1.3. Public Speaking



* Public Speaking is the process of speaking to a group of people in a structured, deliberate manner.

* Public Speaking is intended to inform, influence or entertain listeners.

* Public Speaking is one skill that no successful person can afford to be without.

The Importance of Public Speaking:

* Public Speaking is a productive skill.

* Speaking in front of peers gives practise in the social use of language.

Difference between Conversation and Public Speaking:

 Public Speaking                             Conversation

1. Formal Language                      1. Informal Language

2. Formal Environment                 2. Informal Environment

3. Large Group                              3. Small Group

4. Clear purpose                            4. Often No Clear Purpose

5. Organized and Planned             5. Loosely Organized

6. More Audience Centered          6. Audience Centered

Features of Public Presentation:

* Public Speaking defines the role of the speaker and listener more clearly.

* Good speeches represent carefully considered research, audience analysis, organization, careful wording and intense practice.

Accepted standards of organizing a speech:

* Introduction that states clear objectives.

* Context and Structure of the message.

* Conclusion- reviewing main points, summarizing contents, proper closing techniques.

Speech delivery involves:

* Clear presentation

* Eye contact with audience

* Appropriate rate of speaking

* Positive body language

* The use of supporting materials like visual and audiovisual aids, add strength and variety to the speech

* The right choice of words can make a message memorable

Traits of a Good Public Speaker:

* Effective speakers are masters of their subject.

* They speak in a pleasing, moderate, conversational tone, enunciating their words clearly.

* They give the audience plenty of opportunities to absorb their message.

* They make eye contact gradually and continuously.

* They have a confident stance that attracts even a skeptical or disinterested audience.

Questions to be asked before preparing for a Public Speech:

Whether  you're giving a talk at your college; updating colleagues on the progress of their work; or making a presentation to a large group of strangers; ask the following questions in order to have a better public speaking experience- both for you and your audience.

1. How much time do I have to speak?

2. What is the format expected for the talk?

3. Will I be a part of a panel or will I be speaking alone?

4. Do I have time for questions and if so what is the allocated time?

5. Will the audience be experts or novices in the subject?

6. What is the strength of the audience?

Choose the right type of speech to match the right occasion:

Speaking to Inform: 

* Keep the talk simple.

* Follow a logical sequence.

* Don't make assumptions.

* Reiterate key points.

Speaking to Persuade:

* Use logic and facts to support the argument.

* Anticipate questions.

* Focus on the key factor for supporting the cause.

* Be confident.

* Occasionally use emotional appeals to create an impact.

What are the nuances of speech delivery?

1. Know your audience, their level of expertise and the manner in which the message will impact them.

2. Be an expert on the subject. Research thoroughly.

3. The source of the message is as important as the message itself. Document the source.

4. Write your speech and memorize key words and phrases.

5. Use visuals to support what you say.

6. Rehearse your speech. Be thorough to gain confidence.

7. Do a mock presentation. Get a feedback. Make the necessary changes.

8. Practise the right stance. Work hard at being natural and relaxed.

Listen to the following Public Speech of most eminent personalities:

Dr. APJ Abdul Kalam

Mrs. Sudha Murthy



Prepare a speech on any one of the following topics:

1. The upcoming Republic Day

2. A Cleaner, Greener Environment

3. The Present Day Health Hazards

4. The Rise of Multi- Storey Shopping Complexes


  1. Swetha
    2nd year bca shift 2
    Good day everyone ! I'm Swetha from the 2nd bca department. Speech on Independence Day celebration means a lot to the person who is interested in expressing his/her thoughts in front of people about the country, history of freedom, Patriotism, Nationalism, Indian National Flag, National Festivals of India, Importance of Independence Day or other topics related to the Indian independence. Here we have provided various speech on Independence day of India for the school going kids, children and students. The speeches have been meticulously written, keeping in mind the requirements of students as well as office going professionals.One can easily remember the speeches and reiterate in front of audience to gain applause and appreciation. The speeches are also bound to enthrall the audiences, infusing in them the feelings of Nationalism and Patriotism. Professionals can also use these speeches to prepare and deliver a best speech in the offices or other places they need to deliver an Independence Day speech

  2. Good Morning Principal Sir/Madam, teachers and friends. Today I am going to give a short speech on Independence Day.

    It is our 76th Independence Day, today. We must take part in the events with devotion. It is very important to honor the flag and sing national anthem. We must remember our brave freedom fighters on this day.

    We should be dressed like Bapu, Chacha Nehru, and Bhagat Singh in order to remember them. Hindus, Muslims, Christians and Sikhs must celebrate the day together. It is also a national holiday today.

    It was very pleasing to address you all. Thank You! Happy Independence Day!

  3. Sujitha
    ||-BCA-shift 2
    Good Morning Principal Sir/Madam, teachers and friends. I'm sujitha from BCA Today I am going to give a short speech on Independence Day.

    It is our 76th Independence Day, today. We must take part in the events with devotion. It is very important to honor the flag and sing national anthem. We must remember our brave freedom fighters on this day.

    We should be dressed like Bapu, Chacha Nehru, and Bhagat Singh in order to remember them. Hindus, Muslims, Christians and Sikhs must celebrate the day together. It is also a national holiday today.

    It was very pleasing to address you all. Thank You! Happy Independence Day!

  4. G.Gayathri
    2nd BCA shift 2
    Good morning principal sir/madam teacher and friends to day I am going to speech about independence day
    The day of 15th August 1947 has been embossed in the golden history of India .it is the day when india got its freedom from 200 years of British rule .it was a hard and long struggle in which many freedom fighters and great men sacrifice their lives our beloved motherland
    Independence day 2022 helps us remember every one of the penances our political dissident made to liberate india from British rule.
    On 15th august 1947 india was announced free from British imperialism and turned into the biggest vote-based system the largest democracy in the world
    It was very pleasing to address you all.thank you ! Happy independence day

  5. V.devipriya
    2nd BCA shift-2
    Good morning one and all present here I am V.devipriya of BCA department shift 2. I feel immensely honoured to having been given an opportunity to address you all on such a significant occasion and express my own views. It is the day when we got freedom from the British rule after many years of hard struggle by the great freedom fighters of India. We celebrate independence day every year on 15th of August to remember all the sacrifices of the great leaders who have sacrificed their lives in getting freedom for India. we should take an oath today of being highly responsible and well educated citizens of the tomorrow India and successfully lead this democratic nation.
    Thank you, Jaihind!.

  6. Name: Maitri Vijay Sheth
    Dept: II BCA - Shift II
    Reg. No.: 212205184

    Today, as we gather here, it is crucial to address the pressing issue of present-day health hazards. Good Day everybody, I am Maitri and I'm about to address one of the most significant concerns of a human being. In our modern world, we face a myriad of challenges that impact our well-being.

    Firstly, the alarming rise in chronic diseases such as diabetes, heart disease, and obesity poses a significant threat to our population. Unhealthy lifestyles, sedentary habits, and poor dietary choices have contributed to this escalating crisis.
    Secondly, mental health concerns have reached unprecedented levels. Stress, anxiety, and depression affect millions, calling for greater awareness and support for mental well-being.
    Thirdly, the persistent environmental degradation exposes us to air and water pollution, leading to respiratory problems and various illnesses.
    Moreover, emerging infectious diseases constantly remind us of the importance of robust healthcare systems and preventive measures.

    In conclusion, addressing these health hazards necessitates a collective effort from individuals, communities, and governments worldwide. Let us prioritize our health, embrace healthy habits, and work towards a sustainable and healthier future for all. Thank you!

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  10. Niranjana M


    A smile in our face today is because of the pain the martyrs faced during the time of fighting for our Nation's Independence. We are now a free bird flying around the places is because of the sacrifices and brutual beatings they underwent. This one day is not enough to pay our respect to them, we owe each and every second of ours to them. Good day to all, Today we are here to celebrate the martyred soul's bravery and to pay respect to our tricolor flag which removes all the discrimination based on caste, race, religion ,gender etc. between us and recognize everyone under the one term, the most powerful term "INDIANS".

    Whenever I pronounce the word "Indian", it creates goosebumps for me.This word has got some magical powers with it as it does some magic to my heart. Let's hold hands together and make this day an amazing one. We can learn new things anytime because, age is just a number Let's learn to spread positivity, to be coordinated, to support each other and to safeguard each other as these small things will create a great nation with great people. Let this day be a gamechanger in our lives. Happy Independence day to all! Jai Hind!

  11. Nivedha Shyla . A
    II BCOM CA - Shift -2
    Good day Respected principle , teachers and my dear friends ,
    I am very happy to have the opportunity to express my thounghts on this auspious occasion of independence day . this is our 76th independence day celebrations . The story of our freedom fighters are so big as it cannot be expalined in a day . Independence day is so important day of every indian . 75 yaers ago British ruled india , they came to india on the protext of trade and gradually took everthing under their control and made us salves . then on 15 august 1947, Indian became independent after many agitations and battles. many heros sacrificed their lives to get freedom for India . Due to the brave warriors of our country , we have become independece today and today we celebrate this day to pay tribute to those brave warriors . independence day is one of the national festivals of india .JAY HIND ; Thank you for giving me this opportunity .

  12. This comment has been removed by the author.

  13. Prasanna Kumari R
    II Bcom CA Shift 2
    Respected; Principal, teachers, staff members and all my dear friends. I welcome you all from the bottom of my heart on this day of national reverence, when we celebrate the country’s 73rd Independence Day, today.

    I feel immensely honoured to having been given an opportunity to address you all on such a significant occasion and express my own views.

    As we all know that India gained independence on August 15, 1947. It was on this day that the British departed from Indian soil, transferring the legislative powers to the Indian Constituent Assembly. In other words, India was now to be ruled by its own people and not by foreign invaders.

    It was the most joyous moment in the history of India as it came following nearly two centuries of struggle and revolutions against British sovereignty. The day reminds us of the valour and sacrifices of our fellow countrymen, who were the torchbearers of the freedom struggle.

    Let us celebrate this Independence Day to commemorate the indomitable spirit of our freedom fighters and political patrons of that time. It is because of them that we enjoy the fruits of freedom today.


    Good day everyone !, today, being our proud moment to celebrate our 76th Independence day on behalf of our college I would like to welcome principal ma'am ,chief guest FORMER INDIAN CRICKET TEAM CAPTAIN MR. M.S.DHONI , staffs and our students to this celebration of our country's independence.

    It is very nice and heartwarming to see that being patriots , everyone here have pinned our national flag on your dress.
    "The precious gem will always be cherished" , just like the quote we could never forget to thank our freedom fighters for us to be living in a peaceful country like India.
    I would now call upon our chief guest M.S.Dhoni to share a few words with us ,Sir please....

  15. V.Bhuvaneshwari
    Dear Students and Teachers,Today is a very special day for all of us, as we come together to celebrate our Independence Day. This is a day when we feel proud of our nation, and it's a day to remember the heroes who fought for our freedom.

    Our story begins many years ago when brave men and women decided that they wanted to live in a country where they could be free. They wanted the freedom to make their own choices, the freedom to speak their minds, and the freedom to follow their dreams. They didn't want to live under someone else's rules. They believed in something called "independence" and were ready to fight for it. These brave people are our 'freedom fighters.'

    After a long and hard struggle, their dream came true on this very day, when our country became independent. This story of the 'independence struggle' is not just about history but about courage, dedication, and love for our country.

    Today, as 'proud citizens,' we must remember that every privilege we enjoy, be it the 'right to education,' the right to 'freedom of speech,' or the 'right to equality,' all were achieved because of the sacrifices of these brave hearts.

    But remember, with great 'freedom' comes great responsibilities. As future leaders, it is up to us to make good decisions, be kind, help each other, and work hard to keep making our country a better place. Because now, it's our turn to contribute to the story of this great nation as responsible citizens.

    Independence Day is not just about enjoying a holiday; it's about celebrating our freedom, remembering our brave freedom fighters, and cherishing the power of being independent. So, let's celebrate this Independence Day with pride in our hearts and dreams in our eyes for a brighter and better future for our beloved country.
    Jai Hind! Vande Mataram!

  16. V. Aarthi
    312216357 Bcom(CA)shift 2
    Let's start with the first topic, "The upcoming Republic Day." This topic is about the celebration of India's Republic Day, which is celebrated on the 26th of January every year. To prepare a speech on this topic, you can talk about the history of India's Republic Day, what it represents, and how it is celebrated.

    For example, you can say: "Republic Day is a special day in India because it marks the day when India became a republic. This means that India is a country where the people have the power to choose their leaders and make their own laws. On Republic Day, people in India celebrate by hoisting the national flag, singing the national anthem, and having parades with colourful floats that represent different parts of India."

    I hope this example helps you understand how to prepare a speech on the topic of "The upcoming Republic Day." Remember to keep your speech simple and engaging, and use examples that are easy to understand. Good luck!

  17. Vasundhara S
    II B.com General

    I wish everyone a Happy Independence Day and begin my speech by saluting India where I live and the Tamil land where I was born.

    Having been enslaved for 200 years under British rule, our country of India was happy in the fantasy that it was freed and said, “Let's dance! Let's sing at school! We have attained blissful freedom!” As sung by Mahakavi Bharatiyar. But the Mahakavi, who bowed down to no one, mingled with nature a quarter of a century before seeing India's independence

    76 years have passed since the independence of India. Although Independence Day is celebrated in government offices, schools and colleges all over the country, it has become a formal ceremony of hoisting the national flag for the children of today's generation. Many of the present generation of our country have the attitude of thinking that this freedom has come easily.

    Whether this freedom really comes easily to us is certainly not the case. Considering that our generation should live well, our forefathers who were many generations before us thought, with the lofty ambition that this country should be freed from the domination of foreigners and their exploitation, they sacrificed all their body, material and spirit for the freedom of this country and got it for us. That is the freedom our we are enjoying now.

  18. sandhya.B
    II bcom(CA) shift_2
    Topic: The upcoming Republic Day
    India celebrates Republic Day on January 26 annually with a lot of pride and fervor. It is a day that is important to every Indian citizen. It marks the day when India became truly independent and embraced democracy. In other words, it celebrates the day on which our constitution came into effect. On 26 January 1950, almost 3 years post-independence, we became a sovereign, secular, socialist, democratic republic.

  19. S Sri Harini
    2 b.com ca
    A market is where purchasers and merchants are engaged with the deal and acquisition of products. It lays out a decent connection between the maker and the customer. There are a few different sorts of business sectors to be specific; week-after-week showcases, shops close by us, shopping complexes, shopping centers, and so forth. The benefit procured by these various business sectors shifts. It relies on the sort of venture made by the merchant and purchasing limit of the client. In the current times, products are additionally sold by web-based promoting and home conveyance.

  20. 2 BCom CA Shift-2
    V.YuvaShree 312216413
    Good morning to my respected Principal Madam, my respected Sir and Madam and my all colleagues. I would like to say thank you to give me such a great opportunity to speak something on our Republic Day. My name is V.YuvaShree

    Today, we all are here to celebrate 74th Republic Day of our nation. This is a great and auspicious occasion for all of us. We should greet each other and pray to God for the development and prosperity of our nation. We celebrate Republic Day in India every year on 26th of January as the constitution of India came into force at this day. We are regularly celebrating the Republic Day of India since 1950 as on 26th of January in 1950 India constitution came into force. Thank you

  21. Jezeela banu.M
    2nd bcom(CA)shift 2
    Good day everyone
    Reminder of bravery & sacrifices
    Today, we are reminded of the bravery and sacrifices made by our forefathers. On this historic occasion, let's remember that freedom is a precious gift that comes with responsibilities. We must uphold the values of unity, diversity, and progress that our nation stands for.

  22. V.swetha
    B.com CA shift 2
    Speech on A Cleaner, Greener Environment..
    We can make our earth a better place to live by taking simple steps like planting a tree, throwing waste in proper bins, saying no to plastic bags, etc. Rather than complaining about pollution, such small steps must be taken to make our environment sustainable.Clean and green environment imply absence of pollution and a better quality of life. Green on the other hand has a direct link to promoting good health. Literally a green environment means abundance of trees and greenery. Trees are instrumental in purifying air by absorbing the dangerous gases and giving out Oxygen.

  23. Divyashree.S
    II B.COM [GENERAL] - "B" - Shift-2

    Prepare a speech on any one of the following topics:

    2. A Cleaner, Greener Environment

    In the current era, our wants to have a cleaner and greener environment has become more pressing. The environment and the ecosystem play a very crucial role in the lives of each and every individual. Rewinding a couple of years back, there was more greenery, and nature and humans were in complete harmony with each other. Fast forwarding to this day and age, there is less greenery, more infrastructure and an unbalanced relationship between humans and nature. We have not given much thought to the question "Nature has provided everything to us but, have we ever repaid it back?"
    According to me, Environment is the most valuable resource that we possess. It has everything that a human needs for survival. It includes all the basic elements of life that is air, fire, water, earth and space. We need to understand that there is a balance of nature and when we over-extract the resources or use them for futile purposes, this balance becomes unstable causing nothing but wide-scale destruction. In this way, we cause harm to nature as well as to ourselves. We are ready to take everything from nature but, are we ready to take the blame for the damage caused to it? The answer is "No". First and foremost, this thought has to be changed. We need to understand that it's our responsibility to protect and preserve nature and we need to make amends.
    As an Individual, I have started planting more trees and I water them every day. I have reduced the usage of plastic to the maximum extent possible. I separate the biodegradable and non-biodegradable waste before disposing it. We can bring about impactful changes by working together in our societies. The government has also taken various steps from its side. We have various rules, regulations, policies, programmes and campaigns like that of the Swachh Bharat Abhiyan etc. The clock's ticking and we still have time to set back things right. It all starts with us and every small action from us is actually a huge help to our environment. So let's make our environment, our home, a cleaner and greener one.
    Thank you.

  24. Yuvashree. S
    B.Com General Shift II
    The tools for dealing with the health conditions of today are not as specific and precise as those that have been available for the contagious diseases. The medical and sanitary sciences have provided public health workers with specific measures for prevention of these diseases—vaccination, immunization, safe water and milk supplies, sanitary sewage disposal, and insect vector control. When properly utilized, these measures have protected people from the several communicable diseases. But even in situations in which individuals do not avail themselves of these protective measures and contract a given disease, there are antibiotics and other chemotherapy agents that are specific and effective. No such specifics exist for preventing the chronic diseases, the degenerative conditions of old age, or accidents.

    Medical science has, however, made possible the prevention of the more serious consequences of many of the chronic diseases. . .. No specific preventive is available for accidents or obesity other than changes in behavioral patterns.

  25. M.varshini
    II B.com computer applications
    So-called ‘green’ cleaning has been trending in the commercial and industrial cleaning sectors for a number of years. Not too long ago, however, ‘going green’ was simply a matter of switching to more environmentally-friendly cleaning products. Today, it has evolved to become more than just lip service; true environmental protection is a key strategy for many successful businesses.

    This focus on environmentally-friendly commercial and industrial cleaning is part of increasing awareness about the state of our natural world. We are constantly being reminded about climate change and seeing the evidence of humankind’s impact on our world. Just think about how environmental activist Greta Thunberg stirred up world leaders at the United Nations recently, and the protests that erupted with the burning of the Amazon rainforest.

    These are examples of large, high-profile environmental events. However, many of us are realising that being green begins with smaller changes right here at home. We want to see our employers and government leaders introduce environmental strategies that benefit our future.

    For example, dust and litter control – primarily in urban centres – are both issues that require ongoing consideration, particularly with increasing new development and landfills becoming saturated. This is to prevent public health problems developing, secure our waterways and achieve town beautification objectives.

    Ladies and gentlemen,

    Let's talk about the rise of tall shopping buildings in cities. These big buildings are changing the way we shop. They're getting popular because they save space in crowded cities. Instead of having many small stores all over, these buildings put lots of shops and services together in one place.

    This helps us because we can buy clothes, food, and even have fun in one spot. It's like a shopping and entertainment hub. Plus, these buildings create jobs for people in construction, shops, and more, which is good for the local economy.

    These tall shopping places have become a vital part of modern city life. But as we welcome this change, we must also think about being kind to our environment and making sure our neighborhoods stay nice. These buildings show that we can adapt to new ways of living and make our lives more convenient and enjoyable.

  27. Keerthana V

    Good morning to one and all present here.
    I'm v.keerthana from 2nd year BCA department. I would like to present the Independence day speech. Here we are all standing freedomly because of our great freedom fighters like Mahatma Gandhi, Subhash Chandra Bose, Bhagat singh, Sarojini Naidu, Jawaharlal Nehru and many more freedom fighters. We are all celebrating the August 15th as independence day. Many people's and freedom fighters are Faced so many pains and struggled to get freedom for our nation. Now india is the largest democracy of the world. As a citizen of India, we are proud of its golden past. We had one of the oldest and richest civilization in the world. Today we not only need to be proud of our glorious past but also work to make our present and future better than our past
    On this Independence Day, let us come together as one and promise to build a stronger, more prosperous, and harmonious nation. Let us foster a sense of compassion, understanding, and respect for each other.
    I wish you all a happy Independence Day! May we continue to uphold the spirit of freedom and make our nation proud.
    Jai Hind!

  28. M.Abinaya
    2nd Bcom CA
    Good morning to everyone who is present here on this auspicious occasion. All of us are here to celebrate the 74th republic day of our country today. I am obliged and honoured to give a speech on republic day. Republic Day, celebrated every year on 26th January has a special significance in the history of India. To make the event memorable the national event is celebrated every year with a lot of joy, happiness, and pride in our hearts. As we know on 26 January 1950, the Indian constitution came into effect and so from that day we the people of India constantly praise it as the Republic Day of our country. We all know that India got independence on 15 August 1947 but the nation didn’t have any constitution of its own. However, after many discussions and considerations, a committee headed by Dr. BR Ambedkar submitted a draft of the Indian constitution which was adopted on 26th November 1949 and officially came into effect on 26th January 1950.I wanna end this speech by saying that India is a democratic country. The citizens living in a democratic country enjoy the privilege to elect their leader to lead the country. Although there has been a lot of improvement till now, it can also be said that we have been facing a few problems such as pollution, poverty, Unemployment, etc. One thing we all can do is to promise each other that we will become a better version of ourselves so that we could contribute to solving all these problems and making our nation a better place. Thank you, Jai Hind!

  29. Sujitha.S
    Bcom gen B shift 2
    Good morning to everyone who is present here on this auspicious occasion. All of us are here to celebrate the 74th republic day of our country today. I am obliged and honoured to give a speech on republic day. Republic Day, celebrated every year on 26th January has a special significance in the history of India. To make the event memorable the national event is celebrated every year with a lot of joy, happiness, and pride in our hearts. As we know on 26 January 1950, the Indian constitution came into effect and so from that day we the people of India constantly praise it as the Republic Day of our country. We all know that India got independence on 15 August 1947 but the nation didn’t have any constitution of its own. However, after many discussions and considerations, a committee headed by Dr. BR Ambedkar submitted a draft of the Indian constitution which was adopted on 26th November 1949 and officially came into effect on 26th January 1950.I wanna end this speech by saying that India is a democratic country. The citizens living in a democratic country enjoy the privilege to elect their leader to lead the country. Although there has been a lot of improvement till now, it can also be said that we have been facing a few problems such as pollution, poverty, Unemployment, etc. One thing we all can do is to promise each other that we will become a better version of ourselves so that we could contribute to solving all these problems and making our nation a better place. Thank you, Jai Hind!

  30. K.Bhuvaneshwari
    2 nd BCA shift- 2
    Good morning to one and all present here. I am here to present a welcome speech. As we all know that we have gathered here on a very special occasion for a democratic country “India”. Today’s day is the 72nd Republic Day of our beloved country India. Warm Greetings and a very warm welcome to all of you present here, with special mention to our principal, vice-principal, and respected teachers. I will share my views through my Welcome Speech on Republic Day. I would like to say a lot of thanks, my Principal Madam, as just because of her I have got such a wonderful opportunity to come on this stage and speak about my beloved country on such auspicious occasion of Republic day.

  31. World Environment Day is celebrated every year on June 5 globally. It is a day on which we spread awareness about the environment and the need to conserve it. Moreover, it is essential to advocate for a greener environment and conservation of nature. It is quite simple as when we conserve the environment today, the future generations will be able to lead a healthier life. We cannot be so selfish and use up all the resources for ourselves. World Environment Day is the perfect opportunity to make people aware of the issues we are facing and how one can contribute to saving it. Thus, it is quite important in its own way.

    speech on world environment day

  32. S Harini
    II B com General Shift 2
    Good day to everyone who is assembled here today. I am here to give a speech on the upcoming Republic day.
    Republic Day is the day when India marks and celebrates the date on which the Constitution of India came into effect on 26 January 1950.
    The main Republic Day celebration is held in the national capital, New Delhi, before the President of India.
    On the eve of Republic Day, the President addresses the nation.
    The President of India distributes Padma Awards to the civilians of India every year. These are the second highest civilian awards in India after Bharat Ratna. These awards are given in three categories, viz. Padma Vibhushan, Padma Bhushan and Padma Shri.
    In conclusion it's a day to celebrate our democratic spirit, unity in diversity, and our journey as a republic. Let us all come together on this special day to reiterate our commitment to the values that make India a truly great nation. Jai Hind!

  33. Jayashree.S
    2nd BCA Shift 2 Good morning to one and all present here.
    I'm S.Jayashree , I would like to present the Independence day speech. Here we are all standing freedomly because of our great freedom fighters like Mahatma Gandhi, Subhash Chandra Bose, Bhagat singh, Sarojini Naidu, Jawaharlal Nehru and many more freedom fighters. We are all celebrating the August 15th as independence day. Many people's and freedom fighters are Faced so many pains and struggled to get freedom for our nation. Now india is the largest democracy of the world. As a citizen of India, we are proud of its golden past. We had one of the oldest and richest civilization in the world. Today we not only need to be proud of our glorious past but also work to make our present and future better than our past
    On this Independence Day, let us come together as one and promise to build a stronger, more prosperous, and harmonious nation. Let us foster a sense of compassion, understanding, and respect for each other.
    I wish you all a happy Independence Day! May we continue to uphold the spirit of freedom and make our nation proud.

  34. Shalini.B
    II B.com General

    I wish everyone a Happy Independence Day and begin my speech by saluting India where I live and the Tamil land where I was born.

    Having been enslaved for 200 years under British rule, our country of India was happy in the fantasy that it was freed and said, “Let's dance! Let's sing at school! We have attained blissful freedom!” As sung by Mahakavi Bharatiyar. But the Mahakavi, who bowed down to no one, mingled with nature a quarter of a century before seeing India's independence

    76 years have passed since the independence of India. Although Independence Day is celebrated in government offices, schools and colleges all over the country, it has become a formal ceremony of hoisting the national flag for the children of today's generation. Many of the present generation of our country have the attitude of thinking that this freedom has come easily.

    Whether this freedom really comes easily to us is certainly not the case. Considering that our generation should live well, our forefathers who were many generations before us thought, with the lofty ambition that this country should be freed from the domination of foreigners and their exploitation, they sacrificed all their body, material and spirit for the freedom of this country and got it for us. That is the freedom our we are enjoying now.

  35. Sahana
    B.com gen
    Good day ma'am/sir and ladies and gentle man gathered here. I am here to present a wonderful speech for republic day.It is our duty as citizens to uphold the principles and values laid down in the Constitution, and to work towards building a stronger and more prosperous nation. We must work towards creating a society that is inclusive and equal, where everyone has the opportunity to succeed and reach their full potential. So now am ending
    my speech with great respect for our nation thank you for giving me this wonderful opportunity.

  36. Name : Srinithi S R
    Reg no : 312216308
    Class : II B.Com General

    Good morning to one and all present here. I am S.R.Srinithi from B.Com General. I am going to give a speech about The Present Day Health Hazards. As you all know how and all the health affects aur body. Health hazards are chemical, physical or biological factors in our environment that can have negative impacts on our short- or long-term health. Exposure can occur through touch, inhalation, and ingestion. Understanding the risks of these hazards can help us to take action to avoid or mitigate these risks.
    Biological health hazards include bacteria, viruses, parasites and moulds or fungi. They can pose a threat to human health when they are inhaled, eaten or come in contact with skin. They can cause illness such as food poisoning, tetanus, respiratory infections or parasite infection. We provide expertise and resources on monitoring and controlling biological hazards that are transmitted through food, air or water.
    Physical hazards include noise, temperature, vibration and radiation. Exposure to these hazards can be short- or long-term and can occur at home, school, work and in the community. We provide expertise to help assess, monitor and address the risk of physical hazards.

  37. This comment has been removed by the author.

  38. Good morning Principal
    Sir/madam teacher and friends to day I am going to speech about independence day.
    The day of 15 th August 1947 has been embossed in the golden history of India.It is the day when India got its freedom from 200 years of British rule It was a hard and long struggle in which many freedom fighters and great men sacrifice their lives our beloved motherland. Independence day 2022 helps us remember every one of the penances our political dissident made to liberate India from British rule.
    On 15 th August 1947 India was announced free from British imperialism and turner into the biggest vote- based system the largest democracy in the world it was very pleasing to address you all. Thank you! Happy independence day.

  39. G Yamini Devi
    II B. Com general. B
    SHIFT 2
    A Great day to one and all present here. Am Yamini from b. Com general. And am here to talk about
    A Cleaner, Greener Environment. It means that the World Environment Day is celebrated every year on June 5 globally. It is a day on which we spread awareness about the environment and the need to conserve it.We cannot be so selfish and use up all the resources for ourselves. World Environment Day is the perfect opportunity to make people aware of the issues we are facing and how one can contribute to saving it. Thus, this day serves as an eye-opener for many citizens who aren’t aware of all this. In other words, it spreads awareness amongst the common people which the environment is facing right now. Moreover, it also encourages the public from different societies and communities to take active participation in celebrating the day. And thank you for giving me the opportunity to talk about it. Thank you.

  40. Jene angel.P
    II B.com CA
    Good morning principal sir/madam. Today I am going to speak about. A Cleaner, Greener Environment
    A clean environment is a necessity for everyone. It is necessary for human life and it is necessary for the planet.
    It is not only important to keep our environment clean, but also to keep it safe and healthy.
    The air we breathe, the water we drink, and the food we eat should be clean enough to live on. If there was no clean environment, we wouldn’t be able to enjoy these essentials of life. A clean environment is necessary for the survival of life on Earth. We should not think of it as an option but a necessity.Human beings are responsible for causing the pollution in our environment and we need to take action to stop it.It is imperative for the world to have a clean environment. It is a necessity that is needed for us to live in harmony with nature.
    One of the most important things that we can do for our planet is to reduce our carbon footprint. When we make an effort to reduce pollution and create a cleaner environment, it will help us achieve a healthy lifestyle and better health.
    The world has become more polluted in recent years. It is important to take action and make sure that the environment is clean. The following are some actions that can be taken to maintain a clean environment:
    -Reduce waste
    -Use less plastic
    -Use public transportation
    Thanks for this opportunity.

  41. T. Bhavya
    2nd B.com(gen) ''B'' section
    Good day everyone. I am Bhavya from 2nd B.com(gen), today going to speak about the upcoming
    republic day. Every year Republic Day is celebrated in India on 26th January with grandeur. Magnificent parades at Janpath, New Delhi, comprising the Indian National Army and national flag hoisting in various parts of the country are common practices followed on this day. In the year 2024, it will mark India's 74th Republic Day.26-Jan-2023.
    It all started in 1947 when India gained freedom from the British Empire. In November 1947, a draft of the Constitution was developed and submitted to the Constituent Assembly. However, it took the Assembly over two years of discussions and modifications before the Constitution was finalized — the sessions held were open to the public.
    Furthermore, the Assembly adopted the Constitution on November 26, 1949, but it did not come into effect immediately. The documents that established the charter were signed on January 24, 1950, and the Constitution officially came into effect for the nation on January 26, 1950. This was also the day when India’s first-ever president, Dr Rajendra Prasad began his term. When the Constitution came into effect, it also replaced the Government of India Act and established India as a democratic republic. Republic Day is celebrated today to mark the day when democracy and justice were chosen to run the nation. It is this rule of law that is missing in many countries that are run by dictators.

  42. Varshinee AS
    2bcomgen b
    Good day all, Iam varshinee and my topic is rise of muti story shopping complex,shopping complexes and malls are usually found in urban areas.These are large multi storeyed air conditioner building with shops on different forms,so these shops sell both branded and non branded goods.Few people visit malls because they sell costly items.shopping centres are provided jobs and they generate economic growth so that's important.Shopping malls includes enough parking space so that shoppers can park their vehicles with ease and convenience.customers mood can greatly influence what and how much they purchase.while you can't necessarily predict what state of mind customers will be in when they arrive at your shopping centre.many malls declined considering in North America's, particularly in subprime locations,and some have closed and become so it called as dead malls.only well to do people can afford to buy these items.

  43. A.Nikithaa IIBCA SHIFT-2 REGISTER NO:212205163 2. A Cleaner, Greener Environment Refuse single-use items
    Speak up
    Buy locally and grow more of your own food
    Compost your food waste
    Plant trees and landscape with native plants
    Green your transportation and travel habits
    Conserve water
    Reduce chemical use & properly dispose waste

  44. Tejus
    2nd B.com Ca
    The environmental pollution in the form of air, water, and land pollution, has severely affected life. The air quality is unbreathable, water non-potable and the land contaminated, leading to many diseases. So, for better survival, the pollution must be tackled and reversed. A healthy life is possible only if the basic necessity of cleanliness of air and land is achieved. Clean and green environment imply absence of pollution and a better quality of life.

    Green on the other hand has a direct link to promoting good health. Literally a green environment means abundance of trees and greenery. Trees are instrumental in purifying air by absorbing the dangerous gases and giving out Oxygen. Also greenery has a soothing and pacifying effect on people. The natural ecosystem heavily depends on trees and plants on supporting the smaller insects, animals and birds for shelter and food.

  45. Akshaya V
    B.com CA
    A heartfelt welcome to each one present here. I am Akshaya, am here to deliver a speech on saving the environment and saving life. It is no hidden fact that our environment is affected largely due to human activities. It is facing a threat at an alarming rate. We have over-exploited nature due to our greed. This has caused a natural imbalance. However, we can still do something and protect our environment from all the damages. We must plant more and more trees, throw garbage in the dustbin, avoid using plastic bags, etc. It cannot be denied that our natural environment is such an important part of our ecosystem.
    Mother nature offers so much to us. We must protect the environment and nature and be a part of sustainable development programmes.

  46. Janani R 312216376
    B.com CA shift 2
    World will be clean. This word make people think more because people are putting wastage on roads and behind the house. Think the world should be clean but they will not do the work so do they work to clean our world. We are putting the waste on road in waters in oceans even in lakes.
    People does not helping others by in a cleaning way
    Should healthy peoples who are cleaning in the public roads restrooms whatever they are helping the world to be a clean world.

  47. Shobha S
    B com(Gen) shift-2
    World will be clean. This word make people think more because people are putting wastage on roads and behind the house. Think the world should be clean but they will not do the work so do they work to clean our world. We are putting the waste on road in waters in oceans even in lakes.
    People does not helping others by in a cleaning way
    Should healthy peoples who are cleaning in the public roads restrooms whatever they are helping the world to be a clean world.

  48. P. Sharmila
    2 BCA shift -2
    Activity 1.The upcoming republic day
    On this great republic day, we all should take an oath to follow the constitution and contribute in the best interest of our nation. Here, I would end my speech and would like to request to all of you and take out a moment of silence for the great souls, who have lost their lives for the freedom of this proud country.
    The day is a tribute to the sacrifices of our freedom fighters. It is a celebration of the principles of justice, equality, and liberty. The main celebration takes place in the capital, New Delhi, with a grand parade.

  49. Sampoorna.R
    Reg no 612216297
    II b.com gen B shift 2
    Activity 1.The upcoming republic day
    On this great republic day, we all should take an oath to follow the constitution and contribute in the best interest of our nation. Here, I would end my speech and would like to request to all of you and take out a moment of silence for the great souls, who have lost their lives for the freedom of this proud country.
    The day is a tribute to the sacrifices of our freedom fighters. It is a celebration of the principles of justice, equality, and liberty. The main celebration takes place in the capital, New Delhi, with a grand parade.


  50. Varsha M 312216316
    II Bcom gen shift 2
    Today, as we gather here, it is crucial to address the pressing issue of present-day health hazards. Good Day everybody, I am Maitri and I'm about to address one of the most significant concerns of a human being. In our modern world, we face a myriad of challenges that impact our well-being.

    Firstly, the alarming rise in chronic diseases such as diabetes, heart disease, and obesity poses a significant threat to our population. Unhealthy lifestyles, sedentary habits, and poor dietary choices have contributed to this escalating crisis.
    Secondly, mental health concerns have reached unprecedented levels. Stress, anxiety, and depression affect millions, calling for greater awareness and support for mental well-being.
    Thirdly, the persistent environmental degradation exposes us to air and water pollution, leading to respiratory problems and various illnesses.
    Moreover, emerging infectious diseases constantly remind us of the importance of robust healthcare systems and preventive measures.

    In conclusion, addressing these health hazards necessitates a collective effort from individuals, communities, and governments worldwide. Let us prioritize our health, embrace healthy habits, and work towards a sustainable and healthier future for all. Thank you!

  51. Manju Barkavi G ( 312216348)
    2nd Bcom General B
    Good day All . I'm Manju Barkavi G from the department of commerce. Speech on Republic Day celebration means a lot to the person who is interested in expressing his/her thoughts in front of people about the country, history of freedom, Patriotism, Nationalism, Indian National Flag, National Festivals of India, Importance of Independence Day or other topics related to the Indian independence. Here we have provided various speech on Independence day of India for the school going kids, children and students. The speeches have been meticulously written, keeping in mind the requirements of students as well as office going professionals.One can easily remember the speeches and reiterate in front of audience to gain applause and appreciation. The speeches are also bound to enthrall the audiences, infusing in them the feelings of Nationalism and Patriotism. Professionals can also use these speeches to prepare and deliver a best speech in the offices or other places they need to deliver an Independence Day speech

  52. D.Abirami
    2 B.com.ca
    Good Morning Principal Sir/Madam, teachers and friends. Today I am going to give a short speech about republic day. All of us are here to celebrate the 76nd republic day of our country today.Republic Day, celebrated every year on 26th January has a special significance in the history of India. To make the event memorable the national event is celebrated every year with a lot of joy, happiness, and pride in our hearts. As we know on 26 January 1950, the Indian constitution came into effect and so from that day we the people of India constantly praise it as the Republic Day of our country.One thing we all can do is to promise each other that we will become a better version of ourselves so that we could contribute to solving all these problems and making our nation a better place. Thank you, Jai Hind.

  53. V. Dhaarani
    2nd bca shift 2
    Good morning everyone, and a very happy Republic Day to you all. Today, we gather here to celebrate the anniversary of our country's Constitution coming into effect, and to honor the sacrifices of those who fought for our freedom.
    The Constitution of India, which was adopted on January 26th, 1950, is a document that lays down the fundamental principles and laws of our nation. It defines the rights and duties of citizens, and establishes the framework for our democracy. The Constitution also guarantees equality, justice, and freedom for all.
    As we celebrate this day, it is important for us to remember the sacrifices of our freedom fighters. They struggled against British colonial rule for many years, and their efforts finally led to India's independence in 1947. However, their work was not done, as they continued to fight for a Constitution that would ensure the rights and freedoms of all citizens.
    In conclusion, I would like to reiterate the importance of the Constitution in shaping our nation. It is a document that defines our rights and responsibilities, and it is our duty as citizens to uphold its principles and values. Let us celebrate this day by committing ourselves to building a stronger and more prosperous India.
    Thank you

  54. G deepika
    2BCA shift 2
    Good Morning to all,
    Today we have assembled here to celebrate Republic Day of our country. Republic day is celebrated with great grandeur every year on January 26 as we all know that the constitution of India came into effect on this day.
    We know that our country got its independence on August 15, 1947 and our constitution came into full power on this auspicious day. Since then, we are celebrating Republic Day with great pride. Republic Day is also known as Ganatantra Diwas.
    Republic Day, 26 January 2023: Republic Day has an immense importance across India. This day is celebrated by all Indian people with great pride. This is the day, when constitution of India was adopted by the Constituent Assembly on November 26, 1949 after the Independence of India. This year, the whole country is going to celebrate the 74th Republic Day i.e., on January 26.
    Thank you

  55. S.varshini
    2nd b.com CA
    Speech on Republic day celebration means a lot to person who interested in expressing his/her thoughts in front of people about country history of freedom,pateriosim, Nationalism,Indian National flag, National festival of India , importance of Indian independence. Here we have provided various Speech on independence day of India for school going kids, children and students.

  56. R.Kavitha
    II BCA shift 2

    A very good morning to wonder all present here. Thanking you all for giving me this opportunity to speak about cleaner and greener environment.
    Clean and green environment imply absence of pollution and a better quality of life. Green on the other hand has a direct link to promoting good health. Literally a green environment means abundance of trees and greenery. Trees are instrumental in purifying air by absorbing the dangerous gases and giving out Oxygen.the importance of clean and green environment is
    Maintaining a clean environment reduces pollution, preserves our biosphere, protects endangered species, and helps preserve the earth's natural resources. In society, the state of cleanliness represents the mindset of its inhabitants. Once again my heart full thanks for everyone for this opportunity

  57. S Divya lakshmi
    Bcom .ca shift 2
    A very good morning, Respected principal ,teachers and my dear friends.im very happy to have the opportunity to express my thoughts on this auspecious occasion of republic day.this our 72th republic day .republic day is celebrated to remember the historic moment when our nation became an indepent republic country .

  58. Vinodhini D
    B. Com(Ca) 2nd year
    Good day everyone, and a very happy Republic Day to you all.india celebrate the 26th of January as the Republic Day every year. The president of the country hoists the flag in New Delhi near the India gate. This ceremony has many presentations, and the national anthem is sung. Republic Day is a national holiday, and it is celebrated like a national festival .

  59. Tejaswini k
    B com general 2nd year
    Shift 2
    A very warm welcome to respected principal, teacher's and our beloved friends. I am very happy to have this opportunity to express my thoughts on our 76th independence day. Today we celebrate our independence day because 75 years ago British came to our country and gradually took everything from us and made us slaves for them. Today we are celebrating our independence day because of our warriors who fought for our country's freedom. My heart full thanks for everyone for this opportunity.

  60. R Samyuktha
    Bcom(general)2nd year
    It is our duty as citizens to uphold the principles and values laid down in the Constitution, and to work towards building a stronger and more prosperous nation. We must work towards creating a society that is inclusive and equal, where everyone has the opportunity to succeed and reach their full potential.

  61. K. Rajkumari
    2nd B.com(gen) B section
    This kind of Speech On Cleanliness is helpful for students in grades 4-7, as there are many awareness programs held now especially in schools so students in middle school can present with a Short Speech On Cleanliness. Take a look here. Good morning everyone I ABC (take your name) am thankful for this opportunity to speak on Cleanliness and its importance and benefits. Cleanliness is the Gandhian way of living, so in 2014 on Gandhi Jayanti, our Prime Minister launched a mission to promote the idea of clean living further by pledging to build toilets in remote villages and small towns and providing a hygienic sanitation facility. Cleanliness is important at every stage of life be it in our own personal way or when we are a part of society. When we live a clean life we lead a healthy and disease-free life. Take small steps towards the greater good of society and one can always start at home. Keeping our rooms and homes clean is the first step towards a cleaner life, personal hygiene can be maintained by taking care of our health and bodies clean, taking bath daily, brushing our teeth twice. Throwing the plastic or any food waste in the dustbin. One must maintain cleanliness at the workplace as well, and inevitably this will show a great impact on society and enhance environmental cleanliness.

  62. Harinii S
    ll Bcom general B
    The present day health hazards
    Good day everyone. This is Harinii and thank you for giving me the opportunity to speak on the topic ' the present day health hazards'. Every ingredient in junk food is unnecessary, harmful, and wasteful, which is why it is called junk food. These ingredients include oil, trans fats rather than healthy omega fats, sugar, fats, and calories, as well as little to no protein and fiber. The endorsement is quite appealing even with all the flaws. On the streets, junk food, primarily fast food, is widely accessible. Due to the affordable price and the fact that it is very delicious, even children can purchase it without any problems.We hold the power to either ruin or preserve our health, giving us the opportunity to live a long and healthy life. Let’s all make this decision now rather than later to avoid regretting it later in life when we develop diabetes, obesity, depression, heart disease, or high cholesterol. The moment to make healthy decisions has come, therefore let’s make a commitment to do so by avoiding items that are bad for our bodies and health.
    Thank you

  63. S.Divya
    II B.Com general (B)
    Health hazards are chemical, physical or biological factors in our environment that can have negative impacts on our short- or long-term health. Exposure can occur through touch, inhalation, and ingestion. Understanding the risks of these hazards can help us to take action to avoid or mitigate these risks.The most common hazardous chemicals in the health sector include cleaning and disinfecting agents, sterilants, mercury, toxic drugs, pesticides, latex and laboratory chemicals and reagents.

  64. Swathi S
    2nd Bcom general shift-2
    Good morning one and all present here I am V.devipriya of BCA department shift 2. I feel immensely honoured to having been given an opportunity to address you all on such a significant occasion and express my own views. It is the day when we got freedom from the British rule after many years of hard struggle by the great freedom fighters of India. We celebrate independence day every year on 15th of August to remember all the sacrifices of the great leaders who have sacrificed their lives in getting freedom for India. we should take an oath today of being highly responsible and well educated citizens of the tomorrow India and successfully lead this democratic nation.
    Thank you, Jaihind!.

  65. Janaranjani.P
    Bcom General shift 2
    Good morning to all. Today, I am going to give a short speech on saving the environment. We are all aware of how the environment is important to us. We cannot afford to harm the environment any longer. In today’s modern world, our planet earth is affected significantly. However, if we want to live in harmony with nature, we cannot put the entire pressure on the environment. Living beings, for their survival, depend completely on the natural and manmade environment. It is impossible to live without the resources that the atmosphere provides. In such a situation, it becomes critical to save mother nature from getting over-exploited due to the increasing population. We all know that factors like overpopulation, deforestation, etc. are responsible for environmental destruction. Small steps taken by us can go a long way. We must try to use as much public transport as possible to protect the air we breathe. We must throw garbage in the right bins so that proper disposal of waste and waste management can be done. We need to make efforts in the right direction to conserve our natural resources and habitat. Some of the ways by which we can achieve this are to use renewable energy, avoid plastic bags, plant more trees etc. Mother nature offers so much to us. We must protect the environment and nature and be a part of sustainable development programmes.

  66. Anisha Bhujel
    B.com gen shift 2 sec B
    Republic Day is celebrated on 26th January every year to mark the day on which our constitution came into effect in 1950. After this day our country truly became democratic and independent. The fundamental law of the country, the Constitution, was enacted out of the diligence and hard work of great men like Mahatma Gandhi and the numerous other freedom fighters who fought and sacrificed their lives for the independence of our country. It was therefore declared a National holiday and has been recognized and celebrated as the Republic Day of India ever since. It might seem like a question that curious pre-schoolers might ask but it is often asked why the date was specifically chosen for Republic Day to be celebrated. It is to be noted that January 26 had a great significance in India’s struggle for Swaraj or autonomy. The Congress Session at Lahore on December 29, 1929, had passed a resolution declaring Purna Swaraj or complete, absolute autonomy as India’s goal. It was also decided that the 26th of January should be observed all over India as Purna Swaraj Day. The complete Independence Day was celebrated on January 26th, 1930 for the first time. It continued to be observed until 1947. On achieving Independence, August 15 began to be celebrated as our Independence Day.

  67. K Sapnaa Jain
    b.com general b section 2nd year
    Good morning to all. Today, I am going to give a short speech on saving the environment. We are all aware of how the environment is important to us. We cannot afford to harm the environment any longer. In today’s modern world, our planet earth is affected significantly. However, if we want to live in harmony with nature, we cannot put the entire pressure on the environment. Living beings, for their survival, depend completely on the natural and manmade environment. It is impossible to live without the resources that the atmosphere provides. In such a situation, it becomes critical to save mother nature from getting over-exploited due to the increasing population. We all know that factors like overpopulation

  68. Swetha.v
    2nd bcom(gen)b section
    On January 26, 2023, India will celebrate its 74th Republic Day. Every school, college, governmental, and private institution in the country celebrates Republic Day, also known as Gantantra Diwas, in remembrance of the Constitution, which came into effect on January 26, 1950.
    On January 26, New Delhi, the capital of the country, hosts the largest Gantantra Diwas event along the Rajpath or Kartavya Path. The enormous Republic Day parade, which is held on this day every year, features the Indian Army, Indian Navy, and Indian Air Force.
    The entire country will observe Republic Day on January 26, 2023, to remember the day the Indian Constitution came into force following India’s independence. Educational institutions, such as schools, colleges, and universities, will celebrate Republic Day at each of their locations on this day by hoisting the national flag, presenting plays and dance performances, and giving speeches—activities that are not always easy for everyone.

  69. P. Palak Jain
    Shift - II
    Good morning one and all present here I am P. Palak Jain of B.COM General department shift 2. I feel immensely honoured to having been given an opportunity to address you all on such a significant occasion and express my own views. It is the day when we got freedom from the British rule after many years of hard struggle by the great freedom fighters of India. We celebrate independence day every year on 15th of August to remember all the sacrifices of the great leaders who have sacrificed their lives in getting freedom for India. we should take an oath today of being highly responsible and well educated citizens of the tomorrow India and successfully lead this democratic nation.
    Thank you, Jaihind!.

  70. M.Elakkia
    II B.com general B
    A clean environment is a necessity for everyone. It is necessary for human life and it is necessary for the planet.It is not only important to keep our environment clean, but also to keep it safe and healthy.
    The air we breathe, the water we drink, and the food we eat should be clean enough to live on. If there was no clean environment, we wouldn’t be able to enjoy these essentials of life.
    A clean environment is necessary for the survival of life on Earth. We should not think of it as an option but a necessity.Human beings are responsible for causing the pollution in our environment and we need to take action to stop it.

  71. S.Shridevi
    II Bcom (gen) B sec.
    The Rise of Multi- Storey Shopping Complexes:-
    Shopping complexes and malls are large, multi-story, air-conditioned buildings that are usually found in urban areas. They contain shops on different floors that sell a variety of items, including-
    Groceries, Clothing, Shoes, Bags, Kitchen tools, Bathing tools, Baby items, Toys.
    Shopping complexes and malls are designed to provide all the basic needs of people in one place. They have interconnecting walkways that allow visitors to walk from unit to unit. They also have parking areas.
    Shopping complexes and malls sell both branded and non-branded goods. However, most shops in malls sell branded goods. The quality of the products in shopping complexes and malls may be better than the products sold in weekly markets and small shops.
    Fewer people visit malls because they sell costly items. Only well-to-do people can afford to buy these items.

  72. Good day everyone present here. This is Shruthi P of Bcom General 2nd year. I am going to share a few lines of the present day health hazards.In our rapidly evolving world, we find ourselves facing an array of present-day health hazards that demand our attention. These hazards are a consequence of modern lifestyles and societal changes. The list is long, but I'll touch upon some key concerns.
    1.Sedentary Lifestyle: Many of us spend long hours sitting, leading to increased risks of obesity and related health issues.
    2.Poor Diet: Fast food and processed meals have become all too common, contributing to the rise in chronic diseases.
    3.Stress: Modern life is often fast-paced and stressful, taking a toll on mental and physical well-being.
    4.Air Pollution: Urban areas face worsening air quality, impacting respiratory health and causing various diseases.
    5.Technology Addiction: Excessive screen time can lead to eye strain, sleep problems, and mental health issues.
    Addressing these present-day health hazards requires a collective effort from individuals, communities, and governments. Through awareness, education, and policy changes, we can strive to mitigate these risks and build a healthier future for all. Thank you.

  73. Priyadarshini.R
    2nd B.com gen shift-2
    Good morning one and all present here I am V.devipriya of BCA department shift 2. I feel immensely honoured to having been given an opportunity to address you all on such a significant occasion and express my own views. It is the day when we got freedom from the British rule after many years of hard struggle by the great freedom fighters of India. We celebrate independence day every year on 15th of August to remember all the sacrifices of the great leaders who have sacrificed their lives in getting freedom for India. we should take an oath today of being highly responsible and well educated citizens of the tomorrow India and successfully lead this democratic nation.
    Thank you, Jaihind!.

  74. This comment has been removed by the author.

  75. Good morning everyone present here.Iam Neeraja of Bcom(Gen) B Shift 2 being to deliver an speech on our republic day. It is our duty as citizens to uphold the principles and values laid down in the Constitution, and to work towards building a stronger and more prosperous nation.Every citizen has the responsibility to fight for the nation.Our contry is well developing.But every one over here are responsible for what is happening in the contry.We have seen many struggles and have over come through it here after in upcoming in future we have to fight against them and over come through.
    With this I conclude my speech.
    Jai hind


    Good morning one and all present here I am V.devipriya of BCA department shift 2. I feel immensely honoured to having been given an opportunity to address you all on such a significant occasion and express my own views. It is the day when we got freedom from the British rule after many years of hard struggle by the great freedom fighters of India. We celebrate independence day every year on 15th of August to remember all the sacrifices of the great leaders who have sacrificed their lives in getting freedom for India. we should take an oath today of being highly responsible and well educated citizens of the tomorrow India and successfully lead this democratic nation.
    Thank you, Jaihind!.

  77. Sri prithinka.p
    2nd bcom(gen)b section
    Republic Day is celebrated all over India with great pride and zeal. It's a day to honour the Constitution of independent India.
    National flag hoisting in schools and colleges is common. Cultural events championing India's struggle for freedom is held nationwide. In New Delhi, the national flag is hoisted by the President of India at India Gate.
    The grandest of parades takes place at Rajpath, New Delhi. The parade is presided over by the Indian President and is organised by the Ministry of Defence. Other than showcasing its military prowess, the event also champions India's diverse culture.
    The event also pays homage to the martyrs who have sacrificed their lives for the country. The Prime Minister of India honours the martyrs by putting a wreath at the Amar Jawan Jyoti at India Gate.

  78. Sri prithinka.p
    My favourite hobby is watching TV. Whenever I have free time, I love watching Television. It never obstructs my studies. Hobbies help us to expand our knowledge, and it teaches us several things. First, I like to finish all my school homework and then start watching TV. This lightens my mood and sparks up the excitement inside me, as it increases my curiosity about the world. Watching different useful stuff on TV enhances my knowledge horizons and gives me lots of joy. 

  79. Reshma. G
    2ndB.com(gen) "B'' Section
    Shopping Complex;-
    A market is where purchasers and merchants are engaged with the deal and acquisition of products. It lays out a decent connection between the maker and the customer. There are a few different sorts of business sectors to be specific; week-after-week showcases, shops close by us, shopping complexes, shopping centers, and so forth. The benefit procured by these various business sectors shifts. It relies on the sort of venture made by the merchant and purchasing limit of the client. In the current times, products are additionally sold by web-based promoting and home conveyance.
    Prior we use to wander by and large around the market to finish our agenda. That made shopping very nearly tiring and an extreme undertaking. Things have changed at this point. Presently, you can find everything under one rooftop as it were. After the presentation of shopping centers, the methodology of shopping has changed totally.
    A shopping center is where there are a ton of shops, diners, and diversion, across-the-board places, typically around a major focal yard. This patio fills in as a phase for special or diversion occasions every once in a while.

  80. Srivarshini R
    II Bcom (Gen) 'B' Section

    A Cleaner, Greener Environment:

    We are all aware of how the environment is important to us. We cannot afford to harm the environment any longer. In today’s modern world, our planet earth is affected significantly. However, if we want to live in harmony with nature, we cannot put the entire pressure on the environment. Living beings, for their survival, depend completely on the natural and manmade environment. It is impossible to live without the resources that the atmosphere provides. In such a situation, it becomes critical to save mother nature from getting over-exploited due to the increasing population. We all know that factors like overpopulation, deforestation, etc. are responsible for environmental destruction. Small steps taken by us can go a long way. We must try to use as much public transport as possible to protect the air we breathe. We must throw garbage in the right bins so that proper disposal of waste and waste management can be done. We need to make efforts in the right direction to conserve our natural resources and habitat. Some of the ways by which we can achieve this are to use renewable energy, avoid plastic bags, plant more trees etc. Mother nature offers so much to us. We must protect the environment and nature and be a part of sustainable development Programmes.A clean environment is a necessity for everyone. It is necessary for human life and it is necessary for the planet.It is not only important to keep our environment clean, but also to keep it safe and healthy.
    The air we breathe, the water we drink, and the food we eat should be clean enough to live on. If there was no clean environment, we wouldn’t be able to enjoy these essentials of life.
    A clean environment is necessary for the survival of life on Earth. We should not think of it as an option but a necessity. Human beings are responsible for causing the pollution in our environment and we need to take action to stop it.

  81. I.Akshara
    II Bcom general 'B' sh-2

    Let's start with the first topic, "The upcoming Republic Day." This topic is about the celebration of India's Republic Day, which is celebrated on the 26th of January every year. To prepare a speech on this topic, you can talk about the history of India's Republic Day, what it represents, and how it is celebrated.

    For example, you can say: "Republic Day is a special day in India because it marks the day when India became a republic. This means that India is a country where the people have the power to choose their leaders and make their own laws. On Republic Day, people in India celebrate by hoisting the national flag, singing the national anthem, and having parades with colourful floats that represent different parts of India."

    I hope this example helps you understand how to prepare a speech on the topic of "The upcoming Republic Day." Remember to keep your speech simple and engaging, and use examples that are easy to understand. Good luck!

  82. Yogitha varshini
    II b.com ( gen ) , B , shift - 2
    Today, we gather here to celebrate the anniversary of our country's Constitution coming into effect, and to honor the sacrifices of those who fought for our freedom.The Constitution of India, which was adopted on January 26th, 1950, is a document that lays down the fundamental principles and laws of our nation. It defines the rights and duties of citizens, and establishes the framework for our democracy. The Constitution also guarantees equality, justice, and freedom for all.
    As we celebrate this day, it is important for us to remember the sacrifices of our freedom fighters. They struggled against British colonial rule for many years, and their efforts finally led to India's independence in 1947. However, their work was not done, as they continued to fight for a Constitution that would ensure the rights and freedoms of all citizens.

  83. Madhumitha
    2 b. Com general ( shift 2)
    Cleaner, Greener Environment Refuse single-use items
    Speak up
    Buy locally and grow more of your own food
    Compost your food waste
    Plant trees and landscape with native plants
    Green your transportation and travel habits
    Conserve water
    Reduce chemical use & properly dispose waste

  84. Somasundari.M
    II bcom gen B shift 2
    On this great republic day, we all should take an oath to follow the constitution and contribute in the best interest of our nation. Here, I would end my speech and would like to request to all of you and take out a moment of silence for the great souls, who have lost their lives for the freedom of this proud country.25-Jan-2023

  85. Sumithra
    My favourite hobby is watching TV. Whenever I have free time, I love watching Television. It never obstructs my studies. Hobbies help us to expand our knowledge, and it teaches us several things. First, I like to finish all my school homework and then start watching TV. This lightens my mood and sparks up the excitement inside me, as it increases my curiosity about the world. Watching different useful stuff on TV enhances my knowledge horizons and gives me lots of joy.

  86. ||B. Com(ca) shift-2
    Republic Day is celebrated all over India with great pride and zeal. It's a day to honour the Constitution of independent India.

    National flag hoisting in schools and colleges is common. Cultural events championing India's struggle for freedom is held nationwide. In New Delhi, the national flag is hoisted by the President of India at India Gate.

    The grandest of parades takes place at Rajpath, New Delhi. The parade is presided over by the Indian President and is organised by the Ministry of Defence. Other than showcasing its military prowess, the event also champions India's diverse culture.

    The event also pays homage to the martyrs who have sacrificed their lives for the country. The Prime Minister of India honours the martyrs by putting a wreath at the Amar Jawan Jyoti at India Gate.

    It's followed by a 21-gun salute, national flag hoisting, and national anthem. Awards are presented to the brave soldiers in the form of Paramvir Chakra, Ashok Chakra, and Vir Chakra. Even children and general citizens who have displayed courage in times of adversity are conferred with awards.

    The winners of gallantry awards salute the President in military jeeps. This is followed by India's display of its military power.

    March-past by the armed forces, police, and National Cadet Corps also happens with the President of India accepting the salute from different regiments. The parade concludes when the Indian Air Force fighter jets flypast Janpath.

    The celebration takes place all over the country, however, Delhi being the capital of India, witnesses the grandest of Republic Day celebrations.

  87. Nanditha
    II Bcom CA
    Ladies and gentlemen,

    Today, I want to draw your attention to a pressing concern—The Present Day Health Hazards that we face in our modern lives. Our fast-paced, technology-driven world has brought numerous conveniences, but it has also introduced new health challenges.

    One of the most evident hazards is sedentary lifestyles. Many of us spend long hours sitting at desks or in front of screens, leading to an array of health issues, including obesity and back problems. It's essential to incorporate physical activity into our daily routines.

    Furthermore, our diets have shifted towards processed, high-sugar, and high-sodium foods. This has resulted in an alarming increase in non-communicable diseases like diabetes and hypertension. We must prioritize balanced nutrition and make informed food choices.

    Air pollution is another modern health hazard. In many urban areas, the air we breathe is contaminated with harmful particles and toxins, which can lead to respiratory problems and other illnesses. Advocating for cleaner energy sources and better urban planning is crucial.

    Finally, mental health has come to the forefront of health concerns. The stress, anxiety, and burnout prevalent in our fast-paced society have serious consequences. Prioritizing mental well-being, seeking support when needed, and fostering open conversations about mental health is essential.

    In conclusion, the present day health hazards are real, but they are not insurmountable. By adopting healthier lifestyles, making better dietary choices, addressing air pollution, and prioritizing mental health, we can mitigate these challenges. Our well-being is our most precious asset, and we must safeguard it.

    Thank you.

  88. A.P.Bhagyashree
    II B.com CA
    Ladies and gentlemen,

    Today, I want to draw your attention to a pressing concern—The Present Day Health Hazards that we face in our modern lives. Our fast-paced, technology-driven world has brought numerous conveniences, but it has also introduced new health challenges.

    One of the most evident hazards is sedentary lifestyles. Many of us spend long hours sitting at desks or in front of screens, leading to an array of health issues, including obesity and back problems. It's essential to incorporate physical activity into our daily routines.

    Furthermore, our diets have shifted towards processed, high-sugar, and high-sodium foods. This has resulted in an alarming increase in non-communicable diseases like diabetes and hypertension. We must prioritize balanced nutrition and make informed food choices.

  89. RudhraAkshaya.U
    The Republic Day
    Republic Day marks the adoption of India's constitution and the country's transition to a republic on January 26, 1950. Every year, the celebrations marking the day feature spectacular military and cultural pageantry. In New Delhi, armed forces personnel march along the Kartavya path in an elaborate display of military might. The epic show on Kartavya path eclipses everything else happening across the country on this auspicious day.

    The celebrations, inaugurated with a grand parade, are held in the capital, New Delhi, from Raisina Hill near the Rashtrapati Bhavan (President's House), along the Kartavya path, past India Gate and onto the historic Red Fort. On this day, ceremonious parades take place at the Kartavya path, which is performed as a tribute to India, its unity in diversity and its rich cultural heritage by the states of India by building beautiful tableaus.

    MyGov calls on the citizens to participate in various contests on the occasion of 74th Republic Day and do their bit to strengthen India’s Republic and Democratic values.

  90. G.Ashwini
    2 b.com ca
    Watching and learning from exceptional speakers offers
    One of the best ways to improve your own public speaking skills. To start, search for examples of great public speakers on you tube
    When you watch these individuals, take note of their body language. You'll find that it tends to remain open and inviting. They use their arms and hands in ways that accentuate their key points. They also avoid unnecessary fidgeting and wisely use the space provided to them to capture the audience's attention

    Hey everyone! Let's talk about creating a cleaner, greener environment. It's all about taking small steps that add up to make a big impact. Reduce waste, recycle, and conserve energy. Plant trees, use eco-friendly products, and support sustainable practices. Together, we can make our planet healthier and more sustainable for future generations. Let's go green!

    One way to contribute is by reducing waste. We can start by practicing the 3 R's: Reduce, Reuse, and Recycle. By being mindful of our consumption and opting for reusable items whenever possible, we can minimize the amount of waste that ends up in landfills or pollutes our oceans.

    Conserving energy is another crucial aspect. Simple actions like turning off lights when not in use, using energy-efficient appliances, and adjusting our thermostat can help reduce our carbon footprint and lower our energy consumption. Additionally, using renewable energy sources such as solar or wind power can further contribute to a greener environment.

    Planting trees plays a vital role in combating climate change and improving air quality. Trees absorb carbon dioxide and release oxygen, acting as natural air filters. Participating in tree-planting initiatives or supporting organizations that focus on reforestation efforts can make a significant difference.

    Choosing eco-friendly products is also important. Opting for biodegradable or compostable alternatives, using natural cleaning products, and reducing the use of single-use plastics can help reduce pollution and protect our ecosystems.

    Promoting sustainable practices in our communities is crucial. Encouraging local businesses to adopt environmentally friendly practices, supporting farmers who use organic and sustainable farming methods, and advocating for policies that prioritize environmental conservation are all ways we can make a positive impact.

    In conclusion, a cleaner, greener environment is within our reach if we all work together. Let's be mindful of our actions, make sustainable choices, and inspire others to join us on this journey towards a healthier planet. Together, we can create a brighter and greener future for all. 🌿🌍

  92. 2 Bcom CA
    Prepare a speech on any one of the following topics:
    " The upcoming Republic Day "
    Every year Republic Day is celebrated in India on 26th January with grandeur. Magnificent parades at Janpath, New Delhi, comprising the Indian National Army and national flag hoisting in various parts of the country are common practices followed on this day. In the year 2024, it will mark India's 74th Republic Day.This day is celebrated by all Indian people with great pride. This is the day, when constitution of India was adopted by the Constituent Assembly on November 26, 1949 after the Independence of India. This year, the whole country is going to celebrate the 74th Republic Day i.e., on January 26, 2023.This year, the theme of India's Republic Day 2023 is “Jan Bhagidari participation of the common people.

  93. P.R.Ezhilarasi
    312216373(Bcom.ca shift 2)
    Good morning to all. My name is Ezhilarasi I read in class we all know that we have gathered here on the very special occasion of our nation called as Republic Day of India. I would like to narrate a Republic Day speech in front of you. First of all I would like to say a lot of thank to my class teacher as just because of her I have got such a wonderful opportunity in my school to come on this stage and speak something about my beloved country on its great occasion of Republic day.

    India is a self-governing country since 15th of August 1947. India got independence from the British rule on 15th of August in 1947 which we celebrate as Independence Day, However, on 26th of January since 1950 we celebrate as Republic Day. The Constitution of India came into force on 26th of January in 1950, so we celebrate this day as the Republic Day every year. This year in 2016, we are celebrating 74th republic day of India.

  94. Elakya
    Prepare a speech on any one of the following topics:
    " The upcoming Republic Day "
    Every year Republic Day is celebrated in India on 26th January with grandeur. Magnificent parades at Janpath, New Delhi, comprising the Indian National Army and national flag hoisting in various parts of the country are common practices followed on this day. In the year 2024, it will mark India's 74th Republic Day.This day is celebrated by all Indian people with great pride. This is the day, when constitution of India was adopted by the Constituent Assembly on November 26, 1949 after the Independence of India. This year, the whole country is going to celebrate the 74th Republic Day i.e., on January 26, 2023.This year, the theme of India's Republic Day 2023 is “Jan Bhagidari participation of the common people.

  95. This comment has been removed by the author.

  96. schools and colleges across the country are preparing to celebrate this national event on the 26th of January. Various competitions are held and one of them is given a speech on Republic day. A long speech on republic day of 500 words and a short speech on republic day of 300 words is given below.Republic Day SpeechGood morning to everyone who is present over here on the prosperous occasion of republic day. Republic day is celebrated every year on the 26th of January, this year India will celebrate its 72nd Republic day.Republic day is celebrated to remember the historic moment when our nation became an independent republic country. As we all know that India got its independence on 15th August 1947 and the country didn’t have its own constitution, instead India was governed by the laws implemented by the British. However after many deliberations and amendments, a committee headed by Dr. B.R Ambedkar submitted a draft of the Indian constitution, which was adopted on 26th November 1949 and officially came into effect on 26 January 1950.On the same day, Dr Rajendra Prasad also began his term as the first President of India. And the Constituent Assembly became the Parliament of India under provisions of the new Constitution.Ever since Independence, the main celebration of Republic day has been held at the national capital, New Delhi at the Rajpath in the presence of the President, Prime minister, and other high-ranking officials of India.As a tribute to India, on republic day ceremonial parades take place at the Rajpath. The celebration begins from the gates of Rashtrapati Bhavan followed by Raisina hill on the Rajpath past the Indian gate is the main attraction on Republic day. After the ceremonial parade, there is a presence of various dignitaries like the President, Prime minister, and other higher government officials at the Rajpath.Every year as a part of celebrations, India has been hosting guests of honour, that could be the head of the state or government of other countries for republic day celebration at the capital. This has been the case since 1950, for example on 26 January 2015 the former president of the united states of America Barack Obama was the guest of honour on republic day. Sadly due to the covid outbreak, there won’t be any guest of honour for the 72nd republic day celebration.The flag hoisting ceremony at the Rajpath in the national capital takes place mostly at 8.am which is followed by a Republic day speech by the President and a republic day parade.Republic day march is considered to be an eye-catching element of the festival and it showcases Indian cultural and social heritage. It also showcases the Indian Defence Capability. Nine to twelve different regiments of the Indian Army, Navy, and Air Force, accompanied by their bands, march in all their official decorations. The President of India, who is the Commander-in-Chief of the Indian Armed Forces, takes the salute. On this prestigious occasion the heroes of our country, the soldiers are not forgotten. Prestigious awards will be given away to the martyrs and the heroes who have dedicated their lives to protect the country at any cost.Republic day is celebrated in every school, college, and office with great enthusiasm and energy. In schools, various competitions are held which include dancing, singing, and giving a republic day speech. But beyond it all, the constitution declares that India is a sovereign, socialist, secular, and democratic republic. It assures its citizens’ justice, equality, liberty, and fraternity. It also gives us our rights and duties as citizens. On this Republic Day, I hope that no matter who we are, rich or poor, a powerful politician or a regular citizen, we continue to respect these basic principles and values given to us by our amazing constitution. So that, as we move forward and continue to build this nation, we do not leave behind the foundation on whntry. The citizens living in a leader to lead the country.

  97. Anuja.S
    The Republic Day
    Republic Day is celebrated all over India with great pride and zeal. It's a day to honour the Constitution of independent India.

    National flag hoisting in schools and colleges is common. Cultural events championing India's struggle for freedom is held nationwide. In New Delhi, the national flag is hoisted by the President of India at India Gate.

    The grandest of parades takes place at Rajpath, New Delhi. The parade is presided over by the Indian President and is organised by the Ministry of Defence. Other than showcasing its military prowess, the event also champions India's diverse culture.

    The event also pays homage to the martyrs who have sacrificed their lives for the country. The Prime Minister of India honours the martyrs by putting a wreath at the Amar Jawan Jyoti at India Gate.

    It's followed by a 21-gun salute, national flag hoisting, and national anthem. Awards are presented to the brave soldiers in the form of Paramvir Chakra, Ashok Chakra, and Vir Chakra. Even children and general citizens who have displayed courage in times of adversity are conferred with awards.

    The winners of gallantry awards salute the President in military jeeps. This is followed by India's display of its military power

  98. This comment has been removed by the author.

  99. 2ND BCOM CA
    Republic Day is the day when India marks and celebrates the date on which the Constitution of India came into effect on 26 January 1950. This replaced the Government of India Act 1935 as the governing document of India, thus turning the nation into a republic separate from British Raj.[1] The constitution was adopted by the Indian Constituent Assembly on 26 November 1949 and came into effect on 26 January 1950. 26 January was chosen as the date for Republic Day as it was on that day in 1930 when the Declaration of Indian Independence was proclaimed by the Indian National Congress.

  100. 2nd B.com(CA)
    Republic Day is a national holiday in many countries that commemorate the establishment of a republic, a form of government in which the head of state is an elected or appointed official, not a hereditary monarch. Since you didn't specify a particular country, I'll provide a brief overview of Republic Day in two significant countries: India and the United States.

  101. P.Baghya
    2nd BCA shift 2

    Ladies and gentlemen,

    Today, I'd like to address a topic that affects us all: "A Cleaner, Greener Environment."

    In the pursuit of progress and development, we often find ourselves at a crossroads where the choices we make impact the world we live in. Our environment, the air we breathe, the water we drink, and the land we inhabit are not just resources but the very essence of our existence.

    It is imperative that we reflect on our collective responsibility to preserve and protect the environment for future generations. The signs of environmental degradation are all around us, from rising temperatures to extreme weather events. Now, more than ever, we must take action.

    A cleaner, greener environment starts with each one of us. Simple yet impactful changes in our daily lives, such as reducing plastic use, conserving water, and embracing sustainable practices, can collectively make a significant difference. Let us be mindful of our ecological footprint and strive to leave behind a planet that is thriving, not just surviving.

    Government initiatives and policies play a crucial role, but it is the grassroots movements and individual efforts that shape the course of our environmental future. Planting trees, supporting renewable energy, and promoting eco-friendly practices are not just buzzwords; they are the building blocks of a sustainable tomorrow.

    As we envision a cleaner, greener future, let us instill environmental consciousness in our communities and inspire the next generation to be stewards of the Earth. By working together, we can create a legacy of responsible living and ensure that our planet remains a vibrant and thriving home for generations to come.

    Thank you.

    1. Nithya Sri. S BCA shift 2 (212205164) SCENARIO: PUBLIC SPEECH ON INDEPENDENCE DAY.

      A smile in our face today is because of the pain the martyrs faced during the time of fighting for our Nation's Independence. We are now a free bird flying around the places is because of the sacrifices and brutual beatings they underwent. This one day is not enough to pay our respect to them, we owe each and every second of ours to them. Good day to all, Today we are here to celebrate the martyred soul's bravery and to pay respect to our tricolor flag which removes all the discrimination based on caste, race, religion ,gender etc. between us and recognize everyone under the one term, the most powerful term "INDIANS".

      Whenever I pronounce the word "Indian", it creates goosebumps for me.This word has got some magical powers with it as it does some magic to my heart. Let's hold hands together and make this day an amazing one. We can learn new things anytime because, age is just a number Let's learn to spread positivity, to be coordinated, to support each other and to safeguard each other as these small things will create a great nation with great people. Let this day be a gamechanger in our lives. Happy Independence day to all! Jai Hind!


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