Note Making leads to a higher order of thinking. You analyse, interpret, personalize and enhance comprehension when you make notes.

Benefits of Note making:

1. To remember important information.

2. To clarify learning material.

3. To have material for discussion.

4. To gather material for assignments.

5. To prepare for examinations and other tests.

Methods to make and organise notes:

Summaries, tables, mind maps, concept maps, time lines, cause and effect diagrams.

Note Making in visual Form:

1. Concentrate on the gist of the subject, forget the trimmings.

2. Write short sentences using own words but keep to the meaning.

3. Condense material to grasp quickly.

4. Rework notes to make it clear.

5. Review notes periodically to achieve lasting memory.

Note making - summarizing

Summarizing is condensing source material into just a few lines using own words.

Steps to follow when summarizing

1. Before writing the summary, read, mark and annotate the original.

2. Support the topic sentence with reasons or arguments raised by the author/lecturer.

3. Omit references to details, such as statistics, dates, etc.

4. Use discourse markers that reflect cause and effect , compare-contrast, classification, process, chronological order, persuasive argument, etc.

5. A good summary should be complete and appropriate.

6. Use pictorial representations to condense and summarize information that is difficult to write out.

7. The most important words to include are information words such as nouns, verbs, adjectives.


Curriculum vitae is a Latin term that literally means 'the course of life'.

The Importance of a good curriculum vitae

1. The CV is one of the most important job-search documents.

2. The CV is a complete picture of one's professional history.

3. A good CV aims to impress job recruiters.

What a CV should include:

* Career objectives/ personal summary

* Career history

* Academic qualifications

* Areas of expertise

* References

Quality, Clarity, Relevance and Usefulness are hallmarks of a professional CV.

Contents of a CV:

Personal Details:

- name, address

- contact details

- date, place of birth

Personal Statement:

Work Experience:

List the most recent position first. Proceed in reverse order.

- name of company

- exact ideas

- job title

- job description

- relevant details


Write in reverse chronological order

- exact ideas

- basic education

- additional training/ qualification

Other Information:

- additional skills

- knowledge of languages

- IT knowledge / computer skills, etc.

Interests and Hobbies:


Note: Keep your CV to 2 pages A4

Prepare your own Curriculum vitae.

Name: Murali. K

Age: 22 years

Date of birth : 12th December 1991

Nationality: Indian

Sex: Male

Marital Status : Unmarried

Address: B30, 15 NM road, Chennai 90.

Phone: 9843055667


B Com: Govt. Arts and Science College, 75% 2012

HSC : Govt. HSS, Chennai, 80% 2008

SSLC : MHSS, Chennai, 85% 2006

6 months certificate course in Business English.

6 months certificate course in Software Testing.

Extra Curricular Activities:

1. House Captain in class 10 and 12. School Football Team Captain in class 12.

2. Cultural Secretary in class 11.

3. Member of Debating Club.

Special Skills:

Fluent in English with excellent communication skills.

Reference: On request


Report Writing is an essential part of any profession.

What is a Report?

A Report is an orderly presentation of factual information for a specific audience and for a specific purpose.


Manuscripts, Letters, Memos.

Types of Reports include:

Memos, Lab Reports , Minutes, Progress Reports, Annual Reports, policies and procedures.

Short or Informal Reports need no extended planning. They can be quickly prepared, require no background information and have no particular format.


1. Write a report on a telephonic conversation you had with your father's colleague in his absence. 

2. Write a report about the Dengue Fever outbreak in your locality to the Corporation authorities.

The Importance of Business Reports:

A Business Report is a basic management tool used in decision making.

Reports are vital for large-scale organizations.

Reports help authorities to plan new ventures or programmes.

Reports are a measure of growth and progress of an organisation.

How will you present a Report?

Be objective and impartial.

Base all statements on facts.

Describe the theme.

In the introduction give the purpose of the assessment.

Give thesis and recommendations and summary of reasons.

State general conditions, problems and challenges.

Suggest alternate actions as well and their Advantages and Disadvantages.

In the final recommendation state the obvious conclusions to be drawn.

Tips: make the report concrete by connecting experience of the listeners. Send our a compendium beforehand so that only important facts are mentioned briefly. Describe suggestions in simple terms that is understandable.

Structure of a Formal Report:

A Formal Report has several parts which enables the writer to lay out all the complex information in an easy -to- read form.

* The Title of the Report- appears at the top of the first page with the name of the person who is assigned the task of preparing the report, the month and year of submission.

* Terms of Reference - accomodates details of assignment, purpose and scope of study.

Procedure - deals with the methods of data collection depending on the nature of the study.

* Findings - the data collected is analysed and divided in an easy and readable presentation.

* Recommendations: given in the order in which the problems are solved.


The very purpose of Copy Writing is to Persuade.

Copy Writing is the chief component of all Advertising, Publicity, Promotion, Marketing and Public Relations.

The text is known as 'Copy'. Unlike News or Editorial, Copy Writing is getting the reader to take action, to buy a product, or opt in. Hence a Copy Writer is referred to as a 'Salesman in Print'. Remember Copy Writing is different from Copyright.

Skills Required for Copy Writing:

* English Language Skills

* Listening Skills

* An Eye for detail

* Extensive Vocabulary

* A Desire to know more

* Writing to attract 

* Creativity

* Salesmanship

* Computer Skills

Copy Writing Tips:

1. Arrange Information in a way that attracts the reader. Use headings and bullet points.

2. Information that persuades should be placed right at the top.

3. Keep the copy short and simple so that readers contact for more.

4. Ensure maximum utilisation of space by being precise and concise.

5. The Call to action should create an urgency to respond.

6. Identity target audience and use appropriate language.

7. Focus on the readers. Use second person pronouns 

8. Be thorough with the benefits and service of the product.

9. Proof read to maintain professionalism.

The challenges of writing a Copy is to convey key messages in a clear concise manner. To a Copy Writer, words are the building blocks. How well they are put together in phrases and sentences will determine the persuasive strength of the Copy. Creative intelligence requires innovative solutions to practical problems.

Copywriting is the art of writing words that Sell.


All meetings should have a stated Purpose or Agenda.

A Formal Meeting needs a well written Agenda. The purpose of all the Agenda is to list down activities that would be discussed at the meeting. The Agenda is usually sent out to the participants well in advance of the meeting, to enable participants to prepare, or know what to expect at the meeting.

Example of an Agenda:

PTA's General Body Meeting:





1. Apologies

2. Minutes of the last meeting

3. Matters Arising

4. Study reports

5. Allocation of Duties

6. Procedure and Approach

7. Any other matters of Importance

8. Date and time of next meeting


The good thing about the Minutes a Meeting is that, you know what the meeting was all about. 

Purpose of the Minutes of a Meeting

* The Minutes of a Meeting is the summary of the entire meeting which is recorded.

* The Minutes show what was discussed and what was agreed upon together with the relevant details.

* The Minutes contain fixed information and a standard layout.

* The Minutes of the previous meeting is usually read and approved of by the members at the start of every meeting.

Example of Minutes of a Meeting:




In Attendance: Names of those who attended 

Apologies: From those who did not attend.

Minutes of the last meeting: The minutes of the last meeting - distributed and signed as a true record of it.

Matters Arising: None

Study reports: Co-ordinators of various departments presented their reports.

Allocation of Duties: Some parent volunteers were allocated duties to help in club activities.

Procedure and Approach: regarding the club activities.

Other matters of Importance: PTA requested better canteen facilities. A discussion ensued. Suggestions were made.

Date and timing of the next meeting was fixed.


The Circular is an abbreviated form of Circular Letters. Circular letters were so called as it made its way round to a particular circle of people.

What is a Circular?

A Circular is a kind of notice meant for a closed group of people.

Circulars contain information/ instructions/ guidelines.

Circulars may be business or non business messages.

Circulars usually announce new information or make clarifications.

Circulars are an effective way to communicate with employees / customers.

Circulars are an inexpensive and quick way to distribute information.

Though Informal, Circulars are highly informative. Generally they target a specific audience. 

Key Features:

* Informative, clear, well planned.

* Persuasive, tactful, convincing.

* Attractive, of interest to the reader.


Write a Circular announcing the details and the orders to be followed for the Independence Day celebrations in your college. 


An essay is a short piece of writing on a particular subject.

Format of an Essay:

Introduction - contains the key sentence and leads the reader into the topic.

Body - contains ideas that support the topic sentence. Each new idea is presented in a separate paragraph. Explanations, definitions, illustrations help to enhance the supporting ideas.

Conclusion - brings back the reader to the purpose of the essay. The conclusion draws all important points together before making a final comment.

The essay moves from specific (introduction) to general (body) and back to specific level (conclusion).

The Stages of Essay Writing:

Taking in the title: Gathering material; Generating Ideas; Planning; First draft; Reviewing; Final draft.

Features of Essay Writing:

* Should be impressive.

* Should be well organised.

* Points should be covered in sound logical way.

* Should be clear and direct.

Practical Tips to Good Writing:

Linking - to take the meaning forward, use link words such as : however, on the other hand, nevertheless, whereas, etc.

Signposting - use reminders to say where you have got to . e.g. in short, to summarize, having dealt with, as we have seen, etc.

Sentences - use punch sentences for a good opening and a good closing. Use short sentences for effectiveness and longer sentences to explain and develop an argument.

Paragraphs - remember one idea per paragraph. Paragraphs mark natural breaks and show the way through the essay. Avoid lengthy paragraphs.


Write an essay on Deforestation and Global Warming.


A Paragraph is a sentence or a group of sentences that develops a single thought or idea. 

Tips to good paragraph writing:

* In writing essays, care should be taken to craft each paragraph well. 

* Paragraphs may vary from a single sentence to as many as even ten sentences, depending on the explanation required for each idea in the paragraph.

* Sentences should be varied in type and length.

* There should be a combination of short and long sentences for variety.

* Sentences should be structured well.

* There should be no repetition.

* The right choice of vocabulary adds colour and interest to what is being said and how it is being said.


Write a paragraph on 'The Responsibility of being an Adult Student'


Reasearch is a scientific study of a subject in order to establish facts and reach new conclusions.

What are the salient features of writing Research papers?

A research paper is a piece of written communication organized in such a way so as to meet the needs of valid publication.

It is highly structured with distinctive components such as :

1. Title, 2. Authors and Addresses, 3. Abstract, 4. Introduction, 5. Materials and Methods, 6. Results, 7. Discussion, 8. Conclusions, 9. Acknowledgements, 10. List of symbols, 11. References or Bibliography.


1. A research paper is a documented prose work.

2. The purpose of a research paper is for professional advancement.

3. In style, structure and approach, a research paper closely, resembles a formal report.

4. It is objective in nature and contains information that is accurate, concise, direct and straightforward.

5. Most research papers are characterized by the use of specialized vocabulary and graphic aids.

6. Definition, classification, interpretation, abstraction and description are some of the writing techniques used in research papers.

7. Every research paper arises out of a study on a particular subject.

8. Assembling relevant data, organizing and analysing data are essential features for a well - documented research paper.


A dissertation is an extended written treatment of a subject.

A Dissertation is a formal piece of work. It is original and substantial. The essence of a dissertation is critical thinking. Analysis and concepts form the main part of a dissertation.

The dissertation should contain:

1. Intellectual, visual or cultural context of a candidate's work and the development of that work.

2. It should be a critical statement and not just an exposition.

3. The cultural, historical and theoretical references of the work should be identified and discussed.

Essential Features:

1. Display.

2. Extensive and relevant reading.

3. A thorough understanding of the theme.

4. Systematic collection of data and evidence.

5. Interpretation, analysis and evaluation of data and evidence.

6. Accurate and appropriate presentation of data.

7. Critical thinking in raising and discussing issues.

8. Use of academic conventions such as being objective, structured, consistent, clear, concise and  correctly referenced.

Elements of a Dissertation:

1. Introduction:

Outline the scope of study and background material to be discussed.

2. Literature Survey:

Put own work into context and show how existing theories / research/ findings highlights your own work.

3. Methodology:

Explain why particular methods and techniques are used.

4. Results:

Present your findings clearly.

5. Discussion:

Interpret findings.

6. Conclusion:

Summarize main points, make necessary recommendations.

7. References

8. Appendices

Check your skills in writing the following:

1. Healthy Foods Ltd. is a fast growing manufacturer in the food - processing industry. They have openings in their training programme and require dynamic and result- oriented people with excellent communication and computer skills. Prepare your CV and addresses it to the Personnel Manager, P.O. Box 500, Bangalore.

2. Write a paragraph on the positive effects of watching Television.

3. Write an essay on the importance of Listening, Speaking, Reading and Writing to improve communication skills.

4. Prepare a Report on the Feasibility of Flexible Working Hours.

5. As a College Rep. you are asked to inform the students about the change in timings for Games. Prepare a Circular to be sent out to them.

6. Prepare an Advertisement in about 20 words that will convince people to buy your new brand of toothpaste.

7. Prepare the Minutes of a Meeting you had conducted the previous week on how to raise funds for a Charitable organisation that approached your college for help.

8. What was the Agenda sent out by you before you conducted the meeting?


  1. E.yogitha varshini
    II b.com ( gen ) , shift - 2 , B
    Mr.Gupta ( colleague): Hello, is this 25258654?
    Yourself : Yes. May I know who's calling?
    Mr.Gupta : I am Suresh Gupta. Can I talk to Mr. Mahajan?
    Yourself: I am afraid Dad is not at home. Do you have any message for him?
    Mr.Gupta : Yes, Please tell him that the meeting fixed for tomorrow i.e. 15th November has been
    Yourself: Okay Anything else.
    Mr.Gupta :Please tell him that we shall let him know as and when the next date for the meeting, is fixed
    Yourself: Okay sir I shall tell Dad when he comes back.

  2. S. Sri Harini
    2 b.com ca
    Mr.Gupta ( colleague): Hello, is this 25258?
    Yourself : Yes. May I know who is this?
    Mr.Gupta : I am Gupta. Can I talk to Mr. Mahajan?
    Yourself: I am afraid Dad is not at home. Do you have any message for him?
    Mr.Gupta : Yes, Please tell him that the meeting fixed for tomorrow i.e. 15th November has been
    Yourself: Okay Anything else.
    Mr.Gupta :Please tell him that we shall let him know as and when the next date for the meeting, is fixed
    Yourself: Okay sir I shall tell Dad when he comes back.

  3. Caller:is it 7853211
    Caller:may I speak to rohit I have to talk to him
    Priya:he is not here at present he has gone out and will come to 7pm
    Caller:in that case,will you kindly leave a message for him
    Priya:yes,of course

  4. 312216392 2 bcom CA
    Caller: is this 6738282?
    Rithu: yes
    Caller: can I speak to Nithin I have to talk to him
    Rithu:I am sorry, he is not available at this moment
    Caller: can you do me a favour?
    Rithu: yeah sure
    Caller:can you leave a message for him when he is available?
    Rithu:yeah sure
    Caller: thank you

  5. Mr.Gupta : Hello, is this 25258654?
    Myself: Yes. May I know who's calling?
    Mr.Gupta : I am Suresh Gupta. Can I talk to Mr. Mahajan?
    Myself: I am afraid Daddy is not at home. Do you have any message for him?
    Mr.Gupta : Yes, Please tell him that the meeting fixed for tomorrow i.e. 15th November has been
    Myself : Okay Anything else.
    Mr.Gupta :Please tell him that we shall let him know as and when the next date for the meeting, is fixed
    Myself :Okay uncle, I shall tell Daddy when he comes back.

  6. Activity 2

    Tambaram municipal corporation

    Respected sir/madam:

    It is to inform you that, I am a resident of the Agaram then locality. I would like to bring to your notice the pathetic condition of our locality where dengue has spread & is becoming an epidemic. It is due to ill drainage system where the drains are full with waste. There is no garbage system & workers do not come to even clean the garbage & waste. Due to the poor condition of roads water it’s logged even on roads giving rise to mosquito & files. Most of the people have been diagnosed with dengue & we are scared it is turning into an epidemic. The open drain’s manholes need to be cleaned & sanitized. Kindly look into the matter & do the needful we are in urgent need of help.

    Agaram then,kaspapuram,ch-126

    Thanking you

  7. V. YuvaShree
    B. Com CA Shift-2
    Mr.Gupta ( colleague): Hello, is this 25258?
    Yuva : Yes. May I know who is this?
    Mr.Gupta : I am Gupta. Can I talk to Mr. Mahajan?
    Yuva: I am afraid Dad is not at home. Do you have any message for him?
    Mr.Gupta : Yes, Please tell him that the meeting fixed for tomorrow i.e. 15th November has been
    Yuva: Okay Anything else.
    Mr.Gupta :Please tell him that we shall let him know as and when the next date for the meeting, is fixed
    Yuva:Okay sir I shall tell Dad when he comes back.


  8. Surya : Dear Amulya, why were you absent from the class for the last four or five days ?

    Amulya : Actually I was not well. I was also anxious about school, about you all. Now I have to make up the losses. Has anything new happened in the classes ?

    Surya : Oh , I have forgotten to tell you. Our class teacher has taken 'a programme of afforestation' next week. All of us have to participate.

    Amulya : What's that ? What shall we have to do ?

    Surya : Everyone of us has to plant four plants each. We also have to take care of those plants throughout the year.

    Amulya : Why ?

    Surya : Because of deforestation everywhere, the ecosystem is disrupted, the natural balance is hampered. This may be the cause of destruction of our world.

    Amulya : Yes, that's true. Again the wild animals are also suffering. Some of them are going to be extinct.

    Surya : Come to the class. We will discuss it more.

    Amulya : That's fine. Let's go.

  9. M.varshini
    II b comca
    Television is also playing a great role in forming positive social attitudes among children. Children learn about themselves and the world around them from observing others. Therefore, their attitudes and behaviors can be influenced by simply viewing televised materials. For instance, when Sesame Street appeared on television, children were introduced not only to a variety of furry, lovable creatures, but also to a cast of racially diverse characters, which reflected the rich ethnic and racial diversity of the world. According to the latest polls conducted in schools, children of all races agree that it is important to see people of their own race on television. It tells them that people of their race are important and equally included in society. Moreover, I believe, ethnically diverse programs teach children to respect and treat each other regardless skin color or racial

  10. Shahana Parveen.M
    II B.com gen b
    Speaker 1: Good morning. I'd like to talk to Mr. Dan Brown please.
    Speaker 2: Good morning. I'm sorry but Mr. Dan Brown is not here at the moment. Would you like to leave him a message?
    Speaker 1: Yes please. Tell him that Ms. Sumathi needs to contact him.
    Speaker 2: Sure, I'll tell him. Does he has your phone number?
    Speaker 1: Yes he has it. Thank you.
    Speaker 2: You're welcome. Something else?
    Speaker 1: No, that's all. Good bye
    Speaker 2: Good bye Ms. Sumathi.

  11. Sandhiya.C
    Bcom General shift 2 B sec
    Mr.Gupta ( colleague):Hello,is this 25258?
    Yourself: yes.May I know who is this?
    Mr. Gupta: I am Gupta.Can I talk to Mr.Mahajan?
    Yourself: I am afraid Dad is not at home.Do you have any message for him?
    Mr. Gupta:yes, Please tell him that the meeting fixed for tomorrow i.e. 15th November has been cancelled.
    Yourself: Okay Anything else.
    Mr. Gupta: Please tell him that we shall let him know as and when the next date for the meeting,is fixed.
    Youself: Okay sir I shall tell Dad when he comes back.

  12. Sampoorna.R
    Reg no 312216297
    II b.com gen B shift 2
    Speaker 1: Good morning. I'd like to talk to Mr. Dan Brown please.
    Speaker 2: Good morning. I'm sorry but Mr. Dan Brown is not here at the moment. Would you like to leave him a message?
    Speaker 1: Yes please. Tell him that Ms. Sumathi needs to contact him.
    Speaker 2: Sure, I'll tell him. Does he has your phone number?
    Speaker 1: Yes he has it. Thank you.
    Speaker 2: You're welcome. Something else?
    Speaker 1: No, that's all. Good bye
    Speaker 2: Good bye Ms. Sumathi.

    1. Shalini.B
      Bcom General shift 2 B sec
      Mr.Gupta ( colleague):Hello,is this 25258?
      Yourself: yes.May I know who is this?
      Mr. Gupta: I am Gupta.Can I talk to Mr.Mahajan?
      Yourself: I am afraid Dad is not at home.Do you have any message for him?
      Mr. Gupta:yes, Please tell him that the meeting fixed for tomorrow i.e. 15th November has been cancelled.
      Yourself: Okay Anything else.
      Mr. Gupta: Please tell him that we shall let him know as and when the next date for the meeting,is fixed.
      Youself: Okay sir I shall tell Dad when he comes back.

  13. Shobha S
    B com (Gen) B shift-2
    Speaker 1: Good morning. I'd like to talk to Mr. Dan Brown please.
    Speaker 2: Good morning. I'm sorry but Mr. Dan Brown is not here at the moment. Would you like to leave him a message?
    Speaker 1: Yes please. Tell him that Ms. Sumathi needs to contact him.
    Speaker 2: Sure, I'll tell him. Does he has your phone number?
    Speaker 1: Yes he has it. Thank you.
    Speaker 2: You're welcome. Something else?
    Speaker 1: No, that's all. Good bye
    Speaker 2: Good bye Ms. Sumathi.

  14. V. Aarthi bcom(CA)
    312216357 shift 2
    Caller: Is it 5942361 ?
    Aarthi: Yes.
    Caller: May I speak to Brij Mohan ? I have to talk to him urgently.
    aarthi: He is not here at present. He has gone out and will come at 4 pm.
    Caller: In that case, will you kindly leave a message for him? It is really urgent.
    Aarthi: Yes, of course. But I am also going out on an important work. However, you needn't worry. I shall leave this message on his table. What's it?

  15. This comment has been removed by the author.

  16. Shruthi P
    B.com General 2B,shift 2

    Trees play a mjor role in protecting the environment. Trees help in natural purifying the air we breathe, leads to proper monsoon,protects from many disasters that happen , also gives us food.
    Deforestation is actively cutting of trees in large numbers and clearing the forest area.The cutting down of trees affects the livelihood of many living beings . It affects the livelihood of animals which in turn leads to endangering of many animals.
    The deforestation also leads to severe problems like drought,floods etc.which affects all the living beings including humans.
    Forests play a major role in balancing Earth's climate. They purify the emissions of carbon complexes and gives oxygen to breathe.
    The deforestation and the increased emissions of Green house gas and due to many wastes emitted by many industries leads to Global Warming and it is the major reason for a hole in the ozone.
    The continuance deforestation also leads to occupation of water in the lands in future and destroys the land surface.
    Hence the deforestation should be controlled for healthy living in this earth.


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