches and shopping malls
    Malathi: Nice sakshi,then when we are going to return
    Sakshi: After one week we can return on sunday night malatji
    Malathi: okay sakshi did you packed ur clothes and accessories
    Sakshi: not yet malathi can you help to pack my clothes by today
    Malathi: sure sakshi..
    Sakshi : okay malathi thanks in advance

  92. Sumetha
    B. Com (gen) B
    Shop keeper: Good morning sir
    Customer: Good morning sir I have to buy the table
    Shop keeper: yes come in sir look at the furniture shop it is new furniture in that shop
    Customer:ok I will go look around (after looking around ) how are all these made what are the materials used
    Shop keeper: this furniture or made using wood and plastic etc
    Customer:ok I would like some plastic furniture I will take this set of table
    Shop keeper : ok I will pack them
    Customer : can you make sure it arrives by next week her is my address
    Shop keeper:ok sir it will arrives next week.thank you for bying
    Customer : Thank you sir

  93. G Yamini Devi
    II B. Com general B
    Shift 2
    Mera—Well, Abdul Latif, only three weeks more to the Matriculation examination!
    Sony—Yes, it is coming very near now. | wish it were all over.
    Mera—So do I! And then, no more school.
    Sony—Hurrah! What are you going to do when you leave school, shri?
    Mera - my parents are taking me to goa for holidays
    Sony– maybe after practice, we can go and eat something?
    Shri– yes! I would love that.
    Sony– I also have coupons for the sports museum wanna go with me?
    Mera– you know me so well.

  94. Professor: So, Harish! How's the project coming up?
    Student: I'm doing my best to complete it sir.
    Professor:That's great. If you have any difficulty approach me and I will help you.
    Student:Thank you sir.
    Professor:Next week, you have present your project in class.
    Student:Okay sir. I am preparing on it.
    Professor:Make sure that you are doing your best,so that it will be selected by The University of California.
    Student:sure sir. I will complete by tomorrow and send to you for proof reading sir.
    Professor:Yes. Send me as soon as possible. All the best.
    ( Formal Communication)

  95. Neeraja
    Indira:Iam so excited to go there because that is my native place.I studied my school in Shillong.
    Chandra:What is so specail over there.
    Indira: If you come and see you will itself love that place and you will not able to leave that place.
    Chandra:Oh itseems the place will be nice to see and chill over there.I heard that it will be cold in this time.
    Indira:Yes this time will be cold but it will be nice to see the montains and the temples over there.
    Chandra:What are the special places in Shillong ?
    Indira:There is a garden where there will be new and different types of flowers and the colours of each lights and the smell of the flowers which will make you to go for heaven.
    Chandra:It's great iam too much excited to see the place over there.
    Indira:And all types of food are available there.The most famous dish is an sweet which will be made with maida like chappathi.
    Chandra:I just want to leave today itself.When are we going?
    Indira:I have not yet booked the tickets your convenience time and date that date itself will book the tickets.
    Chandra:Iam too excited to come there and see your parents friends and the places over there.Book the tickets tomorrow itself.
    Indira:Ok will be booking the tickets for tomorrow evening.

  96. Priyadarshini.R
    Teacher : Good morning my dear students.

    Students : Good Morning Ma'am!
    Teacher : Aayush have you completed your project. Bring it here I want to see your project.

    Student (Aayush) : Sorry ma'am! I have forgot to bring the project.
    Teacher : How can you be so careless? I think you haven't complete your project and it's just an excuse.

    Student (Aayush) : No ma'am! I have really completed it. But since I was in a hurry, I left it at home unknowingly.
    Teacher : Why were you in a hurry? You should learn to manage your time.

    Student (Aayush) : Sorry Ma'am ! In fact, I woke up late today.
    Teacher : Keep in mind that discipline and punctuality is very important in student's life.

    Student (Aayush) : Okay Ma'am I shall be careful next time.
    Teacher : You must show me your project by tomorrow.

    Student (Aayush) : Okay Ma'am!

  97. Reshma. G
    2ndB.com(Gen) "B" Section
    Indira: I'M so excited the exams are over. Let's go somewhere for the vacation and celebrate.
    Chandra: yes I'd love that. Where shall we go?
    Indira: I'd like to go shillong.
    Chandra: why?
    Indira: shillong is a beautiful hill station, that offers mesmerising views of mountains, lakes and waterfall.
    Chandra: interesting I love to go hillstation.
    Indira: you know one thing there was an festival called cherry blossom which was happening next week. I am so excited to see the festival.
    Chandra: what cherry blossom festival what will they do.?
    Indira: The cherry blossom festival is organised to celebrate the mass flow of the local cherry plants on the hill is shillong and around ir. Shillong is a hill station and tourist attraction due to its cool climate and scenic beauty. Cherry blossom festival is another tourist attraction.
    And the festival doesn't stop at music! It has a wide range of activities to cater to all interests. From complaining competitions that celebrate the sprite of fantasy and imagination to the miss and mrs. Cherry blossom pageant where the essence of beauty and grace will be recognised.
    Chandra: Wow!! It's really interesting. I wish I will be there too.
    Indira: Chandra would you like to join with us.
    Chandra: no Indira you just enjoy, have a time with your family.
    Indira: it will be super fun, because me and cousins will be there. If you join us. Its will be super fun, like girls vacation.
    Chandra: okay, Indira I am coming , let's have fun.

  98. Srivarshini R
    II B.COM [GENERAL] - "B"


    1.Informal Conversation between two friends discussing their holiday plans.

    Indira: I'm so excited the exams are over. Let's go somewhere for the vacation and celebrate.

    Chandra: Yes. I'd love that. Where shall we go?

    Indira: I'd like to go to Shillong.

    Chandra: Why?

    Indira: Because it's a beautiful place to visit. We can see various museums, waterfalls and gardens.

    Chandra: That's a great idea but, don't you think the climate will be chilly and freezing during this time of the year?

    Indira: Yes you're right. I totally forgot about it. Do you have any plans for places to visit in these holidays?

    Chandra: What do you reckon about we going to Goa? I mean we can enjoy the beaches, forts, the market place and there is so much more.

    Indira: Absolutely! How come I forgot about this amazing destination? Even I wanted to visit Goa.

    Chandra: Then Goa it is. Let's start packing our luggages. We will definitely enjoy these holidays. There is no doubt about it.

    Indira: That's True. Goa here we come to explore!

    2. Formal Conversation between a Professor and a Student regarding Project work.

    Professor: So, Harish! How's the project coming up?

    Student: I'm doing my best to complete it sir.

    Professor: I see that you are putting a lot of efforts into this project but, ensure that you complete it before the deadline.

    Student: Yes Sir. Sir, can't the deadline be extended because I think the time period is short for the big project.

    Professor: No Harish. The deadline can't be extended. We want to see what you all can do for this project in a limited time frame.

    Student: Ok Sir. Sir, can you see this project done so far and say if any changes are needed in it?

    Professor: Yes, let me have a look at your project. I suggest you to explain the concepts elaborately and give real-life examples wherever it is possible.

    Student: Sure Sir. I will do that.

    Professor: Ok Harish, All the Best with your project!

    Student: Thank you Sir.

  99. I.Akshara
    II Bcom general 'B' sh-2
    Informal communication between friends

    Rada :Hi dear, what's your plan in semester holiday were we are going
    Sharmila :Hi buddy, i have planned to go theme park.
    Rada :ohh okk why you planned to that place
    Sharmila: yeahh its to hot that's why i planned to theme park.
    Rada :yeahh of course its to hot your right.
    Sharmila :ok buddy is this ok for you dear can we go there itself.
    Rada: yeah sure dear we can go there itself its fine also.
    Sharmila :ok dear when we are going and decided the time. And tell me.
    Rada ok sure i will tell you wr can enjoy there.
    Sharmila :sure dear meet you there take care.

  100. E.yogitha varshini
    II b.com ( gen ) B , shift - 2

    Ashwin : Hey ajai, how are you ?
    Ajai: Hiii, I am good. How are you ?
    ashwin: I am good. Do you have any plans on going out on these summer holidays ?
    ajai : Yeahh, of course I am planning to go on a trip to an hill station this time.
    Ashwin : Wow !!! That's amazing. You really have great ideas to spend these summer vacations.
    Ajai : Well I do love to travel to new places and explore it. So do you have any plans to spend these summer vacation?
    Ashwin : Yeah, I am planning to spend these vacations in my hometown as I didn't visit there for some months.
    ajai : Ohh !! That's good. It was really good talking to you after so long.
    ashwin: Yeah . Ok then see you around.
    Ajai : Okay. Byee.

  101. S.Shri Vignaya
    Ramya: Hello! Maya, How are you? And what about your holiday plans after the semester examination?
    Maya: Hey! Ramya, I'm good thanks for asking. I have some plans for upcoming holidays
    Ramya: What are the plans do you have?
    Maya: My family members are planning to go some temples like tirupathi, meenakshi amman temple at madurai. Me and my friends are planned to go trips like hill stations.
    Ramya: wow! Your plans arre good and what are the plans for other days?
    Maya: I want to improve my type writing skill so I want to go class for that and chilling at home, small shoppings. What about your plans Ramya for this holidays?
    Ramya: I planned to go water parks like MGM, VGP and aquarium park with my family ,small trips with my cousin's and movie with friends.
    Maya: Nice! Ramya your holiday plans are too good, we are definitely going to enjoy our holidays.
    Ramya: Yes! Maya, I'm so excited for this holidays. Now come maya let we start study for the exams.
    Maya: I'm also excited and eagerly waiting for our holidays. Okay! Maya we will start studying.

  102. 312216397
    2nd b.com ca
    Professor: So, shalini! How's the project coming up?

    Student: I'm doing my best to complete it sir.

    Professor: oh really I am waiting

    Student:ok sir


    Student:thank you sir

  103. ||B. Com(CA) shift-2
    Krishma: Hi krishna, how are u?
    Krishna: I am fine. What about you
    Krishma: I am also fine. By the way, our annual exam is over. Have your thought about how to spend holiday coming after the exam?
    Krishna: I have decided to spend the time educating the adult illiterate in our village
    Krishma: well your idea is excellent illiteracy is certainly a great problem in our country
    Krishna:exactly, no development efforts can succeed without illiteracy is eradicate
    Krishma:what is your plan to spend your holiday?
    Krishna:I want to develop my English skills during this time
    Krishma:I highly appreciate your plan
    Krishna: thank you very much to share your idea
    Krishma:you are welcome
    Krishna: bye

  104. Nanditha
    II Bcom CA
    Professor: So, Harish! How's the project coming up?

    Student: I'm doing my best to complete it, sir.

    Professor: That's good to hear. Can you give me an update on the progress? Any challenges you're facing?

    Student: Well, I've gathered most of the research material and started outlining the project. However, I've encountered some difficulties in sourcing relevant data for one of the sections.

    Professor: I see. Have you tried consulting any specific sources or databases for that data?

    Student: Yes, I've explored a few databases, but the data seems to be scarce in this particular area. I'm considering reaching out to some experts in the field for guidance.

    Professor: That's a proactive approach, Harish. Remember, sometimes networking and seeking expert advice can be incredibly beneficial. Keep me posted on your progress, and don't hesitate to reach out if you need any guidance.

    Student: Thank you, Professor. I'll continue to work on it and will reach out if I encounter any major roadblocks.

    Professor: Great to hear. Best of luck with your project, Harish. I'm confident you'll do a commendable job.

    Student: Thank you, Professor. I appreciate your support and guidance.

  105. A.P.Bhagyashree
    II B.com CA
    Professor: So, Harish! How's the project coming up?

    Student: I'm doing my best to complete it, sir.

    Professor: That's good to hear. Can you give me an update on the progress? Any challenges you're facing?

    Student: Well, I've gathered most of the research material and started outlining the project. However, I've encountered some difficulties in sourcing relevant data for one of the sections.

    Professor: I see. Have you tried consulting any specific sources or databases for that data?

    Student: Yes, I've explored a few databases, but the data seems to be scarce in this particular area. I'm considering reaching out to some experts in the field for guidance.

    Professor: That's a proactive approach, Harish. Remember, sometimes networking and seeking expert advice can be incredibly beneficial. Keep me posted on your progress, and don't hesitate to reach out if you need any guidance.

    Student: Thank you, Professor. I'll continue to work on it and will reach out if I encounter any major roadblocks.

    Professor: Great to hear. Best of luck with your project, Harish. I'm confident you'll do a commendable job.

    Student: Thank you, Professor. I appreciate your support and guidance.

  106. G.Ashwini
    2 b.com ca
    Professor: Good morning student
    Student: Good morning sir
    Professor: student who all are doing pg
    Student:sir mba,mca,ma
    Professor: which college you like
    Student: government or private
    Professor: yes,good

  107. RudhraAkshaya.U
    Teacher – Good morning, Nancy. How are you?

    Nancy – Good morning, Ma’am. I am fine. How are you?

    Teacher – I am doing fine. What are your plans after the Class 12 Boards examination?

    Nancy – Well, Ma’am, I am planning to pursue English Literature.

    Teacher – I thought so! I know how much you love English. So, did you decide from which college you want to pursue English Honours?

    Nancy – Yes, Ma’am, I have made a list of a few colleges; they are quite good. But ultimately, it will depend on how much I manage to score in my Board exams.

    Teacher – I am sure you will fare well in the exams, and I’m also pretty sure that you’ll score the highest mark!

    Nancy – I hope so, Ma’am.

    Teacher – I wish you all the best for your Board results and future too.

    Nancy – Thank you for your encouragement.

    Indira: Because Shillong is known for its breathtaking natural beauty, lush green landscapes, and stunning waterfalls. I've heard it's a perfect getaway to relax and rejuvenate.

    Chandra: That sounds amazing! I've always wanted to visit a place surrounded by nature. Plus, I've heard the weather in Shillong is pleasant during this time of the year.

    Indira: Exactly! We can explore the famous attractions like Elephant Falls, Umiam Lake, and the living root bridges. And the local cuisine is supposed to be delicious too!

    Chandra: Oh, I'm getting more excited now! Let's plan our itinerary and make the most of our vacation in Shillong. We can also try some adventure activities like trekking or river rafting if they're available.

    Indira: Absolutely! Adventure activities would add an extra thrill to our trip. I'll start researching accommodations and popular spots to visit. We should also check if there are any local festivals or events happening during our visit.

    Chandra: Great idea! Let's make this vacation unforgettable. I can't wait to explore Shillong with you, Indira!

    Indira: Me too, Chandra! It's going to be an incredible experience. Get ready for some amazing memories and lots of fun!

    Chandra: Count me in, Indira! Let's make this vacation the best one yet. Cheers to our upcoming adventure in Shillong! 🎉🌴

  109. P.R.Ezhilarasi
    312216371(bcom .ca)
    Hello sir, welcome to the mobile phone shop.

    Customer: How can I help you, sir?

    Shopkeeper: I want to buy a mobile phone.

    Customer: What’s your budget?

    Shopkeeper: I don’t have any budget.

    Customer: Then what’s the best phone for me?

    Shopkeeper: I recommend this Samsung Galaxy. It has great features and good battery life.

    Customer: Thank you. Do you have any warranty?

    Shopkeeper: I give one year warranty on this phone.

    Customer: Okay. Let’s get one.

    Shopkeeper: Sure, sir. Here you go.

    Customer: Thanks.

  110. Bcom ca 2nd yr
    Indira: Because my grandfather's native house was there in shillong.Kushi: What's special is there in your grandpa's house?
    Indira: During in night, grandpa was telling bed time stories to me.
    Kushi: Can I join in your vacation trip?
    Indira: Why not, you also be free now, okay you will also come with me.
    Kushi: Thank you Indira.
    Indira: your be welcomed kushi

  111. Anuja.S
    Teacher – Good Morning, students. I hope everyone has completed the History homework I had given yesterday?

    Raj – Good Morning, Ma’am. I could not complete my homework.

    Teacher – Raj, what happened? Why haven’t you completed your homework?

    Raj – I am sorry, Ma’am; I had a severe headache yesterday.

    Teacher – Well, I will excuse you for today. Try to take your friend’s help and complete it by the end of day, latest by tomorrow morning.

    Raj – Okay Ma’am, I’ll try to complete the homework by recess.

    Teacher – Make sure you do not repeat this, Raj. All these will count for your internal marks.

    Raj – I am sorry, Ma’am. I will not repeat this again. Thank you so much for understanding.

  112. 2nd B COM CA
    RAJ: Hey, have you thought about what we're gonna do for the holidays?

    SRI: Yeah, I've been thinking about it. I'd love to get away for a bit. You got any ideas?

    RAJ: Well, I was thinking we could go camping. You know, get out in nature, go hiking, and all that.

    SRI: Camping sounds awesome! I could use a break from the city. Where were you thinking?

    RAJ: There's a great national park a few hours away. Beautiful lakes, hiking trails, and all. I heard it's pretty amazing.

    SRI: That sounds perfect. Do we need to book campsites in advance?

    RAJ: Yeah, we probably should, especially if we want a good spot. I can handle that. When are you thinking of going?

    SRI: How about the first week of July? Gives us some time to prepare and plan.

    RAJ: Sounds good to me. We'll need tents, sleeping bags, and all the camping gear. I'll start making a checklist.

    SRI: Great, and I can look into some hiking trails and cool spots to explore in the park.

    RAJ: Awesome. It's gonna be a blast. Just what we need to unwind.

    SRI: Totally. Let's make this the best camping trip ever!

    RAJ: Agreed! We'll have a memorable adventure, no doubt.

  113. 2nd B.com(CA)
    Aarthi: Hey, it's been ages since we hung out! What have you been up to?

    neha: Yeah, I've been swamped with work, but I finally got some time off. I'm thinking of planning a holiday. How about you?

    Aarthi: I hear you! Work's been a real grind lately. A holiday sounds amazing. Any idea where you want to go?

    neha: I was thinking about a beach destination. Somewhere with crystal-clear waters and warm sunshine. Maybe a tropical island.

    Aarthi: Oh, that sounds dreamy! I could use some vitamin sea too. Do you have a specific place in mind?

    Aarthi: I'm leaning towards Bali. It has a bit of everything – beautiful beaches, rich culture, and great food. Plus, it's not too far from here.

    Aarthi: Bali is a fantastic choice! I've heard so many good things about it. When are you thinking of going?

    neha: I was looking at late November or early December. That way, we can avoid the crowds but still enjoy good weather. What do you think?

    Aarthi: Perfect timing! I'm in. Let's plan this together. We could explore the beaches, try some water sports, and maybe even immerse ourselves in the local culture.

    neha: That's a great idea! We can also visit some temples and enjoy the Balinese cuisine. I've heard the food is amazing.

    Aarthi: Definitely! We should make a list of all the must-try dishes and make a foodie adventure out of it. Are you okay with a week-long trip?

    neha: A week sounds ideal. We'll have enough time to soak up the sun and explore without feeling rushed.
    Aarthi : Awesome. I'll start looking into flights and accommodations. We should probably book soon to get good deals.

    neha: Sounds like a plan. Let's make this holiday one to remember!

    Aarthi: Agreed. I can't wait for some sun, sand, and good times. Bali, here we come!


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