Business Correspondence is communication or exchange of information in a written form for the purpose of business activities.

What Business Communication Means:

Business Communication includes any kind of communication that occurs within the business context. Business communication includes customer relations, marketing, branding, advertising, etc, All managerial or administrative activities involve business communication be it planning, organizing, recruiting or decision - making. Effective business communication serves as a yardstick to measure the success or growth of an organisation. Business communication can be both oral and written.

Oral forms of Business Communication are: seminars, interviews, group discussions, etc. Written forms of Business Communication are: Memos, Reports, Research papers, Proposals, Circulars, etc.

The Main Features of Effective Business Etiquette:

The word 'etiquette' refers to the norms and standards of behaviour that govern socially accepted bahaviour in any given situation.

Business etiquette focuses on actions deemed appropriate in professional settings like:

1. Wearing appropriate attire.

2. Being on time.

3. Avoiding improper cell phone usage.

4. Taking care of the language you use.

5. Developing a professional handshake, etc.

Business Etiquette demands that you send the right messages to the right people all the time.

The Importance of Communication in Business:

Developing communication abilities promises a double pay off in the business world. Business success in today's competitive global marketplace largely depends on :

* Organizing ideas and information logically and completely.

* Expressing ideas and information coherently and persuasively.

* Reading and listening correctly to intended messages.

* Communicating effectively with people from diverse backgrounds and experiences.


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