1.4. Lectures

 A Lecture is a Talk or Speech given to a group of people to teach them about a particular subject.

  • Lectures have traditionally been the main mode of teaching in higher education.
  • The lecture still continues to be the dominant teaching method.
  • Lectures are straightforward and impart knowledge quickly.
  • Lectures when delivered well, will help students get deep inside their field of study.
  • Instructors are the sole source of information.
  • Students are usually passive listeners and take notes during lectures.
  • Very little exchange takes places between students and lecturer.
The Strength of the lecture lies in:
  • Engaging the mind with debates going on in the subject.
  • Showing how explanations work.
  • Letting you hear how the language of the subject is used.
  • Using repetitions effectively.
  • Make concepts and terms clearer through examples.
  • Restating major points as part of the conclusion.
Good lectures capture attention using overhead projectors, live demonstrations, board drawings, humour, etc.

The challenging tasks of listening to lectures are:
  1. Making sense of the line of argument.
  2. Thinking about what is said.
  3. Taking notes of some kind.
Difference between lecture and Extempore:
  • An Extempore speech is done without prior preparation.
  • Speaking Extempore projects confidence.
  • In an extempore, points should be well organized and delivered in a systematic manner within a short span of time.
  • Extempore is a mini speech with an opening, a body and a conclusion. The conclusion should connect back to the opening.
  • In an Extempore, one should be brief and to the point without overstating the case. 
  • A Lecture is an exposition of a given subject for the purpose of instruction.
  • It is delivered before a large class or audience.
  • Lectures are useful for presentation of new material, summarizing ideas and showing relationship between theory and practise.
  • Audiovisual aids are an essential part of any lecture.
  • The lecture method of teaching is practical and cost- effective.
  • Most lectures usually last for about an hour.


1. Prepare a one- minute speech on any one of the following topics:

a) My Latest Hobby
b) My Role as a Team Leader
c) Life in College

2. You have to deliver a lecture on your main course of study. How would you get your audience to listen to you from beginning to end of your lecture? List 10 points.


  1. 2 Bcom CA 312216392
    Have a back-up plan.
    Plan your lecture and visual aids beforehand.
    Prepare speaking notes.
    Include delivery reminders in your notes.
    Practice your lecture.
    Make eye contact.
    Be calm and casual.

  2. 2 BCom CA Shift-2
    R.N.Monisha 312216382
    1.A hobby is anything that a person enjoys doing in their own time.

    2.Hobbies can improve your mood since they increase self-assurance and self-worth.

    3.It relaxes our minds.

    4.Different people have various interests.

    5.I enjoy drawing, dancing, reading, painting, playing cricket and football, among other things.

    6.In my free time, I indulge my interests.



  3. Jezeela banu.M
    2ndBcom(CA)shift 2
    2.listening music
    3.clam myself
    4.In my free time, I indulge my interests
    5.Different people have various interests.

  4. Swetha
    2 B.com CA shift 2
    1.College life is a new chapter filled with excitement, opportunities, and challenges. It's a time when you step out of your comfort zone and explore the world around you. In college, you'll meet people from diverse backgrounds and learn to balance academics with other aspects of life.
    2.Identify your presentation's purpose. ...Clearly define your topic. ...Understand your audience's expectations. ...Plan your first impression. ...Identify your 'BIG IDEA. ...Define your key points. ...Plan your follow-up.

  5. Yuvashree. S
    B.Com General Shift II
    "Life in College"
    Life after schools was definitely a transformative journey for me. That is because I got to explore many things when I entered college. I got many opportunities I had the chances to explore more and travel to many places after joining in college. I understood the importance of carrying out responsibilities. I started becoming very responsible in college. I got trained in many ways. I got opportunities in showcasing my talents I got various stages and places to out skill my opportunities. I understood the importance of planning, as I was asked to organize many events. I learned event management at college I learned to manage people and resources efficiently.

  6. M.Abinaya
    2nd Bcom CA
    1.My latest hobby:
    Lately,I've developed a habit of listening to music frequently it helps me to relax myself. It keeps me out of my loneliness and overthinking it has done nothing but help me in my life to overcome my stress and anxiety.I feel this is one of the most useful hobbies I have developed
    2.Main course of study:
    1.Make sure your voice is loud and clear
    2.Clearly state the objective of your study
    3.state the agenda
    4.Use supporting documents like PowerPoint, use black board etc
    5.Have smooth transition
    6.Relate your content with real time examples to make them understand efficiently
    7.encourage ideas from the audience
    8.Maintain eye contact
    9.Speak At a normal pace
    10.End with a proper conclusion and ask for feedback if needed

  7. Prasanna Kumari R
    2 Bcom CA
    My latest hobby become to read electronic books
    And spending me time with my mother it make me some encourage to
    Relax myself

  8. Sujitha.S
    Bcom gen B shift 2
    Speech on role of team leader
    As a team leader, my role is to be the guiding force that brings the team together to achieve a common goal. I'm responsible for setting clear objectives, delegating tasks, and providing support. I foster open communication, encourage collaboration, and ensure that each team member's strengths are utilized. I lead by example, demonstrating commitment, accountability, and a strong work ethic. Most importantly, I understand that my success is intertwined with the team's success, and I'm dedicated to helping each member reach their full potential. Together, we can overcome challenges and achieve excellence. Thank you.

  9. I love to read more and more. For me, it’s about reading stories, poems, novels, general knowledge books, etc. I also love to read the newspaper as it helps me to be aware of what is happening in my country and around the world too. I read it every day. My favorite books are Tom Sawyer and Oliver Twist.

  10. 1. Practice, practice, practice
    2. Speak, don’t read
    3. Be yourself
    4. Aim for a positive state of mind and a confident attitude
    5. Use verbal signp6. Use examples, illustrations and humourposting
    7. Ask questions and invite participation
    Learn from the Pros
    Be aware of technique

  11. Sindhuja B
    2nd year BCA
    1. Prepare a one- minute speech on any one of the following topics:

    a) My Latest Hobby

    Ladies and gentlemen,

    I'd like to share with you my latest hobby, which has been an incredibly enriching experience. Recently, I've delved into photography. It's a passion that allows me to capture the beauty of the world around us. Whether it's a breathtaking sunset, the candid expressions of people, or the intricate details of nature, photography has given me a new perspective on life. Each click of the shutter is a moment frozen in time, and I find joy in every shot. It's not just a hobby; it's a creative journey that allows me to express myself and appreciate the wonders of our world. I encourage everyone to explore their own hobbies and passions; you never know what hidden talents you might discover. Thank you.

  12. Prateeka Reddy
    II b com(gen) b
    1. A ) My life in college
    My life in college is not how i expected it to be but that's what life is all about nothing goes according to what we want . College has taught me alot about life , it taught me how to be independent and how to let go of the need to fit into a group of people with whom our vibe actually doesn't match , doing that will only lead to exhaustion of our social energy. Before college I was not that much of an outspoken person, but after joining college the situations and the new environment has pushed me to come out of my comfort zone and try new things. College has let me grow as a person. As of now I have not created any memorable memories in college but I am looking forward to create some .

  13. Swetha. S
    Bcom general B shift 2
    In my college life, along with studying, I and my friends enjoyed a lot of other things. We traveled to lots of places, had new experiences, and learned many new things. Our college's canteen was a remarkable place in my college life as whenever we got time, we used to chill in the canteen.

  14. 2 B com general 312216301
    Have a back-up plan.
    Plan your lecture and visual aids beforehand.
    Prepare speaking notes.
    Include delivery reminders in your notes.
    Practice your lecture.
    Make eye contact.
    Be calm and casual

  15. Name : Srinithi S R
    Reg no : 312216308
    Class : II B.Com General

    College life differs so much from the school life as we leave some of our closest friend and have to travel so long to attain the college. We all know that we travel to other place to attend college as some of them even move to other state to study. College also has many upcoming events were we all have to experience in our life as it also carries the most important part of our life. It is the place were we try to focus on our future career.

  16. Sahana
    B.com gen
    Good day everyone, I'm here to share my wonderful life as a college student. At first i didn't even know how this is gonna work but then the days gone and i finally understand about everyone and everything. Even though we learn a lot i also kinda overcome my social anxiety coz my friend made it so well and easy . A nice place to study,friendship goals and a lot. I really learned a lot of things in my college.

  17. Akshaya. N
    B.com CA
    My Latest Hobby
    Collecting keychains has become my latest hobby, and I must say, it is an incredibly fulfilling and exciting pastime. Not only does it allow me to indulge in my love for travel and exploration, but it also opens up a whole new world of creativity and self-expression.

    - One of the things that I absolutely adore about collecting keychains is the incredible variety they offer. From miniature landmarks to cute animal-shaped trinkets, there is a keychain out there for every interest and passion
    - Each keychain holds a story, a memory, and a unique charm that resonates with me. It's like carrying a piece of the world with me wherever I go.

    - As an avid collector, I actively seek out new keychains to add to my ever-growing collection. Whether it's scouring local markets or exploring online platforms, the thrill of finding that perfect keychain is unmatched
    - I take immense pride in curating my collection, showcasing it in an eye-catching display that reflects my personality and interests.

    Keychain collection has not only heightened my eye for detail but also sharpened my skills in organizing and categorizing. By using a plethora of transition words such as "furthermore," "moreover," and "in addition," I can seamlessly guide my readers through the intricacies of this captivating hobby.

    In conclusion, my foray into keychain collection has been nothing short of extraordinary. With its incredible variety, the use of active voice, diverse sentence structures, and a plethora of transition words, this hobby has brought immense joy and creativity into my life. So why not embark on your own keychain collecting journey? It's time to unlock a world of memories and experiences, one keychain at a time.

  18. This comment has been removed by the author.

  19. Sandhiya.C
    Bcom General (b) Shift 2
    Start with a compelling hook.
    Clearly outline the objectives.
    Use relatable examples.
    Maintain eye contact.
    Use visuals.
    Encourage interaction.
    Vary the tone and place.
    Relate to the audience's interests.
    Do not react with friends while seminar.

  20. T. Bhavya
    2nd B.com(gen) ''B'' section
    10 Lines on My Hobby:
    1.A hobby is anything that a person enjoys doing in their own time.
    2.Hobbies can improve your mood since they increase self-assurance and self-worth.
    3.It relaxes our minds.
    4.Different people have various interests.
    5.I enjoy drawing, dancing, reading, painting, playing cricket and football, among other things.
    6.In my free time, I indulge my interests.
    7.My closest friends are my books.
    8.Regularity has been a result of my enjoyment of reading.
    9.I've learned a lot about historical events thanks to my reading habit.
    10.Reading regularly broadens our understanding.

  21. Vasundhara S
    Il B com general shift -ll
    My favorite hobby is reading books.
    I love to read some motivational books
    I read many books that helps me in improve my vocabulary and Language.
    My hobby makes me happy.
    My hobby never let me down or fell saddened.
    Whenever I fell alone I read books that makes me very calm and change my mindset.

  22. A.Nikithaa II BCA SHIFT-2 REGISTER NO:212205163 a) My Latest HobbyOther than watching TV, I like to listen to music. This helps me keep myself calm after doing lots of work and gives my ears and heart a soothing effect. Besides these, I also have hobbies, such as reading comic books, painting, writing narrative stories, and maintaining a scrapbook.

  23. V.Bhuvaneshwari
    ll.B.COM CA
    1.My latest hobby:
    My hobby is reading, whether it be volumes of short stories, newspapers, magazines, or novels. I simply adore reading. In fact, I believe that my personal collection of books is the greatest treasure at my home.

    2.Main course of study:
    1)Plan from the audience’s perspective.
    2)Use an easy-to-follow structure.
    3)Use relatable examples.
    4)Maintain eye contact.
    5)Use storytelling to make it more memorable.
    6)strong Body language.
    7)Try and relate to the audience.
    8)Use live quizzes to better understand your audience.
    9)Extend your usual vocal range.
    10)Practice your hand gestures.

  24. Shrinithi.R
    2nd BCA SHIFT2
    1. Practice
    2.Speak, don’t read
    3. Be yourself
    4. Aim for a positive state of mind and a confident attitude
    5. Use verbal signposting
    6. Use examples, illustrations and humour
    7. Ask questions and invite participation
    8. Be aware of eye contact and body language
    9. Learn from the Pros
    10. Be aware of technique

  25. Tejus
    2nd b.com CA

    My latest hobbies is bus tickets collecting I collected near 200 bus tickets and drawing the nature of beautiful and take sky moon clouds photography and I love traveling hobbies.

  26. Akshaya V
    One minute speech about college life.
    Good day everyone, let's talk about college life. Picture a place where you can grow, learn, and make lifelong friends. That's what college is all about.
    College is not just about books and exams. It's place where you can learn about life. You learn how to solve problems on your own. You learn how to take care of yourself. You learn how to work with others. In short, college prepares you for the real world. College is place where you meet eople from different places. You study together, and sometimes cry together. These friendship often last a lifetime.
    In college you get to make your own choices. You learn to be responsible for your actions.
    This freedom helps you become a confident person.
    College life is fun, there are sports, cultural, you get to try new things and discover new passions. This makes college life exciting and memorable.

  27. Vijayalakshmi.R
    2nd BCA shift II
    1.My latest hobby:
    My hobby is reading, whether it be volumes of short stories, newspapers, magazines, or novels. I simply adore reading. In fact, I believe that my personal collection of books is the greatest treasure at my home.

    2.Main course of study:
    1)Plan from the audience’s perspective.
    2)Use an easy-to-follow structure.
    3)Use relatable examples.
    4)Maintain eye contact.
    5)Use storytelling to make it more memorable.
    6)strong Body language.
    7)Try and relate to the audience.
    8)Use live quizzes to better understand your audience.
    9)Extend your usual vocal range.
    10)Practice your hand gestures.

  28. P. Sharmila
    2BCA shift -2
    Activity : Life in College:
    College life exposes us to new experiences and things that we were not familiar with earlier. For some people, college life means enjoying life to the fullest and partying hard. While for others, it is time to get serious about their career and study thoroughly for a brighter future.

  29. D.Abirami
    2 B.com.ca
    2.start with a hook
    3.speak clearly
    4.be strong in stage
    5.use example
    6.ask questions
    7.interact with people
    8.eye contact with each other
    9.explain easy to understand the topic.
    10.and finish with any story.

  30. V. Dhaarani
    2nd bca shift 2

    College Life is one of the most remarkable and lovable times of an individual's life. Unlike School Life, College Life has a different experience, and a person needs to have this experience in his/her life. College Life exposes us to whole new experiences which we always dream of experiencing after our school life. Lucky are those who get the chance to enjoy their college life, as many people don't get this chance due to their circumstances or financial issues. For every person, College Life has a different meaning. While some people spend their college life partying with friends, others become more cautious about their careers and study hard. Whatever the way, every individual enjoys their college life and always wishes to relive that time once it is over.

  31. G.deepika
    2BCA shift 2
    College Life is one of the most remarkable and lovable times of an individual's life. Unlike School Life, College Life has a different experience, One fine day, you will be silently smiling with wet eyes, looking at the pictures from your college and old friends, and remembering all the good times you had in your college days. That is the beauty of studying in a college. Despite climbing the ladders of success, you will cherish the memories of your college life.

  32. S.divya lakshmi
    Bcom.ca shift 2
    1.my lastest hobby is drawing .when im free i will draw a picture and painting.its give me feel peace and calm.and recent times i will take a picture on the sky and clouds .whenever i will see a clouds and sky its looks like a beautiful.and i will collect a every day clouds.

    2. You have to deliver a lecture on your main course of study. How would you get your audience to listen to you from beginning to end of your lecture? List 10 points.
    *Practice and prepare
    *Short and neat prsentation
    *Interact with audience
    *Take frequent breaks
    *Get them moving
    *Show a short video
    *Let your audience talk
    *Be aware of eye contact and body language
    *Use examples and illustrations.
    *Be strong in stage.

  33. S.varshini
    2nd b.com CA
    College is one of the most remarkable and loveable times of an individual life.unlike school life ,college has different experience, one fine day you will be silently smiling with yet eyes,looking at picture from your college and old friends ,and remember all the good times you had in your college days .

  34. R Kavitha
    II BCA shift 2

    My favorite hobby is travelling. I like all kinds of travel: by car, by train, by plane, and travelling on foot. But I have never travel by the ship yet. I love to travel without a group and without a guide, despite the fact that I often find ourselves in a difficult situation in unfamiliar places.Travelling is my hobby because it allows me to explore new cultures, meet new people, and gain new experiences. It also provides me with an opportunity to take a break from my daily routine and see the world from a different perspective, which helps me to appreciate the things I have and to become more open-minded.Thank you.

  35. Manju Barkavi G ( 312216348)
    2nd bcom general B
    My college life is different
    from school life,college helps to mature,responsible and how to be independent.Everyday I's different for me when I go to college,after joining to college really I was thinking more about my life and how to overcome from each and everything and what to do next.I don't feel good and I didn't make any memories at my college and iam looking forward to do something.people grow in different stages,and their interests often change.I have to go with their vibe so that I can do something.

  36. Vinodhini D
    B. Com(ca) 2nd year
    1.my latest hobby is exercise. I exercise everyday in the morning.it's keep my body healthy.it is very helpfull to relax my mind.and I read the motivation books. It's change my life little by little. It helps to calm in some bad situation. I like book reading.
    2.you have to deliver a lecture on your main course of study. How would you get your audience to listen to you from beginning to end of your lecture? List 10 points.
    *start with a hook.
    *asking interactive question.
    *speak confidently .
    *maintain eye contact.
    *speak relate to the audience interesting.
    *don't read the sentence.
    *encourage interaction.
    *deliver your lecture properly.
    *conduct some quiz.
    *summarize the main points at the end.

    1.A hobby is anything that a person enjoys doing in their own time.

    2.Hobbies can improve your mood since they increase self-assurance and self-worth.

    3.It relaxes our minds.

    4.Different people have various interests.

    5.I enjoy drawing, dancing, reading, painting, playing cricket and football, among other things.

    6.In my free time, I indulge my interests.

  38. Tejaswini k
    B com general (2nd year)
    Shift 2

    One minute speech about college life.
    Good day everyone, let's talk about college life. Picture a place where you can grow, learn, and make lifelong friends. That's what college is all about.
    College is not just about books and exams. It's place where you can learn about life. You learn how to solve problems on your own. You learn how to take care of yourself. You learn how to work with others. In short, college prepares you for the real world. College is place where you meet eople from different places. You study together, and sometimes cry together. These friendship often last a lifetime.
    In college you get to make your own choices. You learn to be responsible for your actions.
    This freedom helps you become a confident person.

  39. Vishalini.S
    2 b.com gen b
    My favorite hobby is reading books.
    I love to read some motivational books
    I read many books that helps me in improve my vocabulary and Language.
    My hobby makes me happy.
    My hobby never let me down or fell saddened.
    Whenever I fell alone I read books that makes me very calm and change my mindset.

  40. Vaishnavi T
    II Bcom general B section
    1.My latest hobby is dancing and I am very much interested in doing that.whenever I am free I will try different steps with some perfection also.
    *Speak, don’t read
    *Be yourself
    *Aim for a positive state of mind and a confident attitude
    *Use verbal signposting
    *illustrations and humour
    *Ask questions and invite participation
    *Be aware of eye contact and body language
    *Learn from the Pros
    *Be aware of technique

  41. K sapnaa Jain
    B.com general b section
    My latest hobby
    I'm interested in. Drawing as well as art and crafts, but in latest i interested in painting like acrylic and canvas painting iit was a nicee experience to me and i wish yi could come up with my skill as best

    1come up with activities.
    2. Keep asking interactive questions.
    3.be good at teaching
    4.lets cheer up with surprise to students
    5. Give examples for the topic
    6. Make the group to participate active by encouraging
    7.speak to the audiance as cool
    8. Ask the people to give their own example
    9.summarise it
    10. Get feedback from them

  42. K Rajkumari
    2nd bcom(gen) B section
    College life:-
    College Life is one of the most remarkable and lovable times of an individual's life. Unlike School Life, College Life has a different experience, and a person needs to have this experience in his/her life. College Life exposes us to whole new experiences which we always dream of experiencing after our school life. Lucky are those who get the chance to enjoy their college life, as many people don't get this chance due to their circumstances or financial issues. For every person, College Life has a different meaning. While some people spend their college life partying with friends, others become more cautious about their careers and study hard. Whatever the way, every individual enjoys their college life and always wishes to relive that time once it is over.

  43. Janaranjani.P
    Bcom General
    Shift 2
    Good morning to everyone present here. I feel grateful that I was chosen to give a small leadership speech for students. I hope my speech inspires everyone to be a good leader.A leader is someone who is characterized by many qualities. Teamwork, hard work, calm, selflessness, help.A leader is someone who always thinks and questions a situation to bring a solution. A leader never follows the herd but he or she is the one who is followed by people because of his or her ability to create an impact on people.Great leaders in the past such as Mahatma Gandhi, Nelson Mandela, and so on have always thought of the greater good of society. They have always led by example and have always directed people in the right direction.The qualities found in leaders are not formed within a day or weak but they are cultivated through years of hard work, patience, and learning from failures.To conclude I want to say that great leaders are not born great but they make themselves great by being selfless. They always think about the bigger picture and will always try to help people who are in trouble. To be a great leader you need to be a good human first who shows kindness to every living organism around him or her. You can also be a great leader by cultivating these habits. Thank you.

  44. Anisha Bhujel
    B.com gen shift 2 sec B
    Life in college:
    College life is a big transition from school life. We go through a lot of changes when we enter college. Our schools were a safe place where we had grown up and spent half our lives. The transition to college is so sudden that you’re no longer protected by your teachers and friends of your school time.

    College life poses a lot of challenges in front of you. You are now in a place full of unfamiliar faces where you need to mingle in. It teaches us to socialize and form opinions of our own. In college, students learn their free will and they go on to become more confident and composed.

    In school life, we were always dependant on our friends or teachers. College life teaches us to be independent. It makes us stronger and teaches us to fight our own battles. It also makes us serious about our careers. We make decisions that will affect our future all by ourselves, as in school life our parents did it for us.

    Additionally, in schools, we viewed our teachers as our mentors and sometimes even parents. We respected them and kept a distance. However, in college life, the teacher-student relationship becomes a bit informal. They become more or less like our friends and we share our troubles and happiness with them as we did with our friends.

  45. Ankita Behera A
    II Bcom General B
    Plan your lecture and visual aids beforehand.
    Prepare speaking notes.
    Include delivery reminders in your notes.
    Practice your lecture.
    Make eye contact.
    Be calm and casual.

  46. S Aishwarya
    II Bcom general B

    Lately,I've developed a habit of listening to music frequently it helps me to relax myself. It keeps me out of my loneliness and overthinking it has done nothing but help me in my life to overcome my stress and anxiety.I feel this is one of the most useful hobbies I have developed.

    With this I also started reading books as it helps me to come out of digital world for some time and it gives rest to my eyes from the screens. Ao reading habit is very much helpful for me .

  47. M.Elakkia
    II. B.com general B
    College life experience is truly one of a kind. The most common memories people have of college life are definitely goofing around with friends. They remember how the group of friends walked around the college in style and playing silly pranks on each other.
    Moreover, people always look back at the times spent in the college canteen. It was considered the hub of every student where they enjoyed eating and chatting away with their friends.
    Another college life experience I have seen people cherish the most is the annual fest. The annual fest created so much excitement and buzz amongst the students. Everyone welcomed other colleges with open arms and also made friends there. All the competitions were carried out in a good spirit and the students dressed their best to represent their college well.

  48. 10 points to give lecture on main course of study:
    1. Start with a hook
    2. Show visuals
    3. Interact with the listeners
    4.Explain the concept veru clearly
    5. Keep my content precise ,short and clear.
    6.Give more examples relating to the topic.
    7.conduct a group discussion.
    8.With the help of conducting games, certain topics would be reached to the listeners.
    9.Preparing some PPT to get concepts more clear.
    10.Give Summary and conclude the topic

  49. Neeraja P
    IIBcom(Gen) B Shift 2
    My latest hobby is my cooking habit.
    Recently I was so interested in the cooking.Cooking which gives me and relax feel and it is and emotion.Everyone will cook for there hunger but iam who cooks for the taste and feel for the cooking.
    When I started of cooking i was very bad in handling all the items and was not having an single knowledge of cutting the vegetables. And slowly my mother thought me every thing and how to handle an thing in the kitchen. I feel relax and happy while cooking because the intrest in that will not exist until the end. Everyone will be tired of doing there works and come back home..but atleast what ever tired they have cooking which makes them refresh.

  50. I.Akshara
    II Bcom general 'B' sh-2

    10 points to give lecture on main course of study:
    1. Start with a hook
    2. Show visuals
    3. Interact with the listeners
    4.Explain the concept veru clearly
    5. Keep my content precise ,short and clear.
    6.Give more examples relating to the topic.
    7.conduct a group discussion.
    8.With the help of conducting games, certain topics would be reached to the listeners.
    9.Preparing some PPT to get concepts more clear.
    10.Give Summary and conclude the topic

  51. E.yogitha varshini
    II b.com ( gen ) , B , shift - 2
    Activity: Different people have various interests. I enjoy drawing, dancing, reading, painting, playing cricket and football, among other things. In my free time, I indulge my interests. My closest friends are my painting brushes.

  52. Somasundari.M
    II bcom gen shift -2
    My role as leader
    Hi everyone This is somasundari .M I am your new team leader and iam really happy to help you all.i am always here for you al to help.thank you so much for selecting me as your leader.

  53. Sumithra M
    Bcom ca II
    Everyone enjoys doing something during their free time in order to unwind both the mind and the soul. There are some activities in life that provide you great delight and fulfilment. We refer to such a thing as a pastime, something essential to one's happiness. No one in this world is exempt from having a passion; it might be anything from travelling to reading literature

  54. D preethi
    Start with a compelling hook.
    Clearly outline the objectives.
    Use relatable examples.
    Maintain eye contact.
    Use visuals.
    Encourage interaction.
    Vary the tone and pace.
    Relate to the audience's interests.
    Do not react with friend while seminar.

  55. Nanditha
    II Bcom CA
    1.Start with a compelling introduction: Begin with a hook, a surprising fact, or a thought-provoking question to pique your audience's interest right from the start.

    2.Outline your objectives: Clearly state the goals and what your audience will gain from the lecture, setting expectations.

    3.Organize your content logically: Present information in a structured manner with clear headings, subtopics, and transitions to make it easy to follow.

    4.Use visuals: Incorporate relevant images, diagrams, and slides to illustrate key points and make the content more engaging.

    5.Tell stories and use real-life examples: Share anecdotes or case studies that relate to the topic to make it relatable and memorable.

    6.Encourage audience participation: Ask questions, conduct polls, or have interactive segments to involve the audience and keep them engaged.

    7.Vary your delivery: Change your tone, pace, and body language to maintain the audience's interest and emphasize important points.

    8.Use multimedia and props: Integrate multimedia elements like videos or props to reinforce concepts and add diversity to the presentation.

    9.Summarize key points: Periodically recap what you've covered to reinforce learning and help the audience stay on track.

    10.End with a strong conclusion: Recap the main takeaways, pose a thought-provoking question, or challenge the audience to apply what they've learned.

    By implementing these strategies, you can create a more engaging and captivating lecture that holds your audience's attention from start to finish.

  56. ||B. Com(ca) shift-2
    1.Clearly define your objectives before making a presentation.
    2.Learning and mastering your subject.
    3.Building the plan and thinking about storytelling.
    4.Prepare and rehearse your oral presentation.
    5.Be natural during the presentation.
    6.Prepare carefully.
    7.Use visuals wisely.
    8.Consider your audience.
    9.Practice with a friend.
    10.Be positive.
    11.Don't rely on technology.

  57. A.P.Bhagyashree
    II B.com CA
    1.A hobby is anything that a person enjoys doing in their own time.

    2.Hobbies can improve your mood since they increase self-assurance and self-worth.

    3.It relaxes our minds.

    4.Different people have various interests.

    5.I enjoy drawing, dancing, reading, painting, playing cricket and football.

  58. 2n b.com ca
    1.A hobby is anything that a person enjoys doing in their own time.

    2.Hobbies can improve your mood since they increase self-assurance and self-worth.

    3.It relaxes our minds.

    4.Different people have various

    5.I enjoy drawing, dancing, reading, painting, playing cricket and football
    6.Use visuals wisely.
    7.Consider your audience.
    8.Practice with a friend.
    9.Be positive.
    10.Don't rely on technology

  59. G.Ashwini
    2 b.com ca
    A hobby is considered to be a regular activity that is done for enjoyment, typically during one's leisure time hobbies include collection themed items and objects, engaging in creative are artistic pursuita, playing sports, or pursuing other amusements

  60. 2 Bcom CA
    1. Prepare a one- minute speech on any one of the following topics:

    c)" Life in College"
    College life are the best part in every person's life. College life is a time full of experiences and learning many new things . It becomes a place where a person has many things that define a person, there is no doubt that the time spent in our college becomes the best time for our lives.college students are stressed by study workload and assignment deadlines. In addition to these monetary difficulties, parental anxiety and impractical hopes also cause stress among students.every individual enjoys their college life and always wishes to relive that time once it is over.

  61. P.R.Ezhilarasi
    College life is a transformative and stirring trip filled with innumerous recollections and gests . It’s a time when individualities embark on a path of tone- discovery and particular growth. In council, one encounters a different range of people, ideas, and openings that shape their perspectives and intentions. From attending engaging lectures and sharing in study- provoking conversations to joining clubs and societies, every moment is a chance to learn and expand midairs. Balancing academic hobbies with social relations, council life offers a unique mix of independence and responsibility. gemütlichkeit are forged, late- night study sessions are endured, and lifelong bonds are created. College life is a vibrant shade of challenges, achievements, and cherished moments that leave an unforgettable mark on one’s trip towards majority.

    1.prepare carefully
    2.present only one big idea per slide
    3.keep your audience oriented
    4.A talk should entertain
    5.give agood instruction
    6.dont forget your audience
    7.use animations sparingly to enhance your presentation
    8.be yourself
    9.use colour that contrast and compliment
    10.make eye contact.

  62. Bcom ca 2nd yr

    A leader is someone who has a powerful intellect and not mere intellect. Leadership is a skill that not everyone is blessed with, a skill that allows an individual to lead people for the greater good of society. Leadership can not be learned or taught but it is a skill that is developed through time. Leadership is all about guiding and leading the people in a group or organization which leads to the success of the group. Leadership is all about having a vision that will help in bringing a change in society.We often see that many people claim they are leaders all based on the position they are in. They might be the managing directors or the CEO of the company. Does that mean having a good position is directly linked to being a good leader? And what are the qualities that make up a good leader?Here we have provided long and short leadership speeches and along with that we have also given 10 line pointers about the leadership speech for students.These speeches of great leaders will help the students to understand the qualities required to be a good leader.

  63. Elakya

    Everyone enjoys doing something during their free time in order to unwind both the mind and the soul. There are some activities in life that provide you great delight and fulfilment. We refer to such a thing as a pastime, something essential to one's happiness. No one in this world is exempt from having a passion; it might be anything from travelling to reading literature

  64. M.Harini
    2bcom ca

    Enhanced confidence and self-image

    Boosted critical thinking and problem-solving capabilities

    Better motivational techniques

    Increased leadership skills

    Expanded time management, negotiation, and creativityMaking speeches at a wedding, conference, or another event

    Making a toast at a dinner or event

    Explaining projects to a team

    Delivering results and findings to management teams

    Teaching people specific methods or information

    Proposing a vote at community group meetings

    Pitching a new idea or business to potential partners or investors

  65. Anuja.S
    Life in College
    College life is a big transition from school life. We go through a lot of changes when we enter college. Our schools were a safe place where we had grown up and spent half our lives. The transition to college is so sudden that you’re no longer protected by your teachers and friends of your school time.

    College life poses a lot of challenges in front of you. You are now in a place full of unfamiliar faces where you need to mingle in. It teaches us to socialize and form opinions of our own. In college, students learn their free will and they go on to become more confident and composed.

  66. R.N.Monisha
    B.com ca Shift 2
    Start with a compelling hook.
    Clearly outline the objectives.
    Use relatable examples.
    Maintain eye contact.
    Use visuals.
    Encourage interaction.
    Vary the tone and place.
    Relate to the audience's interests.
    Do not react with friends while seminar.

  67. 2ND BCOM CA
    1. Practice, practice, practice
    2. Speak, don’t read
    3. Be yourself
    4. Aim for a positive state of mind and a confident attitude
    5. Use verbal signposting

  68. 2nd B.com (CA)
    1.Clearly state your objectives
    2.Organize your content
    3.Use visual aids
    4.Encourage active participation
    5.Tell relatable stories

  69. This comment has been removed by the author.

  70. P.Baghya
    2nd BCA shift 2

    b) My Role as a Team Leader

    Ladies and gentlemen,

    As a team leader, I've discovered that it's not just about managing tasks; it's about cultivating a shared vision and empowering each team member to excel. It involves navigating challenges together, celebrating victories collectively, and fostering an environment where everyone's strengths contribute to our success. Leading a team is like conducting a symphony, where each instrument plays a crucial role in creating harmony. It's a journey of growth, collaboration, and turning challenges into opportunities. In my role, I've learned that true leadership isn't about being at the forefront; it's about inspiring others to shine. Thank you.

  71. S.Nithya Sri BCA shift 2 (212205164) b) My Role as a Team Leader

    Ladies and gentlemen,

    As a team leader, I've discovered that it's not just about managing tasks; it's about cultivating a shared vision and empowering each team member to excel. It involves navigating challenges together, celebrating victories collectively, and fostering an environment where everyone's strengths contribute to our success. Leading a team is like conducting a symphony, where each instrument plays a crucial role in creating harmony. It's a journey of growth, collaboration, and turning challenges into opportunities. In my role, I've learned that true leadership isn't about being at the forefront; it's about inspiring others to shine. Thank you.

  72. My latest hobby become to read electronic books
    And spending me time with my mother it make me some encourage to
    Relax myself


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