
Showing posts from July, 2023

1.2. Interviews

 An Interview is generally a two party conversation in which one or both parties have a specific purpose. Definition: An Interview is a dialogue between the interviewer ( the one who asks questions ) and the interviewee (the one who responds to them). It is usually a face to face conversation for the specific purpose of evaluating intelligence, training, progress or aptitude of a prospective employee or student.    Important factors for Success in an Interview: Being well- read with an adequate knowledge of the Subject and also Current Affairs. Having effective Communication Skills. Making a good First- Impression. Displaying a Positive Body Language. Adopting Active Listening Skills. Showing Honesty and Integrity. Exhibiting Leadership Skills. Major Skills and qualities expected of a candidate: Positive attitude towards work. Proficiency in the field of study. Oral and written communication skills. Interpersonal skills. Critical thinking and problem- solving skills. Self- motivation a

1.1 Formal and Informal Conversation- Conversation in the Workplace

 A conversation is a free-flowing interactive communication between two or more people. General Features of a Conversation: * A conversation usually takes place in an informal setting. * The language used is informal. * There is no well defined speaker or listener, as a conversation involves an ongoing interaction. * Though thoughts, ideas and information are exchanged, they are often loosely organized, sometimes with no clear purpose. * Generally conversations are just a series of fragments that may or may not fit into a whole. Example of an everyday conversation: A: How is your day going? B: Quite busy. I'm preparing for my presentation tomorrow C: What's the topic? B: Marketing Techniques C: How's your neighbour Satish? A: He's fine. He's getting ready for his Semester Exams. B: I must be going. I've got lots to do.  B: See you C: Good Luck with your presentation. B: Thanks. General topics of Conversation: Friends, College, Duties, Weather, Interests, Sports,

1.3. Public Speaking

  PUBLIC SPEAKING * Public Speaking is the process of speaking to a group of people in a structured, deliberate manner. * Public Speaking is intended to inform, influence or entertain listeners. * Public Speaking is one skill that no successful person can afford to be without. The Importance of Public Speaking: * Public Speaking is a productive skill. * Speaking in front of peers gives practise in the social use of language. Difference between Conversation and Public Speaking:  Public Speaking                                Conversation 1. Formal Language                        1. Informal Language 2. Formal Environment                   2. Informal Environment 3. Large Group                                3. Small Group 4. Clear purpose                              4. Often No Clear Purpose 5. Organized and Planned                5. Loosely Organized 6. More Audience Centered            6. Audience Centered Features of Public Presentation: * Public Speaking defines the role of the

1.4. Lectures

  A Lecture is a Talk or Speech given to a group of people to teach them about a particular subject. Lectures have traditionally been the main mode of teaching in higher education. The lecture still continues to be the dominant teaching method. Lectures are straightforward and impart knowledge quickly. Lectures when delivered well, will help students get deep inside their field of study. Instructors are the sole source of information. Students are usually passive listeners and take notes during lectures. Very little exchange takes places between students and lecturer. The Strength of the lecture lies in: Engaging the mind with debates going on in the subject. Showing how explanations work. Letting you hear how the language of the subject is used. Using repetitions effectively. Make concepts and terms clearer through examples. Restating major points as part of the conclusion. Good lectures capture attention using overhead projectors, live demonstrations, board drawings, humour, etc. The

What is Communication?

  Communication is a medium through which we are able to listen to others' views, speak out their mind, read texts and messages sent by others, and write what they think or consider to others. Unike animals and birds, human beings can very well express whatever is their wish, likes ad dislikes, grievances, etc., to those whom they are intended. During the initial stage of Communication, listening plays a vital role and is the first stepping stone. once perfect listening has been achieved, it becomes possible for anyone to catch up with other skills like reading, speaking and writing. Through active listening, one can understand, question or oppose the viewpoints put forward by others. Reading is another important activity that promotes communication. By reading the papers or the texts, one can improve his telling and interpreting power on any topic of his choice. It also promotes knowledge of more words and phrases and the construction of proper sentences. While reading he can unde

SYLLABUS : Essentials of Language and Communication Level – II

  Essentials of Language and Communication Level – II  UNIT-I  Speaking Skills    Formal and Informal Conversation – Conversation in the work place – Interviews – Public Speech – Lectures.  UNIT– II   Listening Skill   Comprehending – Retaining – Responding – Tactics – Barries to Listening – Overcoming listening barriers – Misconception about listening.  UNIT– III   Reading Skill Acquiring reading – Reading Development – methods teaching – Reading difficulties.  UNIT– IV  Writing skill  Note-making – CV’s – Report writing, copy writing, Agenda – Minutes – Circular – Essay writing on any current issues – paragraph – Essay writing, Writing Research papers – Dissertation.  UNIT-V  Business Correspondence   Meaning of Business correspondence – Importance of Business Correspondence essential qualities of a business letters. Different types of business letters – cover letter, thank you letters, message through email and Fax, Acceptance letters, rejection letters, and withdrawal letters. Rec