1.2. Interviews

 An Interview is generally a two party conversation in which one or both parties have a specific purpose.


An Interview is a dialogue between the interviewer ( the one who asks questions ) and the interviewee (the one who responds to them). It is usually a face to face conversation for the specific purpose of evaluating intelligence, training, progress or aptitude of a prospective employee or student.


Important factors for Success in an Interview:

  1. Being well- read with an adequate knowledge of the Subject and also Current Affairs.
  2. Having effective Communication Skills.
  3. Making a good First- Impression.
  4. Displaying a Positive Body Language.
  5. Adopting Active Listening Skills.
  6. Showing Honesty and Integrity.
  7. Exhibiting Leadership Skills.
Major Skills and qualities expected of a candidate:

  1. Positive attitude towards work.
  2. Proficiency in the field of study.
  3. Oral and written communication skills.
  4. Interpersonal skills.
  5. Critical thinking and problem- solving skills.
  6. Self- motivation and leadership skills.
  7. Team spirit.

How to prepare for an Interview?

Successful interviews begin with preparation.

  1. Develop a positive attitude.
  2. Go through a mock interview. It is an opportunity to practise interview techniques and receive constructive feedback.
  3. Gather adequate inside information. The depth of information collected beforehand is far more valuable than what is obtained at the time of the interview. 
  4. Interviewers expect candidates to have a working knowledge of the company as well as a list of questions. Make a list of questions you would like to ask the interviewer.
What are the intricacies one should follow while attending an interview?

  1. Arrive well on time. Punctuality is the key factor.
  2. Give precise answers.
  3. Focus on accomplishments that relate to the job.
  4. Smile, make eye contact and maintain a good posture.
  5. Make the first impression a professional one.
  6. Ask questions to clarify any doubts.
  7. Listen without interrupting.
  8. Be assertive but never aggressive.
  9. Express yourself politely, with confidence and with enthusiasm.
  10. Display initiative and character.


1. Anand has attended an Interview and is confident of securing the job. Write in dialogue form the discussion between Anand and his father regarding his performance at the interview.

2. Complete this interview between Mr. Sharma the interviewer and Sunil the interviewee.

Mr. Sharma: Sunil, you seem to have worked for just six months in your previous company. Why?

Sunil: They were going through a financial crisis and I was laid off.



  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Damini.M.K
    II BCA Shift-2

    1. Anand has attended an Interview and is confident of securing the job. Write in dialogue form the discussion between Anand and his father regarding his performance at the interview.

    Anand: Hey dad! I'm back.

    Father: Hi. How'd your interview go?

    Anand: It was great! I'm pretty sure I will crack this one.

    Father: I like your confidence! What happened during the interview?

    Anand: The interviewer was very kind and jovial. It made me feel less nervous than usual.

    Father: Great! What were the questions that were asked? Did you know the precise answer?

    Anand: Yes! Luckily, I knew all the questions that were asked. I worked so hard for this interview, after all!

    Father: Yes! You worked day and night to ace this interview. When will they let you know about the results?

    Anand: They said that it'll be mailed to the interviewees by next Tuesday.

    Father: Ok. Let's hope for the best!

    Anand: Yeah! I really hope that the results will be good.

  3. Vaishnavi J
    II BCA Shift-2
    1. Anand has attended an Interview and is confident of securing the job. Write in dialogue form the discussion between Anand and his father regarding his performance at the interview.
    Father: Hi Anand. How did your interview go?
    Anand: Hi dad. The interview went on pritty well. I'm having the confidence that I can secure the job.
    Father: Is that so, that's very great. Did you answer to all the questions asked?
    Anand: Yes dad. I was able to answer to all of them. The questions were known and I was able to answer them without any struggle.
    Father: Oh that's good. What were the questions asked?
    Anand: He asked me to tell about myself, why I wanted to work in their companies. He also asked some questions related to computers.
    Father: Ok. What made you feel confident that you will secure the job?
    Anand: The interviewer seemed very happy and satisfied with my answers.
    Father: Well that's good. When will you get the appointment letter?
    Anand: There will be small online test. After the results of that test I will get the confirmation letter.
    Father: Oh is that so. What's the test about and when is it?
    Anand: The test form will be sent by tomorrow. The test is about programming languages. The test will be very easy and it's just to know about my level of knowledge in computer.
    Father: That's good to hear my son. Good luck. You have got what you deserve.
    Anand: Thank you dad!

  4. Sarah Fathima A
    BCA shift 2
    Anand's Successful Interview

    Anand's Father: So, how did the interview go, Anand? Do you think you did well?

    Anand: Dad, it went fantastic! I'm feeling really confident about securing the job. The interviewers seemed impressed with my qualifications and experience.

    Anand's Father: That's great to hear, son! I'm proud of you. Can you tell me more about how the interview went? What kind of questions did they ask?

    Anand: Sure, Dad. They asked me about my previous work experience and how it relates to the position I applied for. I was able to showcase my skills and explain how my past projects align with the company's goals. They also inquired about my problem-solving abilities and how I handle challenging situations.

    Anand's Father: That sounds like a comprehensive interview. How did you respond to those questions?

    Anand: I made sure to provide specific examples from my previous roles to illustrate my abilities. I emphasized my ability to collaborate with diverse teams and mentioned a few success stories where I had resolved critical issues. I also highlighted my adaptability and willingness to learn new technologies.

    Anand's Father: Excellent! It seems like you were well-prepared and gave thoughtful responses. Did they mention anything about the next steps in the hiring process?

    Anand: Yes, Dad. They said they would get back to me within a week to let me know about their decision. They seemed genuinely interested and even discussed some of the potential projects I might be working on if I join the company.

    Anand's Father: That's promising, Anand. It sounds like they already see you as a valuable asset. I'm confident that you've made a great impression. Remember, even if this opportunity doesn't work out, there are always other doors waiting to be opened.

    Anand: Thank you, Dad. Your support means a lot to me. I'll keep that in mind. But I have a good feeling about this one. I can't wait to start contributing to the team and making a positive impact.

    Anand's Father: I can see your determination, Anand. Keep that positive attitude and belief in yourself. I'm proud of you, no matter what the outcome is. I'll be eagerly waiting to hear the good news.

    Anand: Thanks, Dad. Your belief in me gives me strength. I'll let you know as soon as I hear back from them.

  5. G. Deepika
    BCA shift 2
    Anand's Successful Interview

    Anand's Father: Show did the interview go, Anand? Do you think you did well?
    Anand: Hi dad. The interview went so good. I'm having the confidence that I can secure the job.
    Anand's Father: That's great to hear, son! I'm proud of you. Can you tell me more about how the interview went? What kind of questions did they ask?
    Anand: He asked me to tell about myself, why I wanted to work in their companies. He also asked some questions related to computers.
    Anand 's Father: Ok. What made you feel confident that you will secure the job?
    Anand: The interviewer saw
    very happy and satisfied with my answers.
    Anand 's Father:so good. When will you get the appointment letter anand?
    Anand: later there will be inform and i think any kind of test will be conductor so.
    Anand 's Father:ohh ok wish all success full life and always my pray too.
    Anand: thankyou dad i will definitely proved u.

    BCA SHIFT- 2
    Father:Well anand, how was the interview?
    Anand: Father it was a real nightware. just about everything went wrong. I was late. I didn't have the required papers and the GK questions..!
    Father: Really I Anand please don't think I'm lecturing you, but I'd like to say something about how you could have handled the whole business better.
    Anand: Father, I wish you would not say that. you must have seen the amount of effort I put in.
    Father: Well. Would have I have my doubts about that. First, let's take up this business about being late.
    Anand: please remember I only got six day's notice.
    Father: No, my dear, it was more than that. Ifl'm not mistaken, you got the interview call on saturday itself. Honestly you. gone off on that weekend trip.
    Anand: father you Know I'd been planning on that trip for ages.
    Father: Well if you had stayed home you might have made a list of the papers required and filled them systematicallly.
    Anand: yes perhaps youre right, but father those gk questions.?
    father: What about them? Havent you been reading the papers regularly?
    Anand: Yes of course But those questions were so outdated I could not have answered them even if I had read the paper every single day for the past 10 years.
    Father: Anand, there is no point complaining. you should be prepared to be alert about these things.

  7. Ranjani R

    II BCA Shift-2
    1)Anand has attended an Interview and is confident of securing the job. Write in dialogue form the discussion between Anand and his father regarding his performance at the interview.
    Anand: Hello Dad! I've returned home.
    Father: Hey Anand! How was the day?
    Anand: Yeah, superb dad!
    Father: Good! Was the interview easy? Did you get selected in that interview?
    Anand: Yup, dad! It was a nice interview, and I got selected in it too... because I prepared hard for it, that's why it was easy for me.
    Father: Great man! I know my son. You worked hard for this interview. Always be like this, my son. Work hard for what you want or to achieve.
    Anand: Thank you! Sure, dad. I will always be like this and never give up on my goals. I will definitely achieve them.
    Father: Good, my son! Have this motive forever.
    Son: Sure, dad.

  8. ll Bca shift 2
    Anand successful interview

    Anand: Dad I am back.
    Father: hey Anand how was the interview?
    Anand: I have performed well. There were nearly a hundred candidates.
    Father: Are you confident that you will get the job ?
    Anand: yes dad I'm having the confidence that I can secure the job.
    Father: super my son. Did the interview questions are easy?
    Anand: yes dad it was little bit easy I give my best dad will see how the result.
    Father: okey my dear son you will definitely achieve God bless you Anand.
    Anand: thank you dad.

  9. Sowmiya.M
    || Bca Shift 2
    Anand successful interview and is confident of securing the job. Write in dialogue form the discussion between Anand and his father regarding his performance at the interview.

    Anand: Dad I am back.
    Father: hey Anand how was the interview, All ok ?
    Anand: I have performed well. There were nearly a hundred candidates it's a tough day.
    Father: Are you confident that you will get the job ?
    Anand: yes dad i have the confidence..
    Father: super my son. Did the interview questions are easy?
    Anand: yes dad it was little bit easy I give my best dad will see how the result are coming.
    Father: okey my dear son you will definitely achieve God bless you. And i wil always there for you to support.
    Anand: thank you dad.

  10. Name: Maitri Sheth
    Reg. No. : 212205184
    Dept: II BCA Shift-II
    2. Complete this interview between Mr. Sharma the interviewer and Sunil the interviewee.

    Mr. Sharma: Sunil, you seem to have worked for just six months in your previous company. Why?

    Sunil: They were going through a financial crisis and I was laid off.

    Mr. Sharma: I see. That must have been a challenging experience for you. How did you handle the situation and what did you learn from it?

    Sunil: It was definitely a difficult time, but I remained positive and focused on finding new opportunities. I utilized the downtime to enhance my skills and stay updated with industry trends. I learned the importance of adaptability and resilience in the face of adversity.

    Mr. Sharma: That's commendable, Sunil. Being able to turn a difficult situation into a learning experience speaks volumes about your character. Can you tell me about any specific skills or experiences that make you a suitable candidate for this position?

    Sunil: Certainly, Mr. Sharma. During my time at my previous company, I had the opportunity to work on various projects in different teams that honed my technical skills and problem-solving abilities.
    Mr. Sharma: Excellent, Sunil. It's great to hear about your technical expertise and your ability to work well with others. Now, let's discuss your long-term career goals. Where do you see yourself in the next five years?

    Sunil: In the next five years, I envision myself taking on a leadership role within a reputable organization. I am passionate about continuous growth and development, and I believe that by consistently delivering results and expanding my knowledge, I can achieve those goals.

    Mr. Sharma: That's a commendable ambition, Sunil. As you progress in your career, what steps will you take to ensure your professional growth and stay up-to-date with industry advancements?

    Sunil: To ensure my professional growth, I plan to actively seek out new learning opportunities, such as attending industry conferences, participating in relevant workshops, and pursuing certifications to stay updated on emerging trends and technologies.

    Mr. Sharma: That's a proactive approach, Sunil. Now, I'd like to understand how you handle challenging situations. Can you provide an example of a time when you faced a difficult task or encountered a conflict at work, and how you resolved it?

    Sunil: Certainly, Mr. Sharma. In a previous project, I encountered a conflict between team members with differing opinions on the best approach to a problem. To resolve the conflict, I facilitated a team meeting to encourage open and respectful communication. By actively listening to each person's perspective and finding common ground, we were able to reach a mutually beneficial solution that satisfied all parties involved.

    Mr. Sharma: That's a great example of your ability to handle conflicts and find collaborative solutions, Sunil. Now, do you have any questions for me or anything else you would like to add?

    Sunil: Yes, Mr. Sharma. I would like to know more about the company's culture and values. Can you provide some insights into what it's like to work here?

    Mr. Sharma: Absolutely, Sunil. Our company values teamwork, innovation, and a customer-centric approach. We foster a collaborative and supportive work environment where employees are encouraged to contribute their ideas and grow both personally and professionally.

    Sunil: That sounds great, Mr. Sharma. I appreciate the emphasis on employee development and innovation. It aligns well with my own values. I'm really excited about the opportunity to be a part of this company.

    Mr. Sharma: Thank you, Sunil. We appreciate your enthusiasm. We will review all the candidates and get back to you soon with our decision. It was a pleasure speaking with you today.

    Sunil: Thank you, Mr. Sharma. I appreciate the opportunity to interview with your company. I look forward to hearing from you soon.

  11. This comment has been removed by the author.

  12. Anand has attended an Interview and is confident of securing the job. Write in dialogue form the discussion between Anand and his father regarding his performance at the interview.
    Anand's father: Anand how was your day and your interview?
    Anand: Great and my interview was very good.
    Anand's father: that'great and how was your session?
    Anand: the session was very interactive and fun. The interviewer was kind and humble
    Anand's father: I think so you are very confident about your job.
    Anand : yes dad.i I'm damn sure about my job. There were nearly 60 plus candidates for the interview. I had given my best and I'm really excited to see the results.
    Anand's father: All will be fine my son. I had already prepared your favourite sweets come let's have it.
    Anand : thank you so much dad.

  13. S.Aswini
    1. Anand has attended an Interview and is confident of securing the job. Write in dialogue form the discussion between Anand and his father regarding his performance at the interview.
    Anand:Hey dad!I am back
    Father:Hi.How did you perform in your interview.
    Anand:It was great ! I am having the confidence that I can secure the job.
    Father:oh.It's great.
    Anand:I can answer all the questions.
    Father:Oh that's good.what are the questions asked?
    An and:He asked me to tell about myself,why I wanted to work in their company and also related question about computer.
    Father:OK.when will they let you know about the results?
    Anand:They said that it will be mailed to the company by one week.
    Father:Ok.Let's hope.All the best.
    An and:Thank you

  14. Keerthana V
    2nd Year BCA shift 2
    1. Anand has attended an Interview and is confident of securing the job. Write in dialogue form the discussion between Anand and his father regarding his performance at the interview.

    Anand: Dad, today the interview went really well! I'm quite confident about securing the job.
    Father: That's fantastic, Anand! I knew you would do great. How did it go?
    Anand: They were friendly and asked about my experience and skills. I confidently answered all their questions.
    Father: That's my boy! Did they ask anything unexpected?
    Anand: Yes, there was one tricky question, but I managed to handle it well.
    Father: Impressive! What's next in the hiring process?
    Anand: There's a final round next week. They seemed interested in my profile.
    Father: Keep preparing, son. I'm proud of you either way.
    Anand: Thanks, Dad. Your support means a lot.
    Father: You will definitely get the job my dear son, I'm believe in you.

  15. This comment has been removed by the author.

  16. Swetha
    2nd bca shift 2
    Anand has attended an Interview and is confident of securing the job. Write in dialogue form the discussion between Anand and his father regarding his performance at the interview.
    Anand Father: How was your interview?
    Anand :I have performed well .There were nearly a hundred candidates.
    Anand Father:Are u confident that u will get a job?
    Anand :The board members are friendly. They will let me know the results in two days time
    Anand Father:how his interview had been.
    Anand:he had performed well. he added there had been nearly a hundred candidates.
    Anand Father: if he was confident he would get a job.
    Anand : the board members were friendly. They would let him know the result in two days time.
    Anand Father : ok let's hope for the best Anand
    Anand: Thanks, dad you support means a lots

  17. G.Gayathri
    2nd BCA shift 2
    Anand has attended an interview and is confident of securing the job . write in dialogue from the discussion between Anand and his father regarding his performance at the interview
    Anand Father:how was your interview
    Anand:yes dad I will parformed well
    Anand Father:are you confident you will get the job
    Anand:yeah dad I will confident get that job
    Anand Father:oh it's great
    Anand:I can answer all the questions dad
    Anand Father:oh good my son
    Anand:ok dad
    Anand Father: which type of question asked in interview
    Anand:he asked me to tell myself
    I want to work this company
    Anand Father:ok when will they let you know about the results
    Anand:he said this is the good company
    Anand Father:ok let's hope .All the best
    Anand:thank you dad

  18. K.Bhuvaneshwari
    2nd Bca shift 2
    Anand has attended the interview and is confident of securing the job .write a dailogue form the discussion between Anand and his performance at the interview
    Father: How was the interview
    Anand: I have performed well.There were nearly a hundred candidates
    Father: when they will let you know that you will get the job
    Anand: They will let me know the result in two days
    Father: ok.what kind of questions did they ask?
    Anand: The interviewer asked me about employment history , professional skills and qualifications, educational background and career goals and also related questions about computer
    Father: ok .do you feel confident of secure the job
    Anand: yes dad.I have confident and the interviewer was satisfied with my answer
    Father: Good my dear son.I pray to God that you have to succeed in your life
    Anand: Thank you dad

    2nd BCA shift II
    Anand has atteded the interview and is confident of securing the job. write a dailouge form the discussion between anand and his performance at the interview.

    Father: hey! dear how was the interview was gone? is it good?
    Anand: yes dad! I have a great day . The interview was went so good its easy for me to crakck it.
    Father: Nice to hear that you had a great day . How was the question it it is easy or hard?
    Anand: yeah dad!! its very easy than i think.
    Father: sooo you just do the interview in the perfect manner?
    Anand: yes!! dad.
    Father: did you give you a best with the great smile and confident?
    Anand: yes dad I done it very clearly.
    Father: what are the type of question are asked in the interview?
    Anand: its like related to the programming .they are asked to solve some of the errors of the program and do some web designe.
    Father: Thats very great that you did the interview great.All the best for your upcomming task.
    Anand: Thanks dad . I really hade a very great day.

  20. Lakshya Jain S
    II BCA (Shift 2)
    Reg no. 212205183
    2) Anand's Father: So, how did the interview go, Anand?

    Anand: It went really well, Dad. I was well-prepared and confident in my answers.

    Anand's Father: That's great to hear! What kind of questions did they ask you?

    Anand: They asked about my previous work experience, how I handle challenges, and my long-term goals. I was able to showcase my skills and share my achievements.

    Anand's Father: I'm proud of you, son. I hope you get the job!

    Anand: Thank you, Dad. I have a good feeling about it. I'll keep you updated on their decision.

    Anand's Father: Keep your spirits high. I know you did your best. We'll wait for the good news!

    Anand: Definitely, Dad. I'm optimistic about this opportunity. Fingers crossed!

  21. Niranjana M
    II B.Com CA

    SCENARIO: Anand has attended an Interview and is confident of securing the job. Write in dialogue form the discussion between Anand and his father regarding his performance at the interview.
    #At Anand's House
    #Door Bell Ringing...."Ding Dong"

    Father: Welcome home son! How was your day?

    Anand: It was positive day for me today Father, everything went on well.

    Father: That's sounds great son!

    Anand: Yes! Let me tell you everything from the beginning.

    Father:Yes,son.Go ahead!

    Anand: I was waiting for my turn with complete confidence but, in the corner of my heart I was little bit nervous, thinking everything should go in a smooth manner.

    Father: What happened next?

    Anand: Then after a while, my turn came, I went in, then the conversation began, they shooted few tricky questions but luckily I was able to tackle them.Eventhough I underwent a tough situation your tips of being calm and handing the problems bravely helped me to face them. Once I'm done with my Interview, I too got a positive feedback from one of the members there, who took me Interview saying, I fulfilled their requirements and my approach impressed them a lot.I was very happy when I heard that and in that moment I felt the quote "Hardwork pays off".

    Father: Bravo! Your words make me feel proud. So unofficially you are selected,right?!

    Anand: Even my heart says that! Let's hope for the best Father.

    Father: Don't Worry, think positively. Everything will be in the side favouring you.

    Anand: Million Thanks to my lovely and supportive parents, because without you guys it would be a nightmare to me.Thank you for being stars and moon in my life. I won't stop a second in my process of making you proud!

  22. Asmitha Harini. S
    II Bcom CA Shift -2
    1. Anand has attended an intetview and is confident of securing the job. Write in dialogue form the discussion performance at the interview.
    Anand : Dad Iam back.
    Father: Hey Anand! How was a day?
    Anand: I have performed well. There were nearly a hundred candidates.
    Father: Are you confident that you will get the job?
    Anand: The board members were friendly. and said that They would let him know the result in two days
    Father:ok my dear son you will definitely achieve God bless you. And i will always there for you to support
    Anand:Thankyou dad

  23. Nivedha shyla .A
    II Bcom CA - Shift -2
    Anand has attended the interview and is confident of securing the job .write a dailogue form the discussion between Anand and his performance at the interview
    Anand: Daddy !! I have done interview so well
    Father: veryy good my son ! are you confident enough that you can crack the job ?
    Anand : im damn sure that i will get the job daddy
    Father : thats really a great news ; what happened there
    Anand : there was about 80+ candidates appiled for the job and 20 of us was short listed for interview.
    Father: What did the interviews ask?
    Anand : the interviwers were really have with my resume and asked me some questions i answered it confidently daddy
    Father: very good my son ; definitly you will achive your goals and my blessing will always be with you
    Anand : thank you daddy !!

  24. Aanandavarshini R B
    II Bcom Ca shift 2
    Dad: How did the interview go?

    Anand: It went well. I'm confident that I'll get the job.

    Dad: That's fantastic news! What makes you so sure you'll get the job?

    Anand: Well, I was able to answer all of their questions confidently and provide examples of my previous work experience.

    Dad: That's great to hear. What kind of questions did they ask you?

    Anand: They asked me about my skills and experience, as well as how I would handle certain situations that could come up on the job.

    Dad: Did you feel like you answered the questions well?

    Anand: Yes, I felt like I was able to give thorough and thoughtful answers to each question.

    Dad: That's great, son. I'm proud of you for preparing so well for the interview.

    Anand: I wanted to make a good impression.

    Dad: That's a smart choice. Did you have any trouble finding the place?

    Anand: No, I used the directions that the company provided and was able to find the place without any issues.

    Dad: That's good to hear. I'm really proud of you for doing so well at the interview. When will you hear back from them?

    Anand: They said they would get back to me within the next few days, so I should hear something soon.

    Dad: Well, I'm keeping my fingers crossed for you, son. I hope you get the job!

  25. Prasanna Kumari R
    II Bcom CA Shift 2
    Complete this interview between Mr. Sharma the interviewer and Sunil the interviewee.

    Mr. Sharma: Sunil, you seem to have worked for just six months in your previous company. Why?
    Sunil: They were going through a financial crisis and I was laid off.
    Mr Sharma : well Tell mem more about yourself !
    Sunil: sure As I mentioned in resume I have worked with sun construction for 6 months .I have finished my graduation in University of Madras .
    Mr Sharma: why did you need this post ?
    Sunil : I am freshner if you could give me the opportunity I will surely put more efforts than last company.
    Mr Sharma: I am looking forward and details will be shared soon .
    Sunil: thank you sir


    Mr. Sharma: Sunil, you seem to have worked for just six months in your previous company. Why?

    Sunil: They were going through a financial crisis and I was laid off.

    Mr.Sharma: S can we assume that you will leave our company if the same situation arises?

    Sunil: No sir , you can absolutely trust me on to being loyal towards your company unless and until a crisis for livelihood arises

    Mr.Sharma: moving on to the next question , what are the skills you have apart from those mentioned in your Resume' ?

    Sunil: I worked a s a team leader in my previous company , which held me responsible for various fields of work . keeping that in mind , I can certainly state that you can trust me onto any type of field to work with.

    Mr.Sharma: Since you mentioned earlier , your previous place of work did not offer your salary package, right ? how much will you prefer to get here in our company for your designated post?

    Sunil: yes sir. it would be of better clarity on how much is the company offering right now to the similar posts to ask reasonably according to my work pressure and time. would you kindly say that sir?

    Mr.Sharma: the details will be given to you through email, all the best for your next interview , you are selected.

    Sunil: Thank you sir , it means a lot.

  27. V.Bhuvaneshwari
    Father: So, Anand, how did the interview go? Do you think you did well?

    Anand: Oh, dad, I'm feeling quite confident about it! I think I performed really well in the interview.

    Father: That's great to hear, son! I knew you would do your best. Can you tell me more about your experience?

    Anand: Sure, dad. The interviewers were impressed with my qualifications and relevant experience. They asked me a lot of practical questions about the role and how I would handle certain situations. I was able to respond confidently and provide examples from my past work.

    Father: That's fantastic, Anand! It sounds like you were well-prepared and had all the right answers. Did they ask you anything unexpected?

    Anand: Actually, yes. There was one question that caught me off guard. They asked me about a time when I faced a major challenge and how I overcame it. But I managed to think on my feet and shared an incident where I had to lead a team through a difficult project. I explained how I handled it and the positive outcome we achieved.

    Father: Impressive, son! Being able to handle unexpected questions with confidence shows your quick thinking and adaptability. I'm proud of you.

    Anand: Thank you, dad! It was a great learning experience. The interviewers seemed really interested in my answers and asked follow-up questions. We had a good rapport, and I believe that's a positive sign.

    Father: Absolutely, Anand. A good rapport is crucial in creating a positive impression. It seems like you built a good connection with them. Did they discuss anything about further steps or the timeline for their decision?

    Anand: Yes, dad. They mentioned that they would be conducting a second round of interviews with a few more candidates. But based on the conversation, I got the sense that I stood a good chance. They said they would inform me about their decision within the next two weeks.

    Father: Well, Anand, it sounds very promising! All your hard work and preparation have paid off. I have full faith in you, and I'm confident that you'll secure the job. Just remain positive, and we'll wait to hear the good news.

    Anand: Thank you, dad. Your support means the world to me. I'll keep you updated, and hopefully, soon, I'll have some great news to share.

    Father: I'm looking forward to hearing it, son! Remember, no matter the outcome, you've given your best, and that's what truly matters. I'm proud of you either way.

    Anand: Thank you, dad. Your words mean a lot to me. I'll stay positive, and let's hope for the best.

  28. M.Abinaya
    2nd Bcom CA
    Anand: Dad, I'm back
    Anand's father: Oh hey son how did your interview go?
    Anand: It went great dad. I think I'll be selected
    Anand's father: That's great news son! Tell me about your experience
    Anand: well, I reached the office on time and I had time to relax myself. Everybody started coming and we were all waiting in the reception hall. There were about 100 people who came for the interview. Seeing this many people I was nervous that if I would make it or not. But I tried not to panic and keep myself calm and relaxed. Then they started calling people one by one. I was feeling butterflies in my stomach. Next, it was my turn to go in. I gathered the courage and went inside. They asked me several questions to test me and even asked questions about the additional skills I possessed. I answered everything confidently and the interviewer seemed really impressed with my answers. I think I fulfilled all their expectations and I'm confident that I'll be selected
    Anand's father: That's my son. I'm so proud of you
    Anand: Thanks dad!

  29. V. Aarthi
    Bcom(CA) shift 2
    Anand: Hey Dad, I just attended my job interview today and I'm feeling really confident about securing the job!

    Father: That's great news, Anand! I'm so proud of you. How did the interview go? Tell me all about it.

    Anand: Well, Dad, the interview went really well. Mr. Sharma, the interviewer, was very friendly and asked me a lot of questions about my skills and experience. He seemed genuinely interested in getting to know me better.

    Father: That's wonderful, Anand! It's always a good sign when the interviewer shows genuine interest. Did you feel comfortable answering his questions?

    Anand: Absolutely, Dad! I had prepared well for the interview, so I was able to confidently answer all the questions Mr. Sharma asked. I even gave some examples from my previous experiences to support my answers.

    Father: That's fantastic, Anand! Providing examples is a great way to showcase your skills and experience. Did Mr. Sharma give you any feedback during the interview?

    Anand: Yes, Dad. At the end of the interview, he mentioned that he was impressed with my knowledge and how well I articulated my thoughts. He also appreciated my enthusiasm and passion for the job. It made me feel really positive about my chances.

    Father: I'm so glad to hear that, Anand! It sounds like you made a great impression on Mr. Sharma. Remember, confidence and passion can go a long way in securing a job. Did Mr. Sharma mention anything about the next steps?

    Anand: Yes, he mentioned that they would be conducting a few more interviews and that I would hear back from them within a week. He seemed genuinely interested in considering me for the position.

    Father: That's wonderful news, Anand! Now, all we can do is wait for their response. I'm sure with your confident performance, you have a great chance of securing the job. I'm proud of you, my son.

    Anand: Thank you, Dad! I really appreciate your support and belief in me. I'll keep you updated on any further developments.

  30. Divyashree.S
    II B.COM [GEN] -"B"

    1. Anand has attended an Interview and is confident of securing the job. Write in dialogue form the discussion between Anand and his father regarding his performance at the interview.

    Anand: Hi Dad! I have some exciting news for you.

    Father: I'm sure that it is regarding the Interview that you attended today right?

    Anand: You're right Dad. The interview went very well.

    Father: I knew you would be able to do it. Well, tell me more about it. I am eager to know about the questions they asked you in the interview.

    Anand: First, they asked certain general questions and asked about my strengths and weaknesses. They also asked me the reason why I chose their company.

    Father: Those are all general questions. You would have answered them very easily.

    Anand: Yes! Then they tested the knowledge that I possess in the field by asking about certain real-life situations. I was able to answer them correctly because of the in-depth understanding of the concepts that I had.

    Father: Very good! I knew that you had the necessary confidence and boldness for it.

    Anand: Then finally, they also tested my current affairs and general knowledge. I was able to give my take on the topics properly and clearly. They also told me that my resume was impressive and that it stood out from the rest of the interviewees.

    Father: I'm so glad to hear it. I am so proud of you. You'll definitely get selected. When are they going to respond regarding the results of the interview?

    Anand: They will respond to us within 3 to 4 days. I will let you know about it. Thanks a lot for motivating and supporting me Dad.

  31. Jezeela banu.M
    2nd bcom(CA)shift 2
    Krishna has attended an Interview and is confident of securing the job. Write in dialogue form the discussion between Krishna and his father regarding his performance at the interview.
    Krishna's father: krishna how was your day and your interview?
    Krishna: Great and my interview was very good.
    Krishna's father: that'great and how was your session?
    Krishna: the session was very interactive and fun. The interviewer was kind and humble
    Krishna's father: I think so you are very confident about your job.
    Krishna : yes dad.i I'm damn sure about my job. There were nearly 60 plus candidates for the interview. I had given my best and I'm really excited to see the results.
    Krishna's father: All will be fine my son. I had already prepared your favourite sweets come let's have it.
    Krishna: thank you so much dad.

  32. S Harini
    II B com General B
    Anand: Dad I just came back attending the interview and I did pretty well.
    Dad: That's great to hear son. Tell me what questions did they ask?
    Anand: Nothing too complicated to answer dad... just some questions regarding my qualifications and some general questions regarding the job.
    Dad: That's very good son. When can we expect a reply from them?
    Anand: They said they will contact us around next week dad.

  33. Abinaya G
    II-B.A English

    1. Father: Anand, how did the interview go today?

    Anand: Dad, it couldn't have gone better. I'm very confident I'll secure the job.

    Father: That's wonderful, Anand! Tell me more about how it went.

    Anand: Well, I was well-prepared, and they asked questions about my qualifications, work experience, and so on . I answered everything with confidence.

    Father: That's great to hear, Anand. Did you manage to highlight your strengths and what you can bring to the company?

    Anand: Yes, I did. I talked about my skills and how they align with the job requirements.

    Father: You've done an excellent job, Anand. Any idea when you'll hear back from them?

    Anand: They mentioned they would make a decision by the end of this week. I'm really hopeful, Dad.

    Father: I'm sure you made a strong impression, Anand. Your dedication and preparation are paying off.

    Anand: Thanks, Dad. I'll keep you posted once I hear from them.

    2. Mr. Sharma: I see, that's unfortunate. Can you tell me more about the responsibilities you held during your time there?

    Sunil: I managed social media and marketing content and helped with market analysis.

    Mr. Sharma: That sounds good. Could you share an example of a successful project or accomplishment from that time?

    Sunil: We launched a cost-effective online ad campaign, increasing our online engagement.

    Mr. Sharma: Thank you for the interview, Sunil. We appreciate your time . We'll get back to you soon about the next steps.

    Sunil: Thank you, Mr. Sharma. I look forward to it.

  34. This comment has been removed by the author.

  35. Ranjitha.P
    BCA Shift-2

    Write a dialogue between an interviewer and an interviewee looking for a job as a public relation officer.
    Interviewee: Good Morning, sir.

    Interviewer: Good Morning. Please have a seat.

    Interviewee: Thank you, sir.

    Interviewer: Can you please introduce yourself?

    Interviewee: I have just completed my MA in Journalism from the University of Dhaka. I have stood second class 2nd in order to merit. I have got my result last week and this is my first interview.

    Interviewer: I see you are quite new. So, how can you cope with this position?

    Interviewee: I am confident about my capabilities. Besides, my academic background fully matches with the responsibilities of this position.

    Interviewer: But everyone else in this position was well experienced.

    Interviewee: Sir, experience is such a thing that can be gained only through elapse of time. And everyone has to start without any experience, but through his diligence he overcomes everything.

    Interviewer: That’s true. But I cannot experiment with this position because this is a very sensitive position.

    Interviewee: I know that and I hope I would handle all these properly if I am given an opportunity.

    Interviewer: Then we have to keep you on a trial basis for a month and mind that you will be given only a lump sum amount. If we find you suitable, then we will appoint you.

    Interviewee: That will be great, sir. I will try my best to prove my worth.

    Interviewer: So, can you join on next Sunday?

    Interviewee: No problem, sir.

    Interviewer: That’s fine. See you on Sunday.

    Interviewee: Thank you, sir.

    Interviewer: Bye.

    Interviewee: Bye.

  36. Sahana
    B.com gen shift 2
    Mr. Sharma: Sunil, you seem to have worked for just six months in your previous company. Why?

    Sunil: They were going through a financial crisis and I was laid off.

    Mr sharma: and why you want to join in our company?

    Sunil:I see this opportunity as a way to contribute to an exciting/forward-thinking/fast-moving company.I believe I have the type of knowledge to succeed in this role.

    Mr.sharma: whats your salary expectations?

    Sunil:My salary expectations are in line with my experience and qualifications and my skills.

    Mr.sharma: okay that's great your hired.

    Sunil:thank you sir.

  37. Varshinee A S
    2bcom gen b
    Anand:Hi dad iam back.
    Father :Hi Anand how was your interview?
    Anand:The interview went so good dad.
    Father:ok very nice Did you answer for all the question ?
    Anand:yes dad.
    Father:oh good.
    Anand:Iam very happy and satisfied dad.
    Father:That's good.
    Anand:There will be a small test in online
    Father:oh that's good Anand do your best
    Anand: yes dad.
    Father: Achieve more iam looking forward u to see in top.
    Anand:sure dad thankyou so much.

  38. Vasundhara S
    B com general shift -ll

    Anand: Hi Dad, I just got back from the interview. It went really well.

    Father: That’s great to hear, Anand. How did it go?

    Anand: I think it went really well. The interviewer seemed impressed with my experience and skills.

    Father: That’s wonderful news, son. What kind of questions did they ask you?

    Anand: They asked me about my previous work experience and how it would be relevant to the job I was applying for. They also asked me about my strengths and weaknesses.

    Father: And how did you answer those questions?

    Anand: I think I answered them pretty well. I was able to give specific examples of how my previous work experience would be useful in the new job, and I was honest about my strengths and weaknesses.

    Father: Well done, Anand. I’m proud of you for doing so well in the interview.

    Anand: Thanks, Dad. I’m feeling pretty confident that I’ll get the job

  39. Interviewee: may I come in sir?
    Interviewer: yes come in, please have your sit.
    Interviewee:what are your educational qualification.
    Interviewer:I am an M.com in marketing department.
    Interviewee:Do you have any experience
    Interviewer:Yes sir,I worked in a pharmaceutical.
    Interviewee:why did you give up your previous job?
    Interviewer: Actually,in order to expand my skill set and experience I left the previous job.
    Interviewee:Do you have any computer skill.
    Interviewer:Yes sir, I am skilled in Microsoft application
    Interviewee:what are your salary expectations?
    Interviewer:Twenty five thousand,sir.
    Interviewee:Why do you interested to work in this company?
    Interviewer:I am interested to work with this company because this is one of the renowned company of corporate sector in the Bangladesh at present.
    Interviewee:How do you handle important decisions.
    Interviewer: Every time I give value to my commitment and believe in hard work.
    Interviewee:So,thank you for participating this interview let us think us about yourself and we will let you know the summery wish you have a good day ,Thanks you.
    Interviewer: Thank you very much too.I am fully ready to work with you company and will wait eagerly to be the part of your organisation.

  40. This comment has been removed by the author.

  41. Janani .R
    B com ca shift 2
    Father: hi Anand what's about your interview?
    Anand: hi dad my interview is well and good.
    Some questions that tough but I can able to answer it.
    I have a little but nervous. And the Happy news is I got placed in this company.
    Dad: good job Anand I am proud of you
    Anand: thank you so much dad for supporting me.
    Father: what's your salary package Anand.
    Anand: they didn't inform me that but I think more than 50k and I plan the someone to keep it for my future life and I'm going to save it.
    Dad: good idea Anand go on it.

  42. Manju Barkavi G ( 312216348)
    2nd Bcom General B

    Anand has attended an Interview and is confident of securing the job. Write in dialogue form the discussion between Anand and his father regarding his performance at the interview
    Anand: Hi dad
    Father: How was your interview
    Anand: very good and nice
    Father: you answer all the questions
    Anand: yes dad I answer all the questions
    Father: Are you confident with the job
    Anand: yes dad
    Father: I am very proud of you you have attended all questions without any nevious
    Anand: thanks dad
    Father: how round are there in the company
    Anand: 3 round I should pass then only I will placed in this company
    Father: you will pass all round I know your convenient
    Anand: thanks dad
    Father: what is your salary amount
    Anand: starting salary twenty thousand rupees
    Father: ok super
    Anand: thank you so much dad..

  43. This comment has been removed by the author.

  44. D.Abirami
    2 B.com.ca
    Anand: Hi dad
    Father: how was the interview
    Anand: good dad
    Father: the question are very difficult or not son
    Anand: it's very easy dad
    Father: ohh super, what is your salary amount
    Anand: ten thousand rupees dad
    Father:ohh super, don't fear you will selected the interview
    Anand: ok dad, thank you so much dad.

  45. A.Abinaya
    II b.com CA
    Sam: May I come in sir.
    Manager: Yes come in, have your seat gentleman.
    Sam: Yes sir.
    Manager: shall we start the interview.
    Sam: Sure sir.
    Manager: Why would you apply this post in our company.
    Sam: I have completed my masters 5 years ago and I have 4 years of experience.So I thought of applying for a better position and your company has a good reputation.
    Manager: Well that's fine. What is salary expectation.
    Sam: Sir I want a 50k of salary package.
    Maya: Ohh that's Okay. I like the way of confidence and fluency.You have been selected for the posting your are applied for.
    Sam: Thank you so much sir.

  46. S.varshini
    2nd b.com CA
    Anand: Hi dad
    Father: Hey hi ,how was you interview
    Anand: it's was great dad . I'm sure !will crack this one.
    Father: oh good, I like your confidence!
    What was happend during interview .
    Anand: I was attend individual interview. I got select and then i attended the group interview. Where
    I was really good and confidence .
    Father:I am proud of you. I am so happy .
    Anand: thank you dad

  47. Sudepta K

    Father - Well, Anand, how was the interview?
    anand - father, it was real nightmare. just about everything went wrong. i was late. i didn't have the required papers and the GK questions.....!

    father - really i anand, please don't think I'm lecturing you, but I'd like to say something about how you could have handled the whole business better.
    anand - father, i wish you would not say that. you must have seen the amount of effort i put in.

    father - well, would have i have my doubts about that. first, let's take up this business about being late.

    anand - please remember i only got six days notice.

    father - no, my dear, it was more than that. if I'm not mistaken, you got the interview call on saturday itself. if I'd been you, i should not have begun my preparation on saturday itself. honestly you gone off on that weekend trip.
    anand - father you know I'd been planning to go ont hat trip for ages.
    father - well... if you had stayed home you might have made a list of the papers required and filled them systematically.
    anand - yes, perhaps you're right, but father- those GK questions? father - what about them? haven't you been readig the papers regularly?
    anand - yes of course. but those questions were so outdated. i coulld not have answeres them even if i had read the paper every single day for the past 10 years.
    father - anand, there is no point complaining now. you should be prepared to be more alert about these things.

  48. This comment has been removed by the author.

  49. Vinodhini D
    B. Com(ca) 2nd year
    Harsha :hi dad
    Father :hi dear, how was an attend the interview.
    Harsha : it was great dad.
    Father :nice, you answer all the questions?
    Harsha :yes dad, it's very easy.
    Father :are you pass all the rounds.
    Harsha : yes dad and Iam sure, I will get the job.
    Father :congratulation my son.
    Harsha :thanks dad.

  50. Antony Myrnaah T
    II Bcom CA shift 2

    Father - Well, sam how was the interview?
    Sam - Father, it was real nightmare. just about everything went wrong. I was late

    Father - Really sam, please don't think I'm lecturing you, but I'd like to say something about how you could have handled the whole business better.

    Sam - Father, i wish you would not say that. You must have seen the amount of effort i put in.

    Father - Well, would have i have my doubts about that. First, let's take up this business about being late.

    Sam - Please remember I only got six days notice.

    Father - No, sam it was more than that. if I'm not mistaken, you got the interview call on saturday itself. if I'd been you, i should not have begun my preparation on saturday itself. honestly you gone off on that weekend trip.

    Sam - Father you know I'd been planning to go on hat trip for ages.

    fGather - Well... if you had stayed home you might have made a list of the papers required and filled them systematically.

    Sam - Yes, perhaps you're right but what about the GK questions I haven't prepared well what to do now.

    Father - Sam, there is no point complaining now. You should be prepared to be more alert about these things.

    Sam - Yes father you are right I will prepare them well and i will do my best in upcoming interview.

  51. Janaranjani.P Bcom General (shift 2)
    Father:Well anand, how was the interview?
    Anand: Father it was a real nightware. just about everything went wrong. I was late. I didn't have the required papers and the GK questions..!
    Father: Really I Anand please don't think I'm lecturing you, but I'd like to say something about how you could have handled the whole business better.
    Anand: Father, I wish you would not say that. you must have seen the amount of effort I put in.
    Father: Well. Would have I have my doubts about that. First, let's take up this business about being late.
    Anand: please remember I only got six day's notice.
    Father: No, my dear, it was more than that. Ifl'm not mistaken, you got the interview call on saturday itself. Honestly you. gone off on that weekend trip.
    Anand: father you Know I'd been planning on that trip for ages.
    Father: Well if you had stayed home you might have made a list of the papers required and filled them systematicallly.
    Anand: yes perhaps youre right, but father those gk questions.?
    father: What about them? Havent you been reading the papers regularly?
    Anand: Yes of course But those questions were so outdated I could not have answered them even if I had read the paper every single day for the past 10 years.
    Father: Anand, there is no point complaining. you should be prepared to be alert about these things

  52. Tejaswini k
    B com general
    Shift 2

    Sam: May I come in sir.
    Manager: Yes come in, have your seat gentleman.
    Sam: Yes sir.
    Manager: shall we start the interview.
    Sam: Sure sir.
    Manager: Why would you apply this post in our company.
    Sam: I have completed my masters 5 years ago and I have 4 years of experience.So I thought of applying for a better position and your company has a good reputation.
    Manager: Well that's fine. What is salary expectation.
    Sam: Sir I want a 50k of salary package.
    Maya: Ohh that's Okay. I like the way of confidence and fluency.You have been selected for the posting your are applied for.
    Sam: Thank you so much sir.

  53. Harinii S
    ll Bcom general B
    Father: Anand! How was your interview? You came back so early.
    Anand: Yes dad it was good. Well they asked me a lot of questions. So tiring.
    Father: Oh! No problem, it's a good try. What did they ask you?
    Anand: They just asked about my strengths and weaknesses, and also about my hobbies.
    Father: That's good. Try to build up your extra curricular activities. That will help in your resume.
    Anand: ok dad sure.
    Father: Which date did they say for the next round interview?
    Anand: Not yet dad. But I'll get an email.

  54. Swathi S
    2nd Bcom general
    Anand: Dad, I'm back
    Anand's father: Oh hey son how did your interview go?
    Anand: It went great dad. I think I'll be selected
    Anand's father: That's great news son! Tell me about your experience
    Anand: well, I reached the office on time and I had time to relax myself. Everybody started coming and we were all waiting in the reception hall. There were about 100 people who came for the interview. Seeing this many people I was nervous that if I would make it or not. But I tried not to panic and keep myself calm and relaxed. Then they started calling people one by one. I was feeling butterflies in my stomach. Next, it was my turn to go in. I gathered the courage and went inside. They asked me several questions to test me and even asked questions about the additional skills I possessed. I answered everything confidently and the interviewer seemed really impressed with my answers. I think I fulfilled all their expectations and I'm confident that I'll be selected
    Anand's father: That's my son. I'm so proud of you
    Anand: Thanks dad!

  55. K sapnaa Jain
    B.com general b section 2nd year
    Anand: Hi dad
    Father: Hey hi ,how was you interview
    Anand: it's was great dad . I'm sure !will crack this one.
    Father: oh good, I like your confidence!
    What was happend during interview .
    Anand: I was attend individual interview. I got select and then i attended the group interview. Where
    I was really good and confidence .
    Father:I am proud of you. I am so happy .
    Anand: thank you dad

  56. Anisha Bhujel
    B.com gen
    II year shift 2
    Saurav has attended an Interview and is confident of securing the job. Write in dialogue form the discussion between Saurav and his friend regarding his performance at the interview. friend: saurav how was your day and your interview?
    Saurav: Great and my interview was very good. friend: that'great and how was your session?
    Saurav: the session was very interactive and fun. The interviewer was very polite. Friend: I think so you are very confident about your job saurav? Saurav: yes dude i I'm sure about my job. There were nearly 80 plus plus candidates for the interview. I had given my best I hope results will come good . friend: you can do it my brother.
    Saurav: thank you so much for motivating me.

  57. Father: How was the interview ?
    Son: I have performed well. There were nearly a hundred candidates.
    Father: Are you confident that you will get the job ?
    Son: The board members are friendly. They will let me know the result in two days' time.
    Father: ok let's wait for the result and hope for the best.
    Son: yes dad I hope I'll get job.

  58. Father:- How was the interview?
    Son: I have performed well. There were nearly a hundred candidates.
    Father: Are you confident that you will get the job ?
    Son: The board members are friendly. They will let me know the result in two days' time.
    Father:-Let's wait for the result and hope for the best
    Son:- Yes dad, I hope I'll get the job.

  59. 1.Father: How did you do your interview today?
    Son: Yes pa,I did well. But I faced certain difficulties in that.
    Father: What happened? Are you sure of getting the job?
    Son: Initially, I had struggle in communicating,but I managed. Don't worry pa. I did very well and I am sure of getting my job.
    Father: Let's see.Try some interviews in other companies too. So that you get some exposure.
    Son: ok dad.


  60. Priyadarshini.R
    2nd b.com gen shift-2

    2. Complete this interview between Mr. Sharma the interviewer and Sunil the interviewee.

    Mr. Sharma: Sunil, you seem to have worked for just six months in your previous company. Why?

    Sunil: They were going through a financial crisis and I was laid off.

    Mr. Sharma: I see. That must have been a challenging experience for you. How did you handle the situation and what did you learn from it?

    Sunil: It was definitely a difficult time, but I remained positive and focused on finding new opportunities. I utilized the downtime to enhance my skills and stay updated with industry trends. I learned the importance of adaptability and resilience in the face of adversity.

    Mr. Sharma: That's commendable, Sunil. Being able to turn a difficult situation into a learning experience speaks volumes about your character. Can you tell me about any specific skills or experiences that make you a suitable candidate for this position?

    Sunil: Certainly, Mr. Sharma. During my time at my previous company, I had the opportunity to work on various projects in different teams that honed my technical skills and problem-solving abilities.
    Mr. Sharma: Excellent, Sunil. It's great to hear about your technical expertise and your ability to work well with others. Now, let's discuss your long-term career goals. Where do you see yourself in the next five years?

    Sunil: In the next five years, I envision myself taking on a leadership role within a reputable organization. I am passionate about continuous growth and development, and I believe that by consistently delivering results and expanding my knowledge, I can achieve those goals.

    Mr. Sharma: That's a commendable ambition, Sunil. As you progress in your career, what steps will you take to ensure your professional growth and stay up-to-date with industry advancements?

    Sunil: To ensure my professional growth, I plan to actively seek out new learning opportunities, such as attending industry conferences, participating in relevant workshops, and pursuing certifications to stay updated on emerging trends and technologies.

    Mr. Sharma: That's a proactive approach, Sunil. Now, I'd like to understand how you handle challenging situations. Can you provide an example of a time when you faced a difficult task or encountered a conflict at work, and how you resolved it?

    Sunil: Certainly, Mr. Sharma. In a previous project, I encountered a conflict between team members with differing opinions on the best approach to a problem. To resolve the conflict, I facilitated a team meeting to encourage open and respectful communication. By actively listening to each person's perspective and finding common ground, we were able to reach a mutually beneficial solution that satisfied all parties involved.

    Mr. Sharma: That's a great example of your ability to handle conflicts and find collaborative solutions, Sunil. Now, do you have any questions for me or anything else you would like to add?

    Sunil: Yes, Mr. Sharma. I would like to know more about the company's culture and values. Can you provide some insights into what it's like to work here?

    Mr. Sharma: Absolutely, Sunil. Our company values teamwork, innovation, and a customer-centric approach. We foster a collaborative and supportive work environment where employees are encouraged to contribute their ideas and grow both personally and professionally.

    Sunil: That sounds great, Mr. Sharma. I appreciate the emphasis on employee development and innovation. It aligns well with my own values. I'm really excited about the opportunity to be a part of this company.

    Mr. Sharma: Thank you, Sunil. We appreciate your enthusiasm. We will review all the candidates and get back to you soon with our decision. It was a pleasure speaking with you today.

    Sunil: Thank you, Mr. Sharma. I appreciate the opportunity to interview with your company. I look forward to hearing from you soon.

  61. Neeraja
    II Bcom(Gen) B Shift 2
    Anand:Hii dad!Iam back.

    Dad:Hello son! How was the interview?

    Anand:Yes dad it was great.
    Iam hoping to get the job.

    Dad:That's a great thing.

    Anand:First was nervous and while entering into the room I controlled all my emotions.

    Dad:What happened there?Was the interview easy or it was difficult?

    Anand:It was nice the questions where easy and the persons who interviewed me where so kind.

    Dad:Iam very happy to hear this from you.


    Anand has atteded the interview and is confident of securing the job. write a dailouge form the discussion between anand and his performance at the interview.

    Father: hey! dear how was the interview was gone? is it good?
    Anand: yes dad! I have a great day . The interview was went so good its easy for me to crakck it.
    Father: Nice to hear that you had a great day . How was the question it it is easy or hard?
    Anand: yeah dad!! its very easy than i think.
    Father: sooo you just do the interview in the perfect manner?
    Anand: yes!! dad.
    Father: did you give you a best with the great smile and confident?
    Anand: yes dad I done it very clearly.
    Father: what are the type of question are asked in the interview?
    Anand: its like related to the programming .they are asked to solve some of the errors of the program and do some web designe.
    Father: Thats very great that you did the interview great.All the best for your upcomming task.
    Anand: Thanks dad . I really hade a very great day.

  63. Father:- How was the interview?
    Son: I have performed well. There were nearly a hundred candidates.
    Father: Are you confident that you will get the job ?
    Son: The board members are friendly. They will let me know the result in two days' time.
    Father:-Let's wait for the result and hope for the best
    Son:- Yes dad, I hope I'll get the job

  64. Reshma. G
    2ndB.com(gen) "B" section
    Anand's father: Anand how was your day and your interview?
    Anand: Great and my interview was very good.
    Anand's father: that'great and how was your session?
    Anand: the session was very interactive and fun. The interviewer was kind and humble
    Anand's father: I think so you are very confident about your job.
    Anand : yes dad.i I'm damn sure about my job. There were nearly 60 plus candidates for the interview. I had given my best and I'm really excited to see the results.
    Anand's father: All will be fine my son. I had already prepared your favourite sweets come let's have it.
    Anand : thank you so much dad.

  65. This comment has been removed by the author.

  66. I.Akshara
    II Bcom general 'B' sh-2

    Anand :hi dad
    Father :hi dear, how was an attend the interview.
    Anand : it was great dad.
    Father :nice, you answer all the questions?
    Anand :yes dad, it's very easy.
    Father :are you pass all the rounds.
    Anand : yes dad and Iam sure, I will get the job.
    Father :congratulation my son.
    Anand :thanks dad.

  67. S.Shri Vignaya
    II BCOM ( GEN ) B

    Father:Well anand, how was the interview?
    Anand: Father it was a real nightware. just about everything went wrong. I was late. I didn't have the required papers and the GK questions..!
    Father: Really I Anand please don't think I'm lecturing you, but I'd like to say something about how you could have handled the whole business better.
    Anand: Father, I wish you would not say that. you must have seen the amount of effort I put in.
    Father: Well. Would have I have my doubts about that. First, let's take up this business about being late.
    Anand: please remember I only got six day's notice.
    Father: No, my dear, it was more than that. Ifl'm not mistaken, you got the interview call on saturday itself. Honestly you. gone off on that weekend trip.
    Anand: father you Know I'd been planning on that trip for ages.
    Father: Well if you had stayed home you might have made a list of the papers required and filled them systematicallly.
    Anand: yes perhaps youre right, but father those gk questions.?
    father: What about them? Havent you been reading the papers regularly?
    Anand: Yes of course But those questions were so outdated I could not have answered them even if I had read the paper every single day for the past 10 years.
    Father: Anand, there is no point complaining. you should be prepared to be alert about these things.

  68. Son: I have performed well. There were nearly a hundred candidates.
    Father: Are you confident that you will get the job ?
    Son: The board members are friendly. They will let me know the result in two days' time.

  69. ||B. Com(CA) shift-2
    Father: well, anant, how was the interview?
    Anant: father, it was a real nightmare just about everything went wrong I was late. I didn't have the required papers and the GK question..!
    Father:really! Anant, please don't think l'm lecturing you, but l'd like to say something about how you could have handle the whole business letters
    Anant: father, I wish you would not say that. You must have seen the amount of effort I put in
    Father: well would have I have my doubts about that. First, let's take up this business about being late
    Anant: please remember I only got six day's notice
    Father: no my dears, it was more than that. If i'm not mistaken, you got interview call on Saturday itself. If I'd been you, I should not have begun my preparation on Saturday itself honestly you gone off on that weekend trip
    Anant: father you know. I'd been planning to go on that trip for ages
    Father: well.. If you had stayed home you might have made a list of the papers required and filled them systematically
    Anant: yes of course. But those questions were soo out dated. I could not have answered them even. If I had read the paper every single day for the past 10 years
    Father: Anant, there is no point complaining now. You should be prepared to be more alert about these things

  70. Nanditha
    II Bcom CA
    Mr. Sharma: I see, that's unfortunate. Can you tell me about the role you had during those six months and your key responsibilities?

    Sunil: Certainly, during my time there, I worked as a marketing coordinator. My responsibilities included managing social media accounts, creating content, and assisting with marketing campaigns.

    Mr. Sharma: That sounds like valuable experience. How did you contribute to the company despite the challenging circumstances?

    Sunil: Despite the financial difficulties, I managed to increase our social media engagement by 20% and collaborated on a cost-effective marketing campaign that helped improve brand visibility.

    Mr. Sharma: That's impressive. What motivated you to apply for this position with our company?

    Sunil: I've been following your company's growth and innovative approach in the industry. I'm excited about the opportunity to contribute my skills and experiences to a company with such a strong track record.

    Mr. Sharma: Excellent. Can you share an example of a challenging situation at work and how you handled it?

    Sunil: In my previous role, we faced a sudden drop in the marketing budget. I worked with the team to identify cost-effective strategies and managed to maintain our online presence while reducing expenses.

    Mr. Sharma: Adaptability is crucial in today's work environment. One more question: How do you stay updated with industry trends and technologies in your field?

    Sunil: I regularly attend webinars and conferences, subscribe to industry publications, and participate in online forums to ensure I'm up to date with the latest trends and technologies.

    Mr. Sharma: It's clear that you're committed to professional development. Thank you for sharing your experiences, Sunil. We'll be in touch soon regarding the next steps in the interview process.

    Sunil: Thank you, Mr. Sharma. I look forward to the opportunity to potentially join your team.

  71. G.Ashwini
    2 B.Com ca
    Rajan:hi dad
    Father: hi dear, how was an attend job
    Rajan: it was great
    Father: nice,you answer all the questions?
    Rajan:yes dad,it's very easy
    Are you pass all the round
    Father: yes dad and I am sure, I will get the job congratulations my son
    Rajan: thanks dad

  72. RudhraAkshaya.U
    Father : Well , Ramesh how was the interview?
    Ramesh : Father, it was a real nightmare.Just about everything went wrong. I was late . I didn't have the necessary papers required for the interview
    Father : That's okay Ramesh, these things happen generally In an Interview.
    Ramesh : Yeah Dad, but I thought it will end in a good way but everything went wrong.
    Father : No need to worry Ramesh, next time you will do your best in the next interview..!

  73. 2nd b.com ca
    Rajesh :Hi dad
    Father :Hi dear, how was an attend the interview.
    Rajesh: it was great dad.
    Father :Nice, you answer all the questions?
    Rajesh:yes dad, it's very easy.
    Father :Are you pass all the rounds.
    Rajesh: Yes dad and Iam sure, I will get the job.
    Father :Congratulation my son.
    Rajesh :Thanks dad.

  74. Anuja.S
    Anand : Hey son how was your interview?
    Son : Was not that good father
    Anand : Why what happened?
    Son : I didn't reach on time and haven't took the necessary items for the interview
    Anand : That's okay son nothing to be worried.It happens at most cases
    Son : Yeah father but I excepted alot
    Anand : Nothing to worry son .Better luck next time
    Son : Thanks father ...!!

  75. P.Baghya
    2nd BCA shift2

    Father: How did the interview go, Anand?
    Anand: I think it went really well, Dad. I was well-prepared and confident in my answers.
    Father: That's great to hear! Can you share some specifics? Did they ask about your experience?
    Anand: Yeah, they did. I highlighted my relevant experience and gave examples of how it would contribute to the role.
    Father: Excellent. Did you get a chance to ask questions yourself?
    Anand: Absolutely, Dad. I asked about the team dynamics and the company culture. It felt like a good fit.
    Father: I'm proud of your preparation, Anand. When do you expect to hear back from them?
    Anand: They mentioned they would finalize their decision by the end of the week. Fingers crossed!
    Father: I have confidence in you, Anand. Whatever the outcome, it's a learning experience.
    Anand: Thanks, Dad. Your support means a lot.

    1. Nithya Sri.S BCA shift 2 (212205164). Father: How did the interview go, Anand?
      Anand: I think it went really well, Dad. I was well-prepared and confident in my answers.
      Father: That's great to hear! Can you share some specifics? Did they ask about your experience?
      Anand: Yeah, they did. I highlighted my relevant experience and gave examples of how it would contribute to the role.
      Father: Excellent. Did you get a chance to ask questions yourself?
      Anand: Absolutely, Dad. I asked about the team dynamics and the company culture. It felt like a good fit.
      Father: I'm proud of your preparation, Anand. When do you expect to hear back from them?
      Anand: They mentioned they would finalize their decision by the end of the week. Fingers crossed!
      Father: I have confidence in you, Anand. Whatever the outcome, it's a learning experience.
      Anand: Thanks, Dad. Your support means a lot.

  76. This comment has been removed by the author.


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